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Whitby Free Press, 8 Oct 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS FREE'PRESS EM PORIUM Emporium Ade wili only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. ARTICLES iI L 1 FO AE FOR SALE CANON 31OXL Super 8 monie COMMERCIAL type freezer camera clth 8.5 - 25.5 ram 200m Shfefr 8fi. long cifh 2 oiiding tons, excellant condition, aoking doors, nec compressor Jan. 85, $125 or hast of fer. Phone ffes aakIng $1,80 Phono 668-5M60 2271, evenIngs. SOLID-INE and pine veneor roll top desk, top Cen be remoyed for a f laf surface, eocellent con- dtion, aacrifice, $40. Phone 728- 7744. 194 PETER bulif coder trip 116' boat and moor, $1.000. 1970 Hardtop camper, eeps'8, has fuae and add.a.roomn by choit, $1,50. 8 ou. f. Woodgrin freezer, $200. Phone 688-2702. CHILD'8s wimming pool, 2 fi. disep and 8 f. In dismetar, pain- ted gafvsnized steel, drain pi ug, aafefy cover,- $89. Phone 666 1784. 1964 KIRBY vacuum, ehaiatach- ment, good' condition, $400. Phono 985-3958. KITCHEN eiectric weiimounf globe ight fiofure, off white with painfed rose f rim, brocn and gold, $5. Pot iight rcessed celiing fixture, $4. Change table, white, $25. Relobarret, $5. Etght pine raitinga, 2. 655-4882. S DtNING roomn chaire. ecelent condition, M40 ech. Rock mapie kleol e, 4 chaire, 8195. Cor- ner cabtnet, $75. Soiid Wood dreser end mfrror, 85M. Oakx rocktng chair, 85. Anttque dintng room table, 2 teavea, $160. Blootxhotf, $15. Phono 663-4636 ROUND OAK pedesal table for aale, 6 mafching chairs, 5 beaves for tebte, al n excellent con- dition, aaking $1.395 or hoast offer for sot, muet oel. Aso carinet for sale, $100. Coul 6836m3. HOMELITE eiectric generator, 600 c, used once, lista af over $500asi $350. 6553413, ater 5 p.m. SOFA à CHAIR $300. Cofee table, $3. Stereo stand, $75. orange tub chair, $75. Btack swinoi rocker, $60. Tel. Bus. 441- 7869, Homo 831-9199. FOR SALE goid coioured Viking range 30" fatiy operetionai, $15. Boys Bouer skates, size 3, $15. Girts figure skates, size 2, $15. Chiid sized skating heimet, $7. 668il.1116 AIRTIGHT Carmor woodetovO, oserts 1n1o reglar froptace, glass door, gold t rim, asking $225. Phone 688-0053. ELECTROHOME humidifier. $60. Food procesor, Moufine, handly used, $55. Phone 6681328. FRIGIDAfIRE 30 electrlc stove, avocado green, very good con- dîf on, $225. Cati 433-4689. ACCORDIAN 'ScondafIi', 120 base, ladies si ze, Ilko now. $900 f rm. Organ - Lowry 'Maglc Geole 88, elecfrlc, lîke no, $3.000 f rm, replacement value $5.000. Te. 655-448. PETS & SUPPLIES MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 mate pupplea. CKC raglslered, affole, dawormed and homeraised, good wlth chlldren, oon-shaddlng and non.allerglc, $400 each. Cati Port Perry (416) 9854960. GENDRON baby carniage for sale, asklog $30 or bout offer. Phone 668-3043. TWIN STROLLER Slvercresf, for sale, $85, lîke new. Jotfy jompar on sfand, $10. Baby car seat, $5. Cal l 887810. BABY ITEMS for soie: crib, $30. Hghchair, Slvercrosae, $5. Change table cih tub, $25. resing fable, $25. Car seat , Strolee, $40 ea. Double strolter, Perego, $100. Flcher Price mobile, $12. EngIlih pram, $40. Phone 86e8390. -PLEASE READ- When theadvertised item issootd, dlpoeed of, or unavailabie for wfatever reason. the item wiIi be deemed to have been sold and a commission ciii be charged based on TIE ADVERTISEO PRICE as ilustrated below. regrdless If priceis stated wth "boni offer*' If the Item os NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wil ho mn for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 7.50 wîii appiy payable in advance of publication of the firsi ad. The above minimum charge wiiI ho opplied to the final commission due. Manimum commission: $10000. Ail adver- tisemenis muni ho placed 0n5an exclusive bois with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai cles one month if nont odý RATES tif arttcle is noidi: 5% oi advertised price ap ta 8400.00 2% of balance ovor $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertiscd for$ 150.00. Commission due $7.n0 cminimum charge is887.50 Privrale advertlslng onlyl Please nnify ftne Whtby F'ree Press immediatety when item is soîd ou that ce may delele if frnm the foîiowing issue. Ail adsn fot fitting the Emporium guldelixes wiIi ho treated and charged per week as regular cfasified adn on a pre-pald basin such an: services, beip wanted, ciot.hing, reui esiato. and pomsonal message type adn, or adn not quotlng price or quantity. Privale ciassified adas may appoar sn the Emporium section undor approprialo headings. ALL AflS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAILADS TO: FREE PRESO- EMPORIUTM P.0. Bon 206 Whigby. LIN &SI If ixdoubt cati: 668-611il OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1970 BUICK Skyiark (pars) gril, humper, failiens, cyl. heado. $220. Oshawa, 436-0280. 1976 COMET 6 cyt., for parts, good motor, transmistion, rear end, complais car, $200. Phone 885.3000. NEED To KNOVI SOMETHINU ABOUT YOIJR NEW GOMMUNITY? Phono 668-8943 Oui liosiess cli bring gfts and gloofings. along w:lh helplul communty inormation. SPECIALS GALORE! The Framlig Centre 668-4521 Honda and Ford. $150 each. Four good tiren, $5 each. Excellent windows for garage. shop or greonhouse. 5 ff. n 8 ft., 4 it. n 6 fi., $45 ea. Fine cars for parts, $260 esa. f75 Dodgo. GMC. Chevy. 74 Dodgo, Ford truck). Cail Ted. 8554949, anytimo. FOUR VARI fit 14"x6" chromo %vire basket wheeis and four.- Unroyat Tger Paw E7Ox14 tires, $250. Four B.F. Goodrich Euro TA. 2356OHR14 on 4 Cheviot hot cire aiumInum whaeio 14x7" to fit 79 and op MustangiCaprl, 80 and up T.BrdlCougar, al hrand new, coat $1200, seif for $850 tlrm. Complte one new &et (4i Cragar SS wheei apinners. $45. 318 motor good>, $250. 1880 25' saper ant six and aulomatIc transmission goodl, $250. Phono 655-3266. FOUR et moat nec steel radiaIs, P205175RI1FR78115, $160. Five new Goodyer Wrengier radiais P195175R15, $40. On@ 00w Edeibrock SP2P elamInura Intalce manifold end kt for ornai bock Chonroiet, $20. Four aimoat 00w eluminura star spokeo hel, 6 boit f0 fit aitl essotrucks and some Choya, $75 oach. Phono 655-3266. PARTS FOR a 1963 hait ton truck, 6 cyl. motor. A-i condition, $150. 655-3410. AUTOMOBIESUTOO OI1 ~FOR.AI.E~E ~ FORAISALE 1985 JEEP RENEGADE 8,000 1975 CNEVY van 20, cusfomizod, miles, 6 cyi.. 5 apeed, ps., phb., had, Icebea, carpel, high bock MIt, many etras. $12,400. 655- bachoket s@ AMIFM casfotto 4882, afferO p.m. sfereoo mage aIl round and nsc brahes, fiae and trailer hitch, oueds body worh, soid as la, 1981 FORD ESCOAT, two daoo, $1,400.0Cali433-1570. f- ... .55 .k0,19L cassette, sonroof, 56,000 miles, $2.160. Phono 668-6336. 1901 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cyl., automnatlcPS., phb., exceltent condition, $2.800. Cali 433-1531, Oshawa, anyfime. 1980 OLDS98 Regency 350, siver extenlor, blue Interior, ioaded with options, oniy 88.000 km, wel malnfainod, askIng $5,200 cor- tified. 655-4712. 1976 DODGE Tradesman 300 Van, carpet and panel, etended roof, askIng $3,000 or hast offor. 666- 3991, atter 6 p.m. 1976 BUtOR LTD 403 angine, 82,000 miles, electit sunroof, ioaded, $2,995. Cali 5794142, af- fter 6p.m. 1970 PLYMOUTH Caravelle, air condition, 60,000 km., good con- dition, $1,200 or best oiffer. Telephone M6675. 1977 DATS>JN F10 good engins, body fair, no most, naine lob and good tires, $60asois. Phono 668- 6457. 1977 HONDA Hatchback, 4 speed, new citch, rebuilt motor, needs body corte, $700 or boît cf- fer. 688-8528. 1970 CHAYSLER CORDOBA p.s., p.b., air conditioning, $80 or besl offer. Cali 655.3176. 1970 000044 ton van, rmne but needa body wonte or good for par- ta, $250. Phono 655-4938,affer 0 HeIp your Heart... PICTURE PERFECT! Help your The Framlng Heari Fund Contre 668-4521 WOWONES 1974 FORD pick up 'h ton F100, $450. 1977 Olda Dolta 88, driven daliy, can be cerilfled, $85 or of- fer. 1975 Camaro. needs body work, rune good, $350 or offer. 723-2818 or436115. 19o2 PONTIAC ParIienne, 77,000 mles origInal, In running con. dition, extra body pate aitlabie, $200 uncerlIfIed. Oeil Peutl6& 1532,aftrôp.m. 1937 CHEVROLET 2 door, Coach Wears, 50% restored fromt ground up, ail pota originel end complote, manuels and extra parts; S3,500). Phonoe6M744. 12 FOOT coodon eaIihoat ready for iaunching, $30. Phono 668. 2767. erCONFUSED?) Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emnporium sim- ply. because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser, *have an article te sel;- and, *have a speified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>.' Your ad will run each week until tse article has been sold (maximum three months>. A minimum charge applies te each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the irst in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertîsing for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up te $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge 'described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'II be pleased te explain the Emporium Section te you personally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish o have the i Beoare s ome aile s of whanthry o old following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free chre fyu ril odwti he ots PressCommissions shown include the minimum I Presscharge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT I __.~~PAYABL.E. -____-. ____ -donitforge o t nud ur phone number Charge $7.5( tard No. Name iptease prixi Address Ciy 5to my Visa account. MAIL TO: Fnp.lDate WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Pastal (od'r Price UplIo $ 150 $ 200 $ :300 $ 400 $ S500 $ 600 $ m0 $8700 $ $900 $1.000 $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable S7.50 *10.00 $15,00 S20.00 322.00 S24.00 S26.00 328.00 1 30.00 S$32.00 $ 52.00 $ 72.00 $ 92.00 $100.00 M

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