PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17.1980, WfH [BY FREE PRESS Meeting Sept. 22 for Bltiegrass projeet A public meeting wili be heid next Monday night by the town's ad- ministrative committee to consider the Bîuegrass Meadows site plan application submit- ted by the Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Crporatian. The DRNPHC projeet would see 58 townhouses built in the subdivision with 45 percent of them being subsidized. Residents of Biuegrass Meadows have been vehemently opposed ta the project since its inception lest spring. The committee put off making e decisian on the site plan before council's summer recess because commit- tee members feit the summer months were a bad time to deal with the issue. A letter ta, the Free Press. fram Ted Feather, a member of the Corridor Ares Ratepayers Association detailed some of the work opponents have been doing during the summer in an effort to stop the prjeet. "We are confident that we have enough THE FAAMING CENTRE 668-4521 CORPORTATION OF THE . c TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING -~ DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Manday, September 22,1986, 7:45 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be heid by the Ad- ministrative Committee of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consider a proposed site pan application submitted by the Durham Region Non- Profilt Housing Corporation. The subjeet property sa located at the northeast corner af Thlckson Road North and Crawforth Street as show on sketch below: - ~* PRO R7 E. iri nl rT-rIT--i The purpose af the meeting is to provide adequate Information to the public and to permit interested persons the opportunity to make representation ln respect af the site plan application. If you are unable ta attend the meeting, your representation can be f lied in writing by mail or personai delivery to reach the Planning Department not later than reguier working hours on September 22, 1986. For turiher information on the site plan ap- plication interesled persons may inspect ad- ditionai information reiating therela in the Plan- ning Department, Levai 7, 575 Rossiand Road East during regular working hours, Monday to Friday or may contact the Planning Departmrrent by teiephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Directorof Planning Corporation of the Town of Whiiby factuel information ta prove that this type of housing wes nat inten- ded for the Bluegrass Meadows Development. The people we have talked with regerding Bluegress Meedows, have indicated thet they wete net aware of the previous planning for this deveiopment. Once everyone is familiar with this information, ne councillor with any integrity would vote ta recoffmend the Disputes settled by ai Froin pg. 3 A $2 million comn- the land araund the prehensive iability in- heuse. surance policy wiil be As part of the con- maintained on the house tract, Cullen Gardiens by the tawn. The poiicy will remnove the snow will place no additionai frein the walkways and costs on the wiii maintain the Ian- municipality since it dscaping around the will be covered through building. Cullen Gar- the town's generai dens wili alsa be respon- blanket insurance sible for heat, hydro and policy. utilities in thehbouse. Cuilen Gardens wili As weli, Cullen Gar- elso carry the same -dens wili have the right amount of publie te advertise Lynde lîability insurance on House as Part of Cullen Like ago-odneig-hboi, StateFari-mis ther-e. See me for car. home, lfe -nd business ,risurance ci 6RoebuckSt., rooklin INSURANCE 5u1:655-3804 1 1 j_ or65-4841 - Siate Farm Insurance companies.canadian Head Ofice: Scarborough. Ontarlo FMicmowave Oven Features .Handy Browning Bernent " 1.000) watt browning elemreni to b own and Crisp toods " Handy browning and meal ack " Ten year warranty Proection on magnetron tube, distribution of m'Ic bwave energy " Removable glas cooking tray " Brown and wood i pe grain styling accenis " Variable power con. N WOL trot -ive dit eent N WO L cycle " Seelihrough dcor odel 56.354 $ 7 0 propased plan. "We have also devoted much time ta investigating the Raglan Non-Profit Housing Corporation, with par- ticular amphasis on the Durham Region. We Sec pg. 9 'bitration Gardens and Miniature Village. The town wili be responsibie for eny damage that may accur ta the house after it has been restored and in the event of another fire, the town will have the sole right ta determine if the building is repairable. Should any disputes arise between the town and Culien Gardens, they will be subjeet ta an arbitration proeess. Separate Board From pg. 3 Failowing the meeting Qîdman agraed. "We need a special commit- tee ta oversea speciel transportation needs.A.. supported Mrs. Stocki's requesi just as I suppor- ted Mrs. Hugel's.' 0f the final recorded vote which he hed requested, Qidman said, *'We're being hypocrites if we deny her <Hugel's) application and grant another's." Pedestrians From pg. 4 in the specified ereas. Skate-boarders toa, should be outlawed in downtown Whitby. There is a time and a place for everything and dawntown Whitby is not a 'Rolier Rink- - it is supposedly a "Business & Retail" area. The Town of WHitby spent $500,000 an rebeautification but between the potted flowers, the trees and the cyclists there is no room for pedestrians an the sidewalk. Money would have been better spent on bike paths surrounding downtown as ai this point, the flowers will only ha useful on the graves of the pedestrians killed by some bike. Barbare Black. Whitby. CLOSING OUT SALE R ENNIES 5BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-3833* EVERYTHING MUST GO! i 4.0-6O%OFF Ail in Store Merchandise *Baby Gifts *Giftware *»AlI Silk Arrangemenits *Wedding Accessori *Christrras Gifts and Decorations FLORAL INQUIRIES WELCOME bb kk.* %ýk lt% res Br»k1 lin IBylines By BETrY-JEAN BLYTH q jCal 655-3679 wlth Items for this column I'm one of those people who don't know how to say "no". As a resuit my life is ciuttered up with a dozen different projects ail clamoring for my attention at once and I don't feel like I accomplish anything. 1 realize there are ail kinds of books an this tapie like "How to get out of Things by Lying Creatively" or "How to Organize Yaur Life by getting Others to do Your Work for You"l but the problemn is to find time to read them. Often we aduits seemn to demand camplicated answers when the key to the problemn is simpiicity. Children know this instinctively. 1 iearned that the solution ta my prabiem is ta concentrate on one thing at a time. I learned this by listening ta a Uitie boy who on being asked his age repiied "I'm four". He was next asked when he wouid be five and after a moments thought, he an- swered profoundly, "When I'm through being four" MOM'S MORNING GROUP A new 15 week session of this great program, will begin on Sept. 24 in Brooklin United Church Hall. This is a speciai program geared ta young mnothers who are laaking.for more mental stimulation than Sesame Street can pravide and more enlightening conversation than explaining ta Junior why a whoie rail of tissue in the toilet flooded the bathroam. It is a chance for a yaung mather ta get out and iearn a new craft, take a tour or listen ta speakers on a variety of tapics whiie the littie ones are enter- tained by themselves. She can relax over caffee and meet new friends withaut worrying what the kids are up ta. The cost for this is $35 plus $1 per chiid per day for babysitting. The programn runs every Wednesclay morning fram 9:15 ta 11: 15 giving her pienty of time ta get home for the schoolage youngsters who came home for lunch. The first session an the 24th will demonstrate how ta make chocolate treats for Halloween, Christmas or unique gifts for someone special. For more information eall Sue Anne Squires at 683-5217 or Cheryl Flanders at 655-4188. CHILDREN'S CLUB Meadowcrest Baptist Church has a club for boys and girls fram age three up ta high schoal age that takes place in the church hall every Wednesday evening from 7 ta 8:30. There wiii be exciting stores and activities ta suit each age group and all.children in the surrounding area regardless of religlous af- filiation are invited ta attend. ROYAL DOULTON The Christian Educatian Committee of Brooklin United Church is sponsoring an exhibit af Royal Doultan figurines and tableware at the church on Wednesday, October 1, at 8 p.m. Everyone in- terested in this exquisite art forin are invited ta at- tend. Refresiments wiil be served and the door prizes will be one of the figurines. Tickets for $3.50 are available by cailing Marie 655-4168 or Gloria 655-4878. FASHION SHOW Burns Kirk Guild are sponsoring yet anather af their famaus shows with a difference. This one is Colour Sensation and features imported and designer fashions from Janes' Boutique of Janes' Face Fashians and Calours of Oshawa. Ail the clathing and accessories will be geared ta the colour groups af spring, summer, fail and winter. If you have had yaur colours dane but find it dif- ficult ta pick up just the right item ta enhance your wardrobe, then this is for you. Most places these days seem ta carry nothing but the new fashion colours for the season and they do not aiways suit ail of us. Sa, mark September 30 on your calendar as a *must do". It will be held at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club starting at 8 p.m. As usuai there wiii be doar prizes and refreshments. Tickets are $7 and avaîlable at Ashburn General Store, and Shart's Pharmacy in Broakiin. BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH NEWS The cangregatian would like ta welcomne the new minîster, Rev. E. Frazer Lacey at the Il a.m. ser- vice an Sunday, September 7. A luncheon wiii flliaw that wili gîve everyone an apportunity ta become acquainted with the Laceys as well as ta renew aid friendships af ter the summer holidays.