Wt-ITTPYFREE PRESS.WFfl1'FSnÀYv (ICTnnRVU O - ril WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ STORE RENOVATIONS inside and ouf, we do It ait, 20 yeara ox. OUALITY DAVOARE ln a îovîng YARD SALE 42 Carter Cres. off MICRO FURNACE space age HARDWOOD LOGS for f irewood, PEL ELECTAIO fencing supplies, periertce, satisfacti on guaran- home environment. BREIECE Michael Olnd. Househoid Items: hemferaaves you money, don'f be 12 cord foada deIivered, 705-754- tait iinenfory oeil off, firat come, f eed, fre eslfmates. Cali 438. trainfng and experlence, fullit fCludilg apf. size washer and offt n t ho coid order yours foday. 2258, Merriti Barry. firaf serve. asic for fifnf. Eiecfric 1313. daycare program plus before and dryer, plus chidrens f oys. 68368. Fencing Systems of Canada, Box affer achoof. Otter Creek, 430- Saturday, October11, 9:30 a.m.fto 'HEROES of theBlbie" cofouring 3025, Kitchener, N2G 4R5 f519> UNMLYD h l- 1442. 3 pmRain dae October 12. MATTRESSES and bo springsalt book avafiabie et Olcison Prin- 745.9840. pioyed Help Centre censciat wth: Employment Counsetting, Resumes, Unmmptoyment In- eurance, Worter' Compen. mtion. O.H.f.P. and weitare n- formatifon, or criais reterrais ta cilher agenctea. Catt 579-1821. HOMEE IMPROVEMIENTS, pain- ting, decoratIng, rec rooms, etc. 20 yeers esperience, satisfaction gurnteed, free esif mates. Calif 43&.1313. QDINTRUENTSI BEAUTIFULL 6 fi. Grand piano, rosewood, 7 yeera aid. Aiso Hemmond argan. Cen be seen t 201 Msan Dr., Whitby. Have ta see to eppreciete. u ADA O"À. 1985 CHEVETE CS, 2 door, 23,000 kima., automnatic, spatiesa, lady drfnen, $5,700 or beat offer. 985-8959. 1982 OLDSMOBILE Cutas Clore Brougham, 2 door, fuiiy iaeded, With air, certIi ed, hlghwey drIven, spottesa, $7.500 or boat offer. 985-8959. ..sLsasies1 IUJUL % AI-AB MARIE, 7 yeers, chest- SERVICES sut, bond menseand tait, 16 han. 1980 CHEVEITE standard tran- S 1 de, Englsh. Also one 515gle hor. smission, radio, good conditiov, 1GRAMMER for people cho hale se traiter. 705-754-2258. $1.500), as fl. Phono 433-4108. grammer s lethe ideel pociret reference bok for business 1973 PONTIAC Leurention - M8,2 people. $395 pet copy and £ ~ O T & door, ps., phb., low mleage, good -eveilable et DIcisan Pnnting &l condition, tans well, esking $600. Office Supplies ln the Aan Ptaza, Phnne 668-5040. Dealer Inquirlos Invited 6831968. ______________________ PROP à SKEG repaire - test set - _____________ vice, fibetgtess supplies - rosisi, F.~ U O O I E~~~UNCEMENTSI ~malti, cioth and acetone - WEST U JE ARP R S ANNO 5YSTEM EPOXY - mirror finish boat peint. fisypien - Oshawu RUST FREE parts 68 Cheveite Glass -Fibre, 341 Durham St. 579. doors, $300 pair, parts for 65 CONGRATULATIONS on your 1433. Cheo. Phone 985-8859. forthcoming merniege. Pleese slow aur samples of engraved wedding Invitations et your I- leisure ln ont Ajax Plaie store. I. PICK 1 !H 5 ICK I Dicireon Printfng & Office Sup- . YUR OWN YOUR OWNI plies, 683-968. a1 l - WANTED 1800 cc engine for Dat. sun 81f0 station wagon Irt good j runnnlng order. Cali 433.8830 fier OLO PîCTURE postcards wanted, top prIces paid lnctudlng yaur postge os . wrttu for Istur. moton ar mail your pastcards f0 ______________ Neul Heyne, BathOnt. KOH 1G0. GREIG ~EVE TSI MISTER TRIMI *Evergreen Prunngl THE HAlL and Make-up Artlslry *New Landscaplng.M SuSool ls once egaf n lormtng classes. Regiter faday. W8- oIete eIa wnZI 1847. Gardon Maintenance FLESHERTON* Antique Show & 253 Sale. Thanksgiving weekend, Oc -____________ taber 11-13, dmiiy 10", admission ( APARTMENTS/J $2, chItdren free. Grey Highands ICONDOS FOR RENTI Suchoal, Hwy. 10, Information (519)924-2620. 