r- - - - - WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JULY 23,1986, PAGE 9 FROM PAGE 3 Not aHl groups must pay JV'hitby songwriter Peter Falconeri Songwriter sings Whitby's praises By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Priess Stff "People don't ralze how great it sto live in Whitby," says Peter Falconeri and it was with that ides In mind that the 21-year-old wrote what he hopes wil become the officiai Song of Whitby. "I ike going for walks around the neigh- bourhood,"' said Falconeri explainlng bhow' the Song carne about. "While I was walkcing I ralized how great it ls te live in Whltby with ail lt's advantages, lilce the 'personalized service downtewn and the con- t intt old and new bouses and thoe feelings motivated me te write the song," aaid Flaconeri. 11 came home, picked up a guitar ana started bumznlng, The words came right out of the blue'" 'flic Home of the Mmrigold There's a tewn est of Toronto/ Where the people reaily oughta go/ It's the home of the Marigold/ It's Whitby. Ail the people there are reaily nlce/ Ail the stores and shope are out of sight/ There's no need te get uptlght/ In Whitby. Whitby's. just like a amali town/ Wlth a dif- ferent beat and a new uound/ Grab the kids and come on down/ To Whitby. Come on down and help us grow/ Once you're here you don't want to go/ 'cause we're the town of Ontario/ We're Whltby. WHITBY W HI1TB Y W HI1TB Y spelis Whltby. We're the home of the Marlgold. Once the Song was written, Falconeri had to have it recorded. Havlng played te 25 to 30 bands in, Whitby, written songs for wed- .dtegs and, as .presents,.L and working as a D.J. ln Skaggs ln downtown Whitby, Falconeri knew the next step. "I could have recor- ded the song by myseif but I wanted te share it. " So he enlisted the aid of two frlends, Jason Battle and Freeman McClasn after making a prelimlnary recording of the song in bis Roiedale Dr. home witb his home recording studio. "We then went to a friend in Whitby to record it and having neyer rehased before we went into the studio and finlshed ln an hour and 45 minutes. " "It was done and it sounded great. I waa reaily plassed with the quaity of it. " Falconeri's next step. waa to have Whitby's councillors hasr the song s0 he took it to councillor Joe Drumm who played it for mem- bers of coundil at the asat meeting before the aummer breask. The aong impressed the councillors, aaid Falconeri, so much s0 that Mayor Bob Atter- sley said council may talk about the song ln September. Falconeri says he would like bis song to be to Whitby what 'We're taiking proud' became for Buffalo, New York, a couple of years ago. "I want that mame pride to te felt ln Whit- by," he sald. Falconeri bas afready figured ouit te path for bis song to become 1SEE PAGE 12 ln achools would have free use of faciIities. Since the Town of Whitby has no recreation programs ln the schools, this would flot apply. The Y.M.C.A., however, bas extensive programs in Henry Street High School and would con- tinue to have free use. In 1986/87 ail other non profit groups wil pay $4 per night for use of a classroom; $ 5 for an elementar school gymn; $10 for a secon- dary school gym; and $20 for a librar, cafeteria, or lecture theatre. These rates are ail based on use for two hours. Profit-making groups, such as private music teachers, wiil ee their fees increased from $4 for two hours of classroomn use to $10 for the same time period <$5 per hour>. Charges wil change from $18 per night for any gymn to $15 for an elemnentary gym and $30 for a secondary school gym for a two- hour period ($7.50 per hour and $15 per hour respectively). Profit- making groupe wii pay a flat rate of $75 for use of libraries, cafeterias, and lecture theatres. Weekend use of achools will coet even more. Bodnar notes that to bring the tem- perature of the achool up te a comfortable zone requires the ther- mostat be turned. up several houra before the event. That la why non profit groupe wiil have to pay $21 per hour Saturdays, and $28 per hour Sun- days, Bodnar said. Profit-making groupe wi] pay the samehbourly rate plus the commer- cial charge e.g. a secon- dary achool gym wil coot $21 plus $15 per hour. Both groupe wli pay a 20 percent sur-, charge for the months of November througb March. Doug McDonald, energy manager for the board, sald for the study he calculated the heating cosalncluding heat-up from the regular 55 degrees F. at which achools are kept eveninga and weekends, for a 2,000 square foot gymn at $8.70 per hour dpring the winter mon-- ths of November to March; for a classroom at $1.10. lghting couts for that same gym, he calcuiated at 17 cents an hour. In his calculations McDonald said he did not take into con- aideration the use of exhaust -fans, use of water for waahrooms, llghting in corridors, or other aras of the achool that would need to be hasted to get to the gym. Costs te the board for commun.lty use- of achools whlch were con- sidered in arriving at the new fees included energy, maintenance, and administrative coits, but energy was the biggest factor, Bod- nar ald. ORD] :1' w i i BUY A L ENNOX HI EFFICIENCY CENTRAL AIR, CONDITION ER Or Puise Furnace or Heat Pump and Receve a FREE DUCT CLEANING VAUE 21O00Do OFFER EXPIRES JULY 31, 1986 NOW YOUR ENTIRE HOME CAN BE CLEAN AGAIN! Our exclusive vacuum systemn will reach int every corner of your forced air furnace ducted systemn and remove alilthe duat, soot, bugs, hairs and dirt that have accumulated. " Your drapes and furnishing will sigh with relief " Allergy sufferers wiIl feel refreshed " Air will f low faster warming up cool rooms. 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