PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read C LASSIFIFD ADS ~J~E~J VÀJMTE TOWN OF WHITBY IHEALTHI EEXs~1 I MSERVICES INO.I noequires LICENSED MECHANICI Applications wiIl be received by the undersigned for the above position until Friday, October 31st, 1986 at 12:00 noon. Qualifications: Minimum Grade 12 education. Must hold a lass "A" Mechanlcs Licence, prefereabiy with diesel endorsernent. Must hold a Ciass 'V' Drivers Licence. Propane Licences S6A and S68 wouid be an asset. Must suppiy own hand tools. Work requires applicant 10 do heavy physicai labour. Heavy Equlpmeni dipioma would be considered an asset. Applicant must be wiling to work shIf ts. Experenco: Applicants should have a minimum of four years experience as a Class "A" Mechanic, with extdnsive knowiedge of diesel engine main- tenance, and experience related to hydraullcs and heavy equipment. Dules & Responslblltie: Perform preventative maintenance and repairs to Town-owned equip- ment and pumplng stations, perform Provincial Inspections and general fabrication and minor weiding repairs. Please submit your detaiied resume lndIcating experience, references, etc. 10: Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T.,C.M.C.,P.Adm., Administrator, The Corporation of the Town of WhItby 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontarlo Li N 2M8 Note: We thank ail those who appiy but advise that applications wiil not be acknowledged. Persons 10 be Interviewed will be notified by Friday, Novem- ber l4th, 1986. OVERTIME $2754$375/WEEK OVERTIME - ail you can handie, our off ice warehouse ls under staff ed and we have 12 fuîltimne positions avaitable with a variety 0f duties. If you are well organized and wsni 10 gel paid for whai you accompllsh and are looking for fast growth and advan- cemeni, caîl Ms. Mc- Donald 10 set up in- terview 434-6202. No Experlencé Requlred Firat Corne, Fîrst Hred. TIRED OF SEING broke? Earn $400 to $1.200 par month part- lime, $2.000 t0se, 000 per month fuitlime. Cal Mr. Trudelie. 436- 1313. DEPENDABLE hebysilier requIred for 31/j month 01.1 und 3h year old. staring November 17, Monday t0 Friday. 7:30 ar..le 6 p.m., 668-1581. CARPENTERIHANOYMAN to assint ln resloralion of century home. MusI hans good carpenlry, peint ing and other sf4115 and be abi. f0 wortc semi-indepandentiy. Cal Ooug Anderson et 6688111 or 888-5040. A CAREER IN TRUCKt NO. Tran- sport drivers needed. Now saftha lime t0 frin for your ciasA basese. For pro.screaning InIer- view and lob pacement Infor- mation, contuct Merv Orra Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1800265-1260. RELtABLE BABYSIlER requirad (pan-timel. my home (Gardon & Bradley areal), for lwo chiidrev. Planes caii 668-9759 aller 6 p.M. SOOKKEEPING -for ornai business. reasonabie 'rates, Brookiin office, aller 4 p.m., 1- 986-0119. ONILO CARE STAFF for part-ime and refliefworh ln Christian Group Home for foubied maie adoescentes ln West Miii, Pickering ares. Cali 28-2268, Monday 10 Friday. 10 ar..f0 4 p.m., nonsmokars oniy. HELPt t naed a warm and responsibie persan 10 came fa my home oe day par week, 9:30 10 4:30, fa play and cars for a 3 andt 4 year aid. os shouid ha avalahie fa fine-In fa retiens Mom for the occassionai weekend away or 2 wesat vacation. 55.00 houriy and SI80 day for Ilne-mn. Il yoo lova chIidren 5and hava no pohiem wth avaiiabiliiy poese gins mes aiei6885925. NEWSPAPER CHAIN cilS 15 markes ln .d. Inlerior & Van- couver Island sestis puhishers, sais managers, edilors. Four posts becomIng avaiibiae during 1987. Excelent opportuniiy wilh a young aggressina company for fhe righl Indiiduels. Send rasums ta Manfred Tam- peimayer. Island Fubishers Ltd. P.0. Bou 510, Duncan e.c. V9L 2X9, fa arrange a Toronto Inter- viea. OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hun- dredsof op pOyin osiion. Ai- rachys bensf is. Ai oc- cupaions. Free dalaiis. Oerssas Empioymanl Services, DepI. WA, Boxa480, Mount Royal, Ouebec H3P3C7. MIA CHIERIE t-ome Fashion Shows Est. 1975. Join'our suc- cesalul tamity af reproentivea le prssnlIng quaiiiy lingerie and toungewearaet fn-huma partiles for womsn. tta lun, Ita easy, I'a profitable. Colitlt-res 1-8»02U3 9183. WORK OVERSEAS a tantanîlo challenge ta awaiting you, woif, on a farm le Europe, Australie or New Zaland, If you are singte and have 2 yearn practicat agriculurai esperience then write or cali: International Agriculurai Exchange Association, cdo 10 chrysier Si., Offtca. Ont. i<1S 4C2, Ph: (613) 235-4287. TV. TEcHNtctAN, Lindsay, 705- 324-9227. *ers, H.C.A./Nursel *Aides for private duty,l *institutionai work,I *cholce of oWnshifts.I jal or a poinmentj Monday to Friday. 