'G3E ONALS AOULT VtDEOS FOR VIDEO ORDERS ONLY CALL FREE 1800663-7934 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL $19.95 TO ORDER OUR PULL COLOR CATALOGUE et $395 CALL 1-804-382-5511 DATES GALORE. For ail ages and unuttuched. Thousends af mnm- bers uniaus la meof you. Prestige Acquaintences cuit toli- frme 1-800-263-9163. Hauts 000v TWO BEOROOM duplex, Whitby, till 8 p.m. $500 plus, aveitable October 15. mPAINTING & Celi afte6p.m., 666-4821. eDECORATING FRRN »A STENCIL BOARDER accents VACATION I sny room beantifuif y. Mmny -w RENTALS TYPEWRITER rentai, many designs ta choose tram. Celi Ar- makes and modois, by the ftmtry Decor for e free con- weekend, week ar month. sultation 725-700.h" t~j ~ '. Discount s eveliebie Dicirson 10 Mobile Homnes Ajan Plaie. Call us for business CRD Cieutweler - Three bedtoomý machine topairs. 683-1968. U OFTHANKSI mobile homes. Heeted pools, ~~~~~ ~~~ tennis, close f0 beeches and _____________ I WOULD LIKE ta thanir att my major attractions. chidren Mranda and neighbours for thoîr weicame. (loBs then motetl J J R E love, kIndness and gifis during r..m). 683.5503 e C1 Sm eetsa nhsia.Yu RE Drop In10 the Dlckson ftogtuns iii eiways be O W PIE rc Bea Ptintlng and Office Suppiy store Mthaughtutnes LOWn Po ah fihst lRIda Mach B4reakr In the Ajes Piaza and pick up e ~Patch e. Tei o oh fihsf ir e ac 4rt free copy of the 1988 Metric Poth.Match 21, 1987. Tempe $289, Fart Catendar. Printed In two catours. _____________________ Lauderdete $309. Air onfy ceil f makeas for hendy relerence. m P E S & I totlree 1-800-265-0900. 683-1968. ,FREE ose multlicaourod, 10Oto 12 !2E I1 cweek aid kitan, needs a home. netl prce. MVcteen Furiture, 524 Simcoe Street Sont h, Oshawa. 725-5181. BUILDINGS.- Speclut Cearance. 20n24 fif. $2,300..24x24 fit. $2,600. 28x36 fit. $3.900. 32x368fI. $4.300. 36x48 ff. $8.400 and 40x6O fi., $8190. Cati 9857930. DELUXE COMMODE chair, remouebte armes, futt.swlng wheis, brakes an bath front wheels, foat reste, as new cost $400, aakIng $215. Phono6088- 5040. ONE LARGE white, aval pedestai dining table, price $50. Four chrome padded chairs, $30. Tel. 668-6006. GEOTYPE press-on itterIng 00w n stock et Dicirson Printing & Of- tics Supplies In ibe Ajax Shop- ping Ploie. Large selection af styles and suzes. Why pay more fore a mallen sheet of leiterlng? 683-1968. BEAUTIFUL dining room table and chairs, bleuck teather and chrome,?2 teaves. 668-8566. $80 STEEL Buildings 08$ Varions suzes avuleabte, exemple 30x5Ol4 84,900; 46x96u16 $9.960, equipped with lange doors. Due ta iimited quantifies and low pnIces serions buyera aniy wiit suve meny dollars. We start by paying for your cui. Act 00w and save 1-800-387-2115. RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New lechnaiagy for treatIng water et thre source oiters weii 10 feucet protection thraughout entire weier system. No sait or messy chemniceis, ses the resuits with aur 6 manth triailofter. Ouate: "Barry Kinch - Kenebeek, Ont. - Thunfra again for puiting out a system tttat realiy does what yen say il wiif." For cleer, sweai, water - cati 1-800-268-2656, urea 807 cui 1-800-624-4344. ivou'l bs gtlad you did.i tfng & Office Supplies, Aan Ptuza, 883-1968l. Dealer Inquiries Invited. PORTABLE 0.E. dlahwasher. Inglis frast-free trIdge. Moffat selffcieuning oves. Phone 68-. 1187. LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ait types - fiorescent, mechanical adnerfising, etc. 13 years on- perience, satisfaction guaran. teed, freaenlsimates. Caflt 436. 1313. CIHESTERFIELD suites, loveseuis, sectionuls, iess f han 'h prie. Lrge selectian. McKeen Furnliure, 524 Sf mcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. LOSE WEîGHT, lest great, If yau're serions about your weight and heelth cali 00w and asic me how, 438-1313. MONTREAL. MILITARY Surplus: Wa rtshlrts $2.75, warirpantn $350, warkboots $15. For catatog, send $2 (reimbursed firsf orderi: Miitery Surplus, Bon 243, St. Timolhee, Ouebec JOS IXO. BUILDINGS for sais, lmited quenfitynof quonset buildings tlit over from National Show at rock- bottom prices, 25x32 $2,84, 32n40 $3,852, other sizes avaituble. Cali tolifrme 1-800-387- 4910. VISIT our nsed furniture warehouse by uppoiniment. Big savings on deairs, chuirs, ffiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Pris- tino & Otfice Supplies ta arrange an eppnlntment tao iew. 683. 1968. PENNY-ROLLER Cenede's paten- ted coin rouler, wrup pennies, nickels, dîmes and quertens quiukiy und eesliyl $8.95 plus 63c tan, two for $16 pins $1.12 feu. Penny-flter Prnducts, PO. Bon 405. Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE AGRICULTURAL STEEL $13'99 PRE.PAfNTED 8' SHEETS (NOMINAL)IiN STOCK FROM eua. ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS $199 OVER 150 IN STOCK. Wl-iLE SUPPLIES LAST I e. ALUMINUM LADDERS STEF a EXTENSION - IN STOCK. lrsm ALUMINUM SOFFIT OVER 400 SOS N STOCK, tram '25a2 $499q' VINYL SIDING$69 WdHITE - 5 OR DOUBLE 5- q 2" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR CLEARANCE $1299 SCRATCHED à DENTED. OVER 300 IN STOCK 08 O. GARAGE DOORS 109 WOOD à STEEL IH STOCK. trom eu.O9~ CALL FOR QUOTATIONS WVm. BIGFORD Aîuminum Sales Ltd. R. R. 3 Brghton, Ont. Mon.-Fri. 8-5 ,613750521 s8-12 COLLAPSIBLE VîNYL truck cacps for ait madela, seven cotaur, liiereture aneiteble, ight truckr systema, Bon 3025, Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4Rt5 519) 745-9846 or f519) 742-0375 evenIngs & weekends. USEf) OESKS, fies, atorege cabinets, stecking offi1ce chairs, steel edjustabie shetving, store dlspleys. Blaira New and Used, 21 Alen Ave., Wondbridge. Phase <4161 651-8100, neer Hwy. 7 and 400, Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Sel. 10-1. 16518O' GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W motel helide $175. Plus 10,000 gardening praducîs, greaf pricea. Send $2 for Inla.pack. Western Water Ferrne, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, O.C. V6B 3N9. (604)682463. STEEL BUILDING pro winter fac- tory clearance, streight watt or quonset styles, certain sizes et specli discounts, save thausan. de. fimited quantifies. Phone PioneeriEconospen taiifree 1. 800-387-8896. HARD WATER PROBLENAS? In- troducIng the wter softsner that doient use ail. No mare lugg109 hemvy bige of costly &ait. Other soffenera remone calcium and other gaad-fnr.you minerats. We dont add sait f0 yaur watsr or ramone bensficimi minerats, because thats nol goad far yau. Other sotteners tae up fate of raam, use aeclrtcfty. requins backwashing, coef ptanty f0 fIn. stati and toa much t0 meintaf n. We dont. Catili t ram 1-800-26&- 2M5 for heaithler, baller tmstfng cfaaner.wmehfng coter, OVERWEIGHT? Distribulors wanted, 100% ail naturel Canadien produci, e scientif lu broai-through, no deting, ground ftoor opponlunity. Send for in- formation package or cai SteWart Sherwood, Houseo0f Sherwood, 497 Main St. East. Hamilton, Ont. LUN 1 K86(416) 522- 3344, 1 UIJL.I 6, 1utou, PAGE 25~ Work from home and be *profitabe. Weiishow youM *how. Casetlte and cnolor *brochure,.0. 1HALH OCIAS P.O. BOX 405, STATION A TORONTO, MSW 107 UNLIPMITED INCOME. Join u mli order program, worltait home. For more infornnaffon tend $1.00 for postage and handfing f0 J & E Enterpr se, Bon 39-P, Station M. Toront o, MSS 4T2, DISTRIBUTORS for a proven fine cf *unifs', f hat cen forever eliminate oit changes for .engneshydrauic machines orf eny size. Calgary f4031 258.858 or(403)9384188, eveninge. EARN 15% per year in 0.S dotlfers, guaranfeedi By way of ieading Marine Cargo Containers, renta focome - fine marine cargo containers pay $2,325 per year. can pay $4.850 per year, 25 pay Sf1.625 per year, iengfh of flasse Is up ta 15 years f5 yr. incremen. faf, minimum Invesiment $3,100. ail ahae ne U.S. dollars, asc about our Capital Appreciation programn (416) 368-3585. Write- Pacific film Container Sales Lt d.. 2rrd tioor, 33 Vonge St., Toronto M5E 1S9 ATTRACTIVE 1<105k for sal eIn busy 40-store f odoor mmli In fast growlng town, resdy fat your products, tirai monih rent Iree. Caif enenings (519)941-0691. OVERWEIGHT? No energy? Money-bacc guarantee, ground floor opporfunfty, $10,000 plus monfhty earnings documented, no baioney, this ls reat. Dobbs, 268 Shuter Sf., Toronto, Ont. M5A 1 W3. ENTREPRENEURS oniy 1"say yen" ta milifonsi Canmarkeî Business Presentaf ion at Ascot Ins, 534 Reudaie Biod. fhf s Thur- sday, 8 p.m. sharp. DISTRIBUTORS, part-lime or fll. lime seliing Ont high qualiiy ino 0f distillors, filters, and water nolleners, for residentiai and commercial applications, ho your own boss and eern outra Income n this growing Induatty. For more Information contact Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant St., Burington. Ont. L7R 2GS (416) I J ____________ 6394«53. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLAS-SIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupiecl diina od such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. adiinlwr.replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the night to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fîr- reject ahl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12t each additional word. DEADINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. F'riday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES.- 431t per lune. (No word ds allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 COU NTRY ORCHARD Pick Your Own Apples Saturday & Sunday, 10-4 only. WEEKDAY SPECIAL - FILL YOUR OWN BUSHEL $5.50 oach - Maclntosh Tuesday-Friday, 10-4:30 WEST ON TAUNTON RD. & HWY. 12 <Next to Cullen Gardens) GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Are you seeking a position that offers: -an exceptional income, -exciting challenge and satisfaction, ebeing your own boss, eno cash investment, efull training, eleads supplied, *advancemnent opportunity. If so, we provide an outstanding opportunity in your area to market one of today's most needed products for parents... The Registered Education Savings Plan, a government approved tax shelter. Interviews to be held on October l4th For more information, send resumne or telephone: Michael Gagg University Scholarships of Canada 67 Richmond St. West, Suite 207 Toronto, Ontario M5H IZ6 1416-363-5231 FAM - -- m i