WHITBY FR1E PRESS. WEDNESDfAV nrCT-1iw15.i 99iClPd~1AGE 1 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ i PRSNAL ~ ARTICLES ARTICLES ~3j ES ~ R IC S'FOR SAL FOR SALE STORE 'RENOVATIONS Insido GUALITY DAVOARE In 5a visO MICRO FURNACE aPace age HARDWOOD LOOS for frewood, and ouf, we do Il all, 20 earse ex home anvIronmsni. BREIECE THANKS TO Si. Judo and the heafer saves pou manep, donit be 12 cord oads delivored, 705754. parance, saalalacllon guaren. raIning and asparlqnce, fll Sacred Heart ai Josus for favaurs lau n fthe cald order pours todap. 2258, MerrîlI Barry. feed, res eaiimaias. Cali 438- dapcere pragrem plus belareanad roclved. May the Sacred Heari 683-2638. ____________ 1313. effet school. Oliar Creek, 430- of Jesus ho adored, giorifiod, _____________ 1442. ioved andl presorved .ihroughout ATf gqq nd . -.M HEROES af the 61h10" colourina y JNEMPLOYED? The Unem. î ploped Heip Centre con asaisi wiih: Emplopmeni Courselilng, Resumea, Unampfoymani In- aurance. Worhars' Compen- saflion, O.H.I.P. and woifare ln- formation, or criais relerrals fa olharagancies. Calu 579-1621. HOME IMPROVEMENTS, pain- tIng. dacoratIng, rec mrnem, oic. 20 pears asperience. satisfaction guareuieed, Iree efimnaiea. Oeli 436-1313. RUBBiSHlGonerai HousoiBusi- -arasa Clean-up. No charge for esimafos, alter 4 p.m., 1-986- 0119. Serving Whlbp, Oshawa, Pari Ferry and ares. *!GRAMMER for people who haie grammar" la the Ideai pockof roference booik for business people. $3,95 Par copp and avouiable ai Oickson Prnng & j office Supplies lu the Ajan Plaza. DealerlInquirles Inviiod 6631968. CONGRATULATIONS on pour forfhcomleg marriage. Fiss vlew aur sampies of engraved wedding Invitations ai pour felaure In aur Ajau Plaza alors. Dlckson PrintIng & Office Sup. plias, 6631968. WANTED 1800 ce angine for 0sf. Sun 610 stat ion wagon rn goad runalng ordar. Oeli 433-683 aller 6BP.M. OLD WRIBTWATCHES wanfed, asp make, one or 100, aid Rolex wrIsiwafchas wanied. aise wsn- ted Eafan'a "Ouarter Ceniury' PIANO INSTRUCTION In WhIihp on Michael Bivi., regsiratios lahen 110w, Bacholor 0f MUSIC lrom Maniroaf, 15 pears of ex- paience, beginners or advanced, preparallun for enams, perfor- mance, reclials and music festivals. COeil666-1292. PIANO & THEORY tessons, Royal consetvalory preparaf ion, adultes and chiidren wlcome. Cali Margaref,666'1951. M ARAB MARE, 7 pears, chesi- nul, blond maso and lait, 16 han- de, English. Asa ane aingla hor- ceotraiter. 705754-2258. BLUE WATER Angus Association conslgnmesl sale, Sal., Oct. 18. Walla's Sales Arona, Durham, On. 1 p.m. cowlcalf paira, bred holers. 3 halls, 40 lais. For catalogue (519) 924-2275, (519) 3687405. ASTENCILLED BORDER acconis any raom hoatlIluiIp. Manp daslgns fa chooso ibom. Cali Ar fiaI ry Decor for a free con- saliatlon, 725-700. PROP à SKEG repairs - fast ser- vice, fiherglass supplies .-rmain, mafi, cdolh and acolone - WEST SVSTEM EPOXY - mIrror finish boaat paint. Rayploo - Oshawa Glass.- Fibre. 341 Durham Si. 579. 1433. aquare wnsfwafchsa.25 pears service, wiii psy $200 and up fat thia wafch, WIIi 0180 bnp arapas.DE I G crysfala, parts. eic. lot oli wrsi.SUPLE welches. WrIie B. Walsh, 173 Ousan SI. E., Toronto, Onf. MSA _____________ 182. ITRTM COIV Evergreon Prunlng ~C MINGI NewLandscaplng, *ENComplote Lown& 1nanntnance THE NAlL and Makeap ArIsfry 7530 Schoal slaonceaogaîn formIng 72-3( classas, Regimber iodap. 868- 1647. 0 B E 1 BYGONE BABIES Dolf Musaum, ~O S IEL loy and gui ashop, 46 Main Sf. E., Lambeth, Ont, NOL 160, (519) 652- 1979 FORD LT. as ls, besi aller. 920 Mn ,at. 0-5 . a . 66- 88-3471. mission fa maseum, Wrila for complete mail ordor liai. EGANVILLE Homecomlng '67 Jalp 31 f0 Aagusi 3, hlgh schoal tension, Fr1.,. Sal. S. James' Eganville end District & Opeonga Schoals. Contact Elsie Zadow, Box 6U, Eganvill, Ont. KOJ MT. EAST CENTRAL Onfaria Hereford lait show & sole, Polar- borough Fargrounds, Soi., Oct. 18, top pedigrees, 35 lois, catalogues avallabla, boa 35, Carrylng Place, On. 1973 PONTIAC Laureniios - V8, 2 door, ps., phb., low mleage, good condition, rusa weIl, askIng SM0. Phone 668-540. TWO SNOW TIRES for sala, 2 poars aid, excellent condition, besi ofler. Phono 430-0033. TO BUY OR BELL ased auto par- ls. Cail 579-5344. ask for Henry. t he world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heari 0f Jeaus prep for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude heiper of fthe hopeleso, pray for us. Say Ihis prayer rire fîmes a dsy. Bp fthe eighih day pour praper will be an- swered, regardis ai how hopelespour situat ion saems. Publication muet ho promised. AM. xxssousxxxxxusxxxssxx AOULT VIDEOS FOR VIDOOORDERS ONLY CALL FREE 1-80015113-7934 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL $19.95 TO ORDER OUR FULL COLOR CATALOGUE ai $395 CALL 1-804-382-5511 "MAY ithe sacred heart af Jesus ha adored, gforified, ioved and preserved lhroughouf ftha worid 110w and boraver. Oh sacred heart of Jesus, pray for us, Saint Judo helper cf the hopeleas, pray for us." Sap 1h10 prayer 9 fîmes a day, by the eighlh day, your prayer wIl ha answared. if has fayot been known fa fait. Publication muai ha promlsed. Tfranks 10 Si. Judo for prayer answered. C.D. DATES GALORE. For ait ages and unaffachad. Thousanda of mem- bers anolous la meef pou. Prestige Acquainfsoces cal foit- fres 1-800263-9163. Hours nmon 111168 p.m. TRAIINI~NG e: S CCS *COMPUTERS *WORO PROCESSING *LEGALiMEDICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKEEPING CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *FASHION MERCHANDISING & DESIGN *HOTEL& RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZEO BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *OENTAL CHAIRSIOE ASSISTANT -Finasciai Assisfance may boavaliabie -Job Pacement Assisiasco TORONTO SOHOOL 0F 1 I OSHAWA EARN EXTRA INCOMEI Leam fao prepare Income Tax reiurns by correspondance, local Franchise avalabie. WrIie Tax Time Ser. vices Lfd., 1304 Speera Rd., Osa- aille, Ont. LOL22<4. DECOME AN AUCTIONEER. Learn f rom tha lirai raie achool, Canadien champion Inairuciors, classas siarl November 3. Jordan & McLean Scirool ai Auc- iiosaering, Klsoofy Abera (403) 842-5528, (403)1848-2211. MAKE MORE MONEYî Learn In- coma Tan Preparailon or Basic Bookkeeping by corresponden. Ce. Free brochures, no obligation. U & R Corresponden- ce Sohool, 207-1345 Pambina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB R3T 2B6. hall price. McKeen Furnlure, 524 Slmcoe Sreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. BUILDINGS - Speciai Clearance. 20u24 fi. $2.300. 24x24 fi. $2,600. 28x36 If. $3,900. 32x36 If. $4.300. 38x48 fi. $6,400 ard 40x6O fi., $8,100. Calil965-7930. DELUXE COMMODE Chair, remonablarames, full-swing wheels, brahes an boih front wheeis, foot reste, as new cosI $400, asking $215. Phone 668- 5040. MONTREAL MîLîTARY Surplus: Workshiris $275, warkpanin $3.503, worhbooia $15. For caiaiag, send $2 reimbursed irsi order>: Miliiary Surplus, Bou 243, Si. Timoihae, Ouabec JOS iXO. GEOTYPE press-on leiiering row là stock ai Oickson Prining & 01- lice Supplies ln the Ajan Shop- ping Plaza. Large saieciion ai styles and sizes. Whp pap more for a amallar sheel of letiering? 683-1968. HIARO WATER PROULEMS? In- iroducing the a ear aoflener ihst dloesnf una sai. No mors fugging heevy baga ai coaiip ssi. Other offeneru ramone calcium and aiher goad.lor-you minerais. W. doni eadd sali fa pour waisr or remave hensficlai minerais, hecause tha'.s oi good for pou. Oiher sofienera feke up lois ai room, use eloctilciiy, require backweahlsg, 00sf planiy Io In- aall and ioa mach fa maîniain. We dont. Oel toi roé 1800-268- 26M6 for hsaiihler. boteir aslIng clsaner.waehIng wamer. 11"W@ Ssii For Les". W area Caenadien Compnpaeiingl M ualiip Oenadian mode. CE. Oeil. or ai vieil ua. WATKINB producia aveilabis. 250 Seeneon Rd. S., Oshewa, Ont 72840. book availabie ai Oickson Prin. iing & Offilca Supplies, Aa Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Irquiries Inviied. LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ail types - floresceni, mechanical advortiing, etc. 13 pears ex- perierco, saisfact ion guaran- ieed, free eslmales. Cali 436- 1313. CHESTERFIELD suies, loveseais, seclionals, less ihan 'h price. Large seleciion. Mci<een Furniluro, 524 Simcoe Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5161. LOSE WEIGHT, teet greal, if pou're serions about pour weighi and heaif h oeil now and ask me how, 438-1313. STEEL BUILDING pre winfer lac- tory clearance, sfraighf waii or quonsef styles, certain sizes ai speciai discounis, save Ihousan- de, iimliod quanfilies, Phono PioneeriEconospan lalifrea 1. 600-387-8896. NEYER FORGET fa iurn pour hoadiighf s offiagaini Mahe pour car more visible on the road wifhauf the worry aI a dead bai- fory, greal slocking afufar, the headlIghf rominder simpip plugs Inb fuse panel, $9.95 plus fax, include $2 ehlppingthandling, VisaiM.C. Oeil 1-800-263-3735 woakdaps 9-9. Sewart Specialiip, Bau 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4W4. Orders shipped same day. VISIT our used furnluro warohouse bp appoinimeni. Big, savinga on dashs, chairs, filing cabireIi-,et c. Cal lcison Prin- iing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appoinîmeni fa viow. 683- 1968. PEL ELECTRI C foncing supplias fali Invanfary sali off, fIrsi coma lirai serve, aak for fliai. Elaciric Fencing Syalema ai Canada, Box 3025, Kitchener, N2G 4R5 1519: 745-9846. ALUMINUM LADDERS STEP à EXTENSION - IN STOCK. Item ALUMINUM SOFFIT OVES 400SOS. IN STOCK. Iaam $49ýq VINYL SIDING 14q WHIE -&*'R DUBL45 2" ITEM STR 8"ORDOBL 0 SCRATCHEOAà OENTEO, OVES 230 INSTOCK 129 - GARAGE DOORS $0 9 WOOD & STEEL IN STOCK. Item es.9~ CALL FOR QUOTATIONS Wm. BIGFORD Alumînum Sal., Ltd. R. R. 3 Brighton, Ont. Mon.-Fr>, 8-WA 12St 8-5 (613)475-5 21 s9t8-1 SU8 STEEL Buildings $$$ Various sizes avalable, example 30050n14 $4,990; 40090016 $9,960, equlpped wiih large doors. Oua la limnIied quantiliies and low prices sarlous bupers only wili aave many dollars. We siart by paying for your cati. Act row and Bave 1-8003872115. RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New iechnologp for ireafing waier at the source ofters weii io faucef Protectioan hroughoui enlire waier ayaiem. No saai or mssay chemnIcals, ses the resulse wlih aur 6 monih itrial ailer. Onole: "Barry Kinch- Kenabeak, Ont. Thanirs again for putling oui a syslam ihai really doseswhal pou say If wiii." For clear, aweai, waier - cati 1-800-2682656, ares 807 catu 1-800-824-4344. (Vou'il ho giad pou dld.l USEO OESKS, files, sioruge cabinets, siucking office chairs, steel adjusiable sheiving, store dispisys. Blairs New and Used, 21 Alex Ave., Waadbridge. Phone 1416) 651-8100, near Hwy. 7 and 4002, Mon-Fn, 95, Sal. 101. BUILDINGS for sale, IimIled quaniiip 0f quonsai buldings lof aver from Naional Show ai rock- boilom prices, 25x32 $2.664, 32u40 $3.652, oihar sizas avallbleh oCi toIliIu.. 1.800-38a7. UNLIMITED INCOML. Join aur mal arder plagram, worl t a home. For mars informatioantend $1.00 for postage end handiing t0 J & E Eniarprise, Box 39-P, StiIn M. Toronto, MSS 4T2. BOOK ENTHUSIASTS. Oualiif book club ollors amazirg corn- mIssians, na Invenfory or seiiing, anp aduli staff sienrIimmediaieip wiih Information kif, excciingl $1 (P & H)., R.L Bulmer, 6ox 3077, Ahabasca, AIIuTOG 080. EARN 15% par year in US. dollars, guaranleeodi Bpwap ai leading Marine Cargo Conainers, ranlal Incamo - five marina cargo containers pay $2,325 pet yaar, can pap $4,650 par year, 25 pay $11.625 per peur, ionglh of lbase s8 up la 15 pears (5 yr. Incremen. lai, minimum innsment $3,100, ail above ln US, dollars, ask about Our CapitliAppreciafion program 14161 368-3585. WrIio: Paciflo Rlm Conainer Sales Lfd., 2nd loor, 33 Yunga Si., Toronto M5E 1S9. NEEDLECRAFTERS Excelleni Incomo potential feachIng & sellIng needlecrafîs for Panda StIchcrafi. Represenatives especiaiip noodod ln smaii com- manif les. Write Poggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave., Burlingion, Onf. L7R 1T5. 4910. ENTREPRENEURS onlp esap pas" f0 millilunsiCanmarhef FOR ALE rlb $70 HIh chlr, Business Presenfaf ion af Aacot $5OR SlALpEnc, $0. High4chair,1.Inn, 5U4 Rexdale Blvd. ihis Thur- $50.Pîspen $4. Cal 40-061. sday, 8 p.m. sharp. I COUNTRY ORCHARDI * ~a'¶j~ Fi11 Your Own Bushsi * Ià Get ½ Dushol FREE * Norlhern Spy & Qold Doudous * Tuesday-Sunday, 10-4:30 W EST ON TAUNTON RD. & HWY. 12 ** TYPEWRITER renIaI, many Fe LO I A makes and modela hby the IJM mMM mmm¶1weekend, weoh or manlh. 10 Mobile Homes Discounnts avoulable Oikson Clearwalar- Three bedroam. PrinfIng & Office Supplias ln the mobile homes. Heatad pools, Aaxi z.Calus lot business bannis, close la beachas and' machine ropaira. 683-1968. major atractions, chIldren AasPzaCu weicomne. (1088 han motl raom( 683-5503 FRE:Drop InIa the Ickson '~~O R E~'1J Prinilng and Office Supplp store nftho Ajax Plaza and pick ap a. NEW DETACHED 3 bodroom Ares capp af the 1986 Meftilc homo. 1% ½ bath, Iaunidry off kl- Calondar. Prinied ln iwo coloura. chen, garage, north-east Whlbp. If makes for handy referance $850, avalable November 15. Oel 683-968. 655-4682, aller B p.mn. _____________ FARMS, Acreages, Resorts. Campgroand Businesses, Homes. Cottages & Lois. Roliramenf proporties. Send for free catalogue, John J. Coulis LM. Realtor, Ban 298, Durham, Ont. NOG I RD. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 668-6111 FREE: 1986 guidofa sfudy-ai- home correspordenco DIpioma courses for prosulgians careers: Accounfing, Air condifionlng. Buakkeeping. Business. Casmefoiogy, Eieclronlcs, LagaliMedai Secrtarp, Psychology, Tranel, Granîsu (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1- 600-268-1121. PICTURE PERFECT! The Framlng Centre 668-4521 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographieîcTS DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12e each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdiTHSlwod such replies. We will not be responsible for box nuniber by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dînlwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- EDI S:Mnano pirtpulcint nst reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50worcts; 12 each additional word. DALNS odyno ro oulcto oisr one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43ope;Iine.(Nowordadsallowed>. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby-Free Press will make 668-6111 MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE AGRICULTURAL STEEL 13~99 PRE.PAINTED' SHEETS INOMINAL)I N STOCKFes ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS$1 9 OVER 150 IN STOCK. WHILE SUPPLIES LAS T I 08. I. lc