PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 229.86 WHIjTBY. FREL PRLESS New addition almost complete at O'Connor ýBy LIZ ARUTA the furthest will be an- beld a double Hello everyonel l'mn nounced later. against McLA back agaîn to tell you Now for other scbool* Botb teams pla, what's up at Denis activities. tremely well w~ O'Connor High Scbool. ' On ýTuesday, Oct, 21, junior girls wir, The new addition to the senior and junior close game by 21 the' scbool is alrnost boys soccer teams held the midgets re ready. There is a two- a double header at our an easy victory. room extension built on scbool. In order to maise go girls!1 for science and typing more funds for the and also portables ad. pbysical education joining this new brancb departmont, Mr. HenryG in the formi of a port-a- arranged for DO'C GuiE pac. I know that the men students to be let out of are working bard to class for the fee of only earns Ci finish them up for tbose $1. Those who paid were lucky enