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Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1986, p. 25

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WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I,, 1986, PAGE 25 WHJTBY'S MOST WIDELY READ IJNEMPLOYED? The Unam- ptayad Hetp Centre cen asslst with: Emptoymani CaunseltIng, Reaumas, Unemptoyment In- suranca, Woriaara' Compes. ation, O.N.i.P. and waIfare ln- formation, or criais retenTaIs ica otheraganolea. CatI 579-1821. ICREAER PamadCard. Adviaaa on '*&Ilproblems o Ile. New toî Ora Region ara, TiIs *gItadtlady has appamdon* T.V 9c c rate. 436-8419 "OGRAMMER for peopla who hala grammar" la the Ideai pochaI relerance book for businaess people. $3.95 par copy and endilable ai Oickson Prlnting & Offica Supplieas In tha Ajax Plaza. Dealtar InqulrIas Invtted 883-1968. ~C A R E ~ARTICLES ARCL ES AR E T~ C ES ~ ~ UNITIESFOR SALE FOR SALE N G ~T I WILL GIVE lo0109 cars ta pour UNLIMITED INCOME. Join aur MICRO FURNACE space age CHIMNEY PIPE.- Suparchimnay CEAVLEYROTro, chiid In my huma, Monday la mail order pragrem, wurk eI heater seves you monay, don't b0 2000,7 Ich steiniesa steel, 21 Il. OSKL EAVLEYROTro, Friday, full or par.Iime. Phone home, Par more intormnation aand loft1ln IRe coid order paurs loday. aI pipe, watt kil, bracs ansd TRIN ING 'Ywy. 35-115, Clarke, 4th Con- 6664981. $1.00 Ion postageanad handling 6832638. brush, ouIy used four months, cession, beautualiampground, __________________ l J & E Entarrarime, Bax 39-P, _________FOR_____ muisai 80.86-725 llr eeson $635. Campgrouxd 1-786- StatiDonREn lulu M, Torono, MOSS 4T2. ut*at,$008TR15,AVe ioeL&TOiSM* 2562Toronto office 651-5754. QUAIT Station alovngMATTRESSES and box springs ai . cUM11jH = Mý home annrosmani. BREIECE training and auperianca, fli dlaycare program plus betoreand0 aller achoat. Otter Creeh, 430- 1442. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 868-6111 BEAUTIFUL 6fil. Grand piano, rosawaod, 7 years otd. Asa Nammond organ. Cao ha sean ai 201 Mason Dr., Whtby. Naaeta ose to appraclata. CONGRATULATIONS on your 44 ARAU MARE, 7 peers, chesi- forhcomlng meriaga. Pieass nul, blond mass and tell, 16 han- vlaw oun sempias xl angranadi de, EngilsIt. Alsu ose sIngia hum. wedding Invitations et your se traiter. 705-764-2258. taisura ln aur Aa Plaza atome. _____________ Dicksos PrIntlng & Office Sup -____________ plles,683-î968. ~O T & U.JL BUY/ ENTI PROP à SKEG repaire - fest soi- vce, lbergiass supplias - mein, WANTED 1800 cc angine Ian Dat- sun 610 station wagon ln gaad runnIxg ardar. Cali 433-8830 elier 6 P.M. SYSTEM EPOXY - mirror inish boat peint. Rayplax - Oshawa Glass.- Fibre, 341 Durham Si. 579. 1433. BARN SWALLOW POTTERS AUTUMN OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, OCT. 4.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUN DAY, OCT. 6.- il a.m. to 5 p.m. Decorative and f unctIonal handmade pottery Sby Deanna Jones Top of the HilIn Groenwood (Westney Rd. and Hwy. 7) 427-0598 IBROOKLIN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Operatlng THEBROOKLIN SPRING FAIR wIII hold 1)5 Annual Meeting to eleot Directors and Officers for the coming year on: THURSDAY, OCTOBI Cassoa Rd. East, J. Woodward THE FALL BO0K PAIR Sunday, Oct. 5, 11 ar.. .5 p.m. Tha Con. cari Naît, 888 Yonge St., Toronto. Rare & aacond.ttand books, mapa, prlnts and retated Items, $2.W0 entrance. (416) 5U62024. WOODSTOCK WOOD SHOW Oct. 3-5,10-9 dalîy except Sunday 10-5, Woadstock FaIrgrounds, exhIbîts & semînars os wond, woodworcIng totls, equlpment. Auction of places from (urlsd otrampionshIpa (519) 539-7772. RED LAKE District 1119h Schoat Raunton. Juiy 16-19, 1987, Par. aona who attendedt 1952-87 ara beIng recaited. Reunian Commît. tee, Bax 773, Red Luake, Ont. POV 2MO. Wr rmhome and ha poial.W'lshow you *how. Casstteeand coiaurl bohr,$4,00. LNIHA8OCIAES P.O. BOX 405, STATIONTOOT, A6 C EARN 16% par year ln US. dollars, guaranloadt By way af ieading Marine Cargo Cantainers, rentaliincamo ino marine cargo containers psy $2,325 par peur, cen psy $4,650 per year, 25 psy $11,625, par your, iangih oaIlaase sa UP to 15 yoars 15 yr. incromen- ta), minimum invesimoni $3100, ail abono In US. dollars, usk about our Capital Appraciatian pragramn (416) 368-3585. Wrie: Pacfic lloRm Container Salas Lld., 2nd loor, 33 Yonga Si., Toronta M5E 1S9. DISTRIBUTORS, part-lime or fll. lima seliing aur high queiity line af distillea, fhuera, and watar soitanars, for rasidantial & com- mercial applications, ba your own boassand eaernextra Income n 1h18 gmowing Indusiry. For mare Inormation contact Water Puriiy Systams, 537 Brant St., Burlingion, Ont.,LUR 2G6. (416) 639-0M3. HELP YOURSELF ta a fortune. Par a IreIlst af anar 25 monay making" opportunliies wrte ta R.C. Marketing Ca., Depi. 028, Bas 323, Station J, Calgary, Aiberta T2A 4X6. EXXXTRA EAZZY Income, work when you wenl by salIing aur paniphose & panfume, second tergastItems purchassd by woman, 50 designer shedes and 25 .ragrances ai 50% aIl retaiI..direct lrom the manufac- turer, commission aI 20-30%, wth greas rapeai business. The StockIng Shoppo, 269 Main St., Mount Farest, Ont. (519) 323- 1460. NEEDLECRAFTERS Excellent Income potentili aching & sailing noodiecralis tor Panda StichcraIi. RopraseniatIvas especiaiiy naaded ln smaii com- munilies. Write Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave., Burington, Ont.LUR IT5. ER 16186 s) 8:00 P.M. GARAGE SALE Saiurdey, Oc- Church I ober 4, 9 a&.. t 3 p.m. - piano. Inlted Mhrc hall stand, tops, books, , Brockiln, Ont. houeîiaîd Items, 38 Carter Crea. ', Manager Whiby. TNANKSGIVING BANNER SALE AT Etoavir Hereord Ferme, FilsAR tan, Mon., Oct, 13, 1 p.m. Appran G SALES 501lots: cxws, saines, be afr & butts. YARD SALE Saiurday and Son- day, Ociober 4 and 5, ai 10 a.m. Ramn or shine, goodies gaiargp 1525 Dundas Si. W.(Nwy. 2 near SAUTOMOBILES OshawasGardon Centra). FORRSA SAELE 1973 PONTIAC Laurantion - V8, 2 door, p.s., p.b.,iow miieage, good t.1 ,J R E condition, runa weii, asking $6W0 Phone 66é&5040. 1972 OLDS Cullae, 76,000 original mites, goad unning condition, SM00 ncamlfîad. Cel Pal, &fiernô p.M., 666.6430. FREE: Drap Inia the Dickson Priniing and Office Suppiy store ln the Aax Plaza and pick up a free sopy of the 1986Mairis Calendar. Printed In two colours. il makes for handy ralerance. 683-1968. hall prîca. MoKeen PuruIture, 524 Slmcoe Street Southt, Oshawa. 725-5181. BUILDINGS - Speciai Cearance. 20x24 Il. $2,300. 24x24 Il. $2,600. 28x36 IL. $3,900. 32x36 il. $4,300. 36x48 fi. $6400 and 40x68fil., $8,100. Culit 985-7930. DELUXE COMMODE chair, removabta arma, fli-swIng wheeIs, brakea on both ront whaais, foot rests, as naw csa $400, ashing $215. Phono 968. 5040. TWO PICTURE windows, 6 il. wide xs510 Il., double glazed wooden frames, Ideailfor cottage or addition, $100 aach. 8668-9422, aller 4 p.m. GEOTYPE pres-on iaiering 00w n stoch ai Dickson Prlnting il,0O. lice Supplies In the Aan Shop. ping Plaza. Large selaciion of styles and sizas. Why psy more for a smeIiar sheai ut itterlng? 683-1968. PEL ELECTRIC fencing supplies, taiti Invantory saittoff,flirsi coma, lirai serva, 55k for 115t. Electris Fencing Systama of Canada, Box 3025, Kitchener, N2G 4R5 (519) 745-9846. NEVER FORGET ta bmr your headiights off againi Make your car more visible on the road withoui the worry aI e dead bat. tery, greal stocking stuller, the headiighi ramIndar sImpIy pluga nitoue panai, $9.95 plus lau, Includa $2 shippingihsndiing, VisaiM.C. Cali 1-800-263-3735 weakdays 9-9. Stewart Spacieliiy, Bax 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4W4. Ordars shippad sae day. MONTREAI. MILITARY Surplus: Workshiris $2.75, workpantvs $3.50, workbooia $15. For catalog, send $2 ireimhursed irai ordar): Miiitary Surplus, Boa 243, St. Timoihea, Ouebec JOB IXO. CHESTERFIELD suites, lovaseais, sectionais, leus than %Oh prise. Large selection. McKaen Purniture, 524 Simcoe SiS., Oshawa. 