433-14941 INTEREST IN YOUTH OR SPOR- TS? Share your enhueias as a volunteer leader 2 haura weekly, October to AprIl ai sports or girls seit-Improvement programaneI Whlby, Oshawa or Eowmanviile thaf are operatod by the Eaalniew Boys and Gilsa dlub. Training provided mcd'enrlchlng esperien- ce. cal Extension Program dCo- Ordinalor, 728-5125. DELIVERY PERSON for newspapera - ail day Wednesday and Thuraday, raie negoliabie. caîl Suseon Anderson ai 66& 5040 or688-6111. AUCTION SALE FR1., OCT. 17 6:30 P.M. Msnny's Antiques presents a compiete shipment of hlgh quality antique furniture, related accessorles, etc. ai "Kahn Country Auc- tions", 3 miles north 0f Hwy. 401, on Brock Rd. (exil No. 399>, Pickering, Ont. Partial lisi Includes several outstandlng wardrobes, excellent china display cabinets, Welsh dresser, pine kIt- chen cupboards, many kitchen tables and chairs In oak, walnut, & pins, ornately carved sideboards, bureau desks, bookcases, pine chest 0f drawers, pine washstand, pino shavlng mirror, many sets 0f tables & chairs, gramaphone, blanket boxes, halistanda, many tables 0f varlous shapes & sîzes, tes trolleys, pot cupboards, dressera, pine stools, pines lp desk, pine trunks, brass, copper, &- other ln- terestlng collectables with over 300 limes 10 choose from. Terms cash or cheque (with .D.> No reserve. Preview f rom 4 p.m. G & H KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041 or 985-8161 AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 25 10:30 A. M. A large sale of antiques, turniture, tools & coliec- tables. The property 0f JEWEL HARROP and the laie JIM HARROP, locsted 1 mile wesi 0f Sunderland or 2 miles eassi0f Durham Road 23 on Durham Road 6. Details 10 follow nexi week. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 18 10:30 A.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., WhltIby. Selling the Estate of the sate HUGH MILLER and MRS. MILLER, of Ajax, Pickering ares. lnciuding Pequegnat oak Gran- dfather dlock, 3 mantie dlocks, Banjo dlock, Vic- torlan settee, oak bow front china cabinet, oval walnut dlning table (very ornate), walnut desk, blanket box, 4 ft. round oak table (tilt top), oak chairs, washstand, cor- ner china cabinet, spool bed, 2 old oak press back rockers, pine buffet, cedar chest, old bureau, Dominion organ (works), butter churn, wal telephone, lovely oid hall stand, walnut tea wagon, brass fireplace tender, tireplace screens, very old drop front desk, Vic- torian- tables, treadle sewing m/c, 4 poster mag bedroom suite, walnut bedroom suite, slelgh belîs, gramaphone, arrowback arm chair, old books, pic- tures, paintings., old trames, R.D. f igures, cranberry, Mary Gregory, R.D. plates, china, 4 cane bottom chairs very or- nate back, old side by aIde shotgun, 7 cu. fi. freezer, portable dryer, coppertonie frldge & stove, 2 pc. Skiar chesterfleld, carpet, 20' cotour T.V., R.C. conver- ter, pool table, cues etc., 2 B&W port. TVa, pots, pans, dishes, plus many other articles, also 1978 Ford station wagon loaded (Aberta cari, and 20 fIt Holiday traiter, and approx. 40 scrubs. NOTE TIME 10:30 a.m. This is an excellent sale of an- tiques & coilectables, some excellent pieces, plan to attend. Viewlng Friday 10-6 and morning ot sale. Scrubs selllng f irst. ROSS MCLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 or 686-3291 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., OCT. 17 6:00 P.M. Three miles oasaiof Lithoe Britain or 7 miles weat of Lindsay on the Lindsay Littlo Britain Rd. Pine harveat table, 9xl2 Ax- minster rug, pîne cup- board botiom, wicker chairs, G.E. automatic washer and dryer, upright piano, washatands, mantie dlocks, Lowrey 2 keyboard eledtrid organ, Lakewood airtight stove, 4 h.p. Viking snowblower, 3 h.p. Msssey Ferguson gar- don tiller, camper for amali 1/2ton truck (aleepa 2), 10 h.p. Roper riding lawnmower, 1973 Ford Pinto station- wagon. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 -~~~~~ v i4 41 6hi .i4 , elr. r 4 nr i r4:" ' t AUCTION SALE THURS., OCT. 16 8:00 P.M. Antique and quality fur- niture ai Orval McLean Auction Center, Lndsay. Property 0f LLOYD & BLANCHE CHALMERS, Beaverton (giving up housekeeping) and WILSON ELLIS estate, Omemee, full Une good appliances, colour television, 9 pac. watnut dlnlng roomn suite, washstands, dressera, round oak table, buffet, chairs, piano, books, 5 pc. settee set, o11 lampe, settee, many antique dishes, paîntinga, bed- ding, hall stand, ail glass china cabinet, parlour tables, collectables. Don't miss It 6 p.m. sharp. To lst your sale cal 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS Background n response 10 the growing demand for interrogional transportation service and to municipal requesis for GO Transit extensions easterly from Pick- ering, the Province of Ontario, in Octo- ber 1982. announced plans to extend GO Transit service from Pickering 10 Oshawa. At that lime this extension was one componeni of an overali inierregional transportation network under the GO-ALRT (Advanced Light Rail Tran- ait) Program. Thal program wouid have provided a new-technology transit system, using eledtrically-powered and auiomaticaiiy-coniroiied cars run- ning on a two-track right-of-way wholly owned by the Province. Planning and design studios for the GO-ALRT extension tram Pickering 10 Oshawa proceeded during 1983-85. and construction of the new righi-ot- way commenced in 1984. n 1985 the Province re-evaluated the entire GO-ALRT Program and de- cided 10: " Use conventional diesel- powered GO Trains instead, " Extend GO Train service inilially 10 Whiiby, and " Re-study the extension through Oshawa. lanning Study Update The requirements of the Provinces CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., OCT. 21 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Littlo Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lndsay Little Britain Rd. Chesterfild and mat- chlng chair, recllning chairs, modemn dressers, coffee & end tables, 3 pc. parlour set, antique woodusn hait Portable & Co ci, lai til flc AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 18 8:00 P.M. At Oddfellows Hall, ln Port Perryon Reglon Rd. No. 2. Wl1th furniture, ap- pliancea, Gesteiner, propane furnace, chaîn aaw, rifle, f lrewood and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 insole color ..s ardrobes, chrome kt-/ on suites, satin g as mp, brasa candie ~ 4 lcks, wing back chairs, or & table lampa.J DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING7P771# CALL 668-6.. .jriprio Environmental Asseasment Adi ru- sulied in the preparation of Environ- montai Assessment Statements for the Pickering 10 Whilby GO-ALRT projedi and their submission 10, the Ministry of the Environmeal in 1983 and early 1984. Changes 10 the GO-ALRT Pro- gram caused by thie dedision 10 adopi conventional rail lechnology and end GO Train service in the inierim aI Whitby led the Province 10 carry oui an update study of these environmen- tai reports. The study is now nesring compte- lion, and public information centres are being held 10 present ils resulîs 10 interested parties and 10 display data on the construction schedule; information centres will also be arranged In future for the sludy on exlending GO Train service through Oshawa. Revenue service beiween Pickering and Whilby (the Brock Street station> la anlîcipated 10 begin by laIe 1988. Public Information Centres To review the results 0f the Picker- ing 10 Whitby planning updaie siudy. you are inviled 10 atend any of the information centres noted beiow. Representalives of GO Transit and ils consultants will be on hand 10 answer questions and document your commenta. PICKERING .WHITBY Tuesday, October 21,1986 Wedniesday, October 22, 1986 6 to9 p.m. 6 to 9p.m. Pickering Municipal Offices Whitby Municipal Offices 1710 Kingston Road 575 Rossland Road East Pickering Whitby AJAX OSHAWA Thursday, October 23, 1986 Tuesday, October 28, 1986 6 ti 9p.m. 6 to 9p.m. Ajax Municipal Offices Oshawa Municipal Offices 65 Harwood Avenue South 50 Centre Street South Ajax Oshawa Il you have any questions or com- monts on this projeci, please contact Frances Chung, Manage, r, eadb OTrn office address shown here, Oownsvew. Ontario telephone. 630-5220.W M3H 5Y6 ADSl-lworkWondeil GO Transit GO TRAIN SERVICE EXTENSION TO WH ITBY PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES