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Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 24. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1986, WITBY FREE PRESS FREE PRESS 'EM PO.R IUM Emporium Ad@ wiil only bc accepted subject to the followîng conditions. ARTICLES FO AE FOR SALE CANON 31OXL Saper 8 manie canea& wiih 8.5 - 25.5 mm 200m COMMERCIAL type freezer, Ions, excellant condition, aakIng Shealsr, 8 f. long wiSh 2 lIidIng $125 or bess aller. Phonoe68 doare, sew compreor Jan. '85, 2271, senings. «askIflg $1.500. Phone 668-506. SOLID PINE end pins vesser ral top desk, top con be rsmoved for a flot surface, excellent con- dilion, sacrifice, $400. Plons 728- 7744. 1lem PETR built codex trlp le' boat snd motor, 31,000. 1070 Hardtop camper, spas,.ha. fumace and add-e-oom by whee, 81,.0 Sou. fi. Woodgrais frsezer, $200 Plions 058-270Z. CHILDOS swtmming pool, 2 ft. deep end 8 I. In diamneter, pain- led gaivanizerisetl, drain piug, safety caver. $99. Plons 808- 1784. 114KIRBY vacuum, ait attsoh. mente, good condition, $40. Phone 985-395. KITCHEN electric waiimouni -globe ighl fixture, oit white with painled rose rie, rown and gold, $5. pal liglt recsssed ceiins flisure, $4. Change table, white, $25. Rainbarrei, $5. Eight pine railinga, $20.86554-48 à DININO moorntchaire, excellent condition,.$40sech. Rock maple kluches aut, 4 chaire, $105. Car- nsr cabinet, $75 Sold wood dresser and mirrar, $SU. Oaki rockisg chair, $50. Antique dlsfing roorn tabe, 2 Iaavee, $1650. Bookahel, $15. Phase 6834638. ROUND OAK podestat table for sale, 6 matching chairs, S isaoes for table, ail In excellent con- ditian, ashing 31,395 or hest aller for set, munI ssii. Aso carinsi for sale, $100. Cail 683-663. HOMELITE eiectric generator, 60M w, seri once, lista eI oner $500, oeit$3M. 655-3413, aller 5 SOFA & CHAIR $30. Caftes table, $3. Sterea stand, $75. Orange tub chair, $75. Blsck swlvei rocker, $90. Te. Sus. 441- 7869, Home 831-9199. ADMIRAL fridge and slave, goid, good condition, $700. Solid wood tripe dressaer wth nanily section, $100. Two steel shoines. $25 ssch. 668-4046. FOR SALE goid coioured Viking range 30, fuiiy operationsi, $150. Boys Baaer skates, size 3, $15. Girls figure skates, size 2, $15. Chtld slzed skating helmsl, $7. 868411i1e MUSICAL QOISTUMETS1 ACCORDIAN 'Scsndaliil, 120 basa, ladies suze, like nsw, $900 irm. Orgsn - Lowry'Maglo Genie 88, eieciric, Ilke new, $3,000 flrm, replacement vaue $5000. Tel. 6554480. MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 mals puppieu, CKC regislered, shots, dewormed and homersised, good wlh chidren, non-shedding and non-slergic, $400 each. Cati Port Pery (416) 985-3960 HIGH CHAIR made I taly, sBat redlIses, $4. Cait 088-7269 anylmo.' GENDRON baby cardage for sae, askIng $30 or beal alter. Phase 688-3043. TWIN STROLLER Sivrcresl, for sale, $85,Ilike nsw. Joiiy lumper an stand, $10. Baby car seat, $5. CaII868-7810. BABY ITEMS for sala: crib, $30. Higitchair, Silnrcroase, $50. Change table with tub, $25. DressIng table, $25. Car asesis, Stroles, $40 sa. Double strailer. Perego, $100. Ficher Price mobile, $12. Engiish pram, $40. Phone 668-3990. -PLEASE READ- When te advertlsed item la sold, disposed of, or usavailable for whalever reasan, te item will be deemed ta have been sold and a commission wilho charged baaed an THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrsted below, regardiesa If price la staled wlth "best ffer. If the item la NOT SOL, or disposed of, the ad wilt ho run for 3 MONTIIS and a'MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 will appiy payable in sdvance o! publication of the first ad. The above minimum charge wllt ho appied ta the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Att adver- tisemenla must ho placed an an exclusive basis with te WH ITBY FREE PRESS and rua at tast one month if not sotd. RATES (if article lasldi: 5% of adverlised prîce sip te $400.00 2% of balance avec 1400.0 EXAMPLE: Sold Item adverliied fer $SSOsO. Commission due $7.50 (minimum charge la87.5o) Private advertlsing ontyt Please natify the Whitby Fiee PresImmediately when Item la nold sa diua we may delele t from thte fattawlng Issue. Al adsnsot fitting te Emporium guidetines wlU ho treated and charged per week as regulsr ctassified ada an a pre-paid basin such an: services, heîp wanled, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ado, or ado noS quoting prIce or quantity. Private classified ada msy appear in te Emporiumt section snder appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whtby. LIN 581 Il ln doubt catI: 668-6111 OR DELIVERTO: 131 Brock 89. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. NEED To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT WJUR NEW COMMUNITY? Phone 668-8943 Our hostess will rng gis and ,reeli,,,along wlh hoiptu cammunity information. SPECIALS GALQRE! The Framlflg Centre 668-4521 1970 8UICI< Skyiark (parts) grill, bumper, taillions, cyl. hosade, $220. Oshawa, 438-280. 1970 COMET ô cyl., for parts, gaod motor, transmission, rear end, comploe car, $20. Phase MOTORS, Oodgs, GM, Toyota, Honda and Ford, $150 oaci. Four goori tires, $5 each. Excellent windows for garage, shop or greenhoase, 5 fI. s 8 fil., 4 il. n 6 f., $45 esa.ins cars for parts. $250 es. (75 Dadge. OMO. Cheny. 74 Oodge, Ford truck). Cati Ted, 655-4949, anylIme. FOUR VARI fit 14x6" chrome wire basket whesis and four Uniroyal Tiger Paw E70x14 tires, $200. Four BF. Goodrich Eurca TA. 235160HR14 on 4 Cheviot.hot wire alumInurnt woels 14x7' ta fit 79 and up Muaangipri, 80 and up T-BirdiCougar, ail brand new, coal $1200, ssi far $950 f Irm. Complote one new set (4) Cragar SS whssl spinnera, $45. 318 motor Woaod), $2W. 1980 225" super sianl six and sulomatic transmission (good), $280. Pions 655-3266. FOUR aimoal new stsal radiais, P206175R15lFR78115, $160. Fins new Goodysar Wrengter radiais P198178R15, $40. Ons 50w Edeibrock SP2P atuminunt Intako manIfoid and kI for amali bock Clievrolot, $20. Four aimosi SlOW aluminunt star spahi wheeis, ô boIt la f ialJapasese trucks and sarne Chaos, $75 sach, Phone 655-3m6. PARTS FOR a 1963 hallton truck, 6 cyl. mnotor, A-i condition, 3150. 655-3410. C %%TOMBILES AUTOMOBILESI :" FOR SALE 1985 JEEP RENEGADE 8,000 1876 CHEVY van 20, cuetomizeri, mles, 6 cyl., 5 speed, ps., p.b., beri, Icsbon, carl, higli bock, tlut, many extras, $12.400. 655- buchst mse, AMJFM oseltte 4682, afler 6 p.m. sterea, mage ail around andd rew ______________________ braises, lares andi traiter hlch, noeers body woris, said te la,ý 1981 FORD ESCORT, Iw don., $1.400. Cail 433-1579., cassette, sunroof, 56,000 mites, $2,150. Phone 688-8338 1901 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cyl., automatic, ps., p.b., excellent condition, $2900. Caii 433-1531, Oshawa, anytime. 1980 OLDS 98 Regency 350, eaier suteriar, bise Interior, iaadsd wth options, osiy 86,000 km, vii maintained, asking $5,200 car- tlised. 655-4712. 1970 00001 Traduesmas300 Van, carpet and panel, sotended rosf, aakisg 83,000 or boat aller. 668- 3991, atterO p.m. 1978 BUICK LTD 403 engins, 82,00 mulsa, etectric sunroof, loaded, $2,995. Caii 579-4142, ef- ter6p.m. 1978 PLYMOUTH Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., good con- dition, $1,200 or best aller. Tetephone 668-0765. 1977 DATSUN F10 goari engine, body fair, noa esta, valve lob and gaod tires, $680as ls. Pitons 668- 6457. 1977 HONDA Htchback, 4 speed, neW clulcit, rebult motor, needs body work, $700 or boat af- fer. 668-8528. 1976 CHRYBLER CORDOSA ps., phb., air conditloning, $60 or bost alter. CaitI655-3176. 1970 OMO 44 ton vas, rusa but needa body wortx or go<l for par. le, $250. Phono 655-4938, efft rô p.m. 1970 FORD F100 pickup, ps., phb., certif led one month ago, nsw aitemalor, regulator and bat- iery, $900 or hast otter. Phions 666-1781 allerS pr. 1074 FORD pickç up 'h ton F100, $450. 1977 Olda Dlia 88, drives daily, can ho certlled, $8M or al- fer. 1975 Camaro, needs body woris, rusa good, $35 or affer. 723-2818 or 436-6115. 1972 PONTIAC Ptselenne, 77.000 miles original, sn runnnigcoS- dition, estre body parts aatabie, $20 uncertIfied. Caîl Paul M&8 1532, aller ô p.m. 1M87CH EVROLIET 2 door, Coach Sedan, 50% restored front graund up, aIl parts original and comploe, manuaIs and extra parts, 93,600. Phone M82744. 12 FOOT wooden saliboat ready for iaunchisg,$M0. Plhonse0ôte 2787. a s WORK WONDERS SJh~iumc WANT .U. CALLMOO1< mnIII«wv M 4%pCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because yeu find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if net, do cali 668-6111 and we'Il be pleased te explain the Emporium Section te you personally. If you: @are a private advertiser; ehave an article to seli; and, @havea specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details I Your ad wiIl run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wilI sel, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7,50? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. rI have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish 10 have the Ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whithy Free Press.1 - (donIt forget la nclude your phone number 1 I enclose $7,50 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $7.50 to my Visa account. Card No. Enp. liste Name iplease prlnti Address Lily, . ..........- l'allai Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. IAdvertised Price Up to $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ $500 $8600 $ $900 $1,000 j $2,000 $3.000 $4,000 $5,000oand up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 815.00 $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 $32,00 852.00 $72.00 392.00 $100.00 ýcity. . . . . ... P«tàl -Code: a

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