725-5181. $10 DAILY pas la Slivliog '86 torestry show for amali woadlol management, Oct. 3. 4, 5, Peiawawa National Forastry In. stitute, Nwy. 17, Cheik River, Ont. Phone (613) 589-2880. COLLAPSIBLE VINYL truck caps for ail modeis, savon colour, lieruture uvalable. Ilghi truck syslems, Boa 3025, Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4R5 (5191 7459846 or (519) 742-0375 enanings & weekends. $88 STEEL Buildings $$$ Varlous nîzes avalabte, exemple 3Ox50u14 $4990; 46050016 $9,960, equipped with large doaru. Oue 10 imited quantities and low pricas sarlous buyers oniy wiii save many dollars. We Bledt by paying tor your cali. Act n0w and sava 1.800.387.2115. STEEL BUILDING 'PA prIca sale. Buy une bulding ai ragoter price gai double lengin for 50% mors. Phone PioneerlEconspan colieci for Inormation (416) 678. 1585. PLOWINO MATCH SPECIAL on ail steel buildings. Ouonei 40060 $6,995, siralghiwsii 30050 $7,152, othar siza. aveliabia. Cuit 'NEROES ai the Bible' soiouring book avalabte ai Oickson Prin. ing & Office Supplias, Aax Plaza, 6831968. Dealer Inquirias invted. HARDWOOD 1006 forIlirawaod, 12 cord loads daiivered, 705-754- 2268, MarrIli Barry. #MAPLESTONE FARMS complts partneahip dispersai simmentel sale, Oct. 12, 12:30 p.m. aitIhe faim, Kempinliae. Ollering 25 lois: 14 cawical pairs, 8 bred lemaies, 2 hardsire prospects. Contact Jim & Daraihy McGIII (6131989-5727. NATIONAL CAPITAL simmeniai sala,DOct. 11, 1 p.m., Nobs Sale Arana, Ashton, ollarlng 59 Ita: 16 cawicall pairs, 33 brad lemalas, 9 open helers, 1 har- dslra Prospect, luiibioods and purabreds. Conact Transcon Livastock 413) 250-290. SHILON VALLEY & Wyacnasi Simmental dispersai & Louella Simmental radtuctian sale, Oct. 13, 1 p.m., Hickson Sale Arasa, Lndsay, ollaring 90 flibtoad, purebrad and parceniege lots: 50 cowlcait pairs, 35 bred tomaes, 2 apen haitors, 3 hrdaire prospec. ts. Contact Trenscan Livesiack (403)2502990. VISIT our usad turniture warehousa by appainimani. Big savings on desks, chairs, Miing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Prin. ting & Office Supplies lu arrange an appoinimant ta, view. e83. 1968. RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New technalagy for reaeing wauer ai the sourcs allers weiltoiv aucai protection thmoughaui antire waiar system. No sai or messy chamicais, Seo the resuits wlth aur 6 monih triai aller. Ouate: "Barry Kinch - Kanabeak, Ont. Thanhs egain for puiiing oui a system that resIiy doas what you Bay I wii." For clear, swoat, water - cail 1-800-268-2656, orea 807 cali 1-800-624-4344. (Youli bo gîad you did.) NORITAKE CHINA fcr Christ- masil Ordar 00w und save $85 on ail receni patterns. Ploaso specily your Naritake China put- tern numo and number. For price lisi, shape rolerenca guide, ship. plng delaili, Bond today tampod sel.uaddressed business anvoiop la Aleonders, 158 Wanians Ave., Taronto, Ont. M4N 1W2. HARD WATER PROBLEM8? In. inoducîng the water safiener that dosnl use sait. No mare iuggIng heevy bageai cosiiy sait. Othar solenars ramnove calcium and othar gaad.lor.yau mineaes. Wa dont add Sait ta yaur wter or rmona baneficiai miserais, becausa thal's nul gaod for you. Other saltanars take Up lois af raom, use electricity, requira backwashing, coat pleniy taIn. &atiand foc mach lis meltain. Wa dont. Cali t oil rse 1-80»68 2656 for heaithier, better feeling cleaner-washlng waler. USED DESKS, iles. niorage cabinets, siacking affice chairs, steel ad(unlabie nheiving, store dispiayn. Blairs New and Used. 21 Aiao Ave., Waodhridge. Phono (416) 851-8100.,fleur Nwy. 7 and 400, Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Sal. 10-1. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKEEPING CLERI< *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *PASHION MERCHANOISING & DESIGN *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *OENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Financlat Assistance may be avallable -Job Placement Assistanca TORONTO SCHOOL 0F BUIESS FREE: 1986 guida 10 study-at- home corraspondanca Dîplomna courses tor prestîglous caroars: Accountlng, Air conditIonlng, Bookkeeplng, Busoaesa, CosmetaIogy, Electronîca, Legat/MadIal Secrelary, Psychatagy, Traval, Grsnton (5A) 263 Adelaîde West, Toronto, 1- 800-268-11121. EARN EXTRA INCOMEI Leam ta prapare Income Taxn mturnî by corraspandance, local Franchise avallabte. Write Tex Tîme Ser- vices Mt., 1304 Spears Rd., Oak- villa, Ont. LOL 2X4. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. Laarn tram the tirai rate achool, Canadien champion Inatruclors, clasaes atari Navambar 3. Jordan & McLean School of Auc- tioneerIng. Kitscotv Aberta (403) ONTARIO'8 PAVOURITE famiiy rasait pessants "Thenksgining In the Highlands". Bush In Mindasaa beautiltarray aI autumnn bavas and an)oy àa wensweicama on Thenksgiviug weekand. Fait dan- se, iuriiay dInnar, basebai gare, ireasure hunt for kiddlas. Cati naw for rasemeations <705) 286-2381, Nosplaiiy Inn. (~MENTSI CODSFOR RIENT TWO *EDROOM eparimani, eailalei Octaber 3, for quiet couple, 2appiiancaa, parking and utlilties Inciuded, $SOOmanih, tire nd tset, no pets. 666.1228. QUIET SOUTH Oshawa ara, close ta south G.M., 865tweak, use of kitchan, bath and laundry lacliiIias. Fiel and lest. Analiebis lmmediaiely. Cali 679-4776. FOR RENT for New Yars Ena, Knights ai Calumbus Naît, 133 Brook St. N., Whiiby, 668.4201, 668-3852. 8252,(403) 848-2211. . 10 Mobile Homes - - Clearwaier - Thraa badroam mobie hmes HetdPooale, tniclose ta beechea en E7~UP RSnuî~l major atractian,schiidia01 ' r'" I omeise i as n mote ADULT VIDEOS FOR VIOEO ORDERS ONLY t5.,1 ARTrICLES CALL FREEI4-86M3-7934 1.2...WFOfiRENTI THIS WEEKS SPECIAL $19.95 TO ORDER OUR PULL TYPEWRITER rentai, many COLOR CATALOGUE ai $395 makea and modae, by the CALL 1-804382-5511 weteiwkormnh uaxxaexuxxxsxxxxaxnax Discounts avalebie. Dickson STOP BEDWETTINO, iJnied PrîntIng & Office Supplies ln the Enuratic has correcied unar Aa Plaza. Cail os for busines 20,000 cases, bedwaliing machina repairs. 683-1968. somneiimeB weakens schoot abililies. Gai confidentiel Infor- mation lrom U.E.S.C., Boa 3311, Cambridge, Ont. N3N 4T3, siatingag~end phone numbar. DATES GALORE. For ait agosuand unatiached. Thousandn I ofmn bers anulous to moei psu. Prestige Acquinuances cal til- lree 1-8002639163. Houns 0000 tilil 8 p.m. MISRTRIM IEvergreen Prunngl *NewLandscaping,I *Compot@ Lawn & *Gardon Maintenance I ~§N~COUNTRY ORCHARD * ~ Pick Your Own Apples * ~ Salurday & Sunday, 10-4 only. *WEEKDAY SPECIAL - FILL YOUR OWN BUSHEL $ 5.50 each - Macintosh Tuesday-Friday, 10-4:30 WEST ON TAUNTON RD. & HWY. 12 1(Next to CulIlen Gardens) 1 miracle W -e , . _____________I ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. if billed -3$6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not l'e 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding Inss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words: 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors In publication beyond the cost of the space occupied additional word. such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- reject ail] advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. l)EAIANES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can l'e changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words;, 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43operine ýN vvi !,. -'iowed) to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby F'ree Press will makeé 668-61 11 # --- -- - .. .. .. ...................... là. 4..i , 1e e 9 0 a 4 0,ee 4,,e~y I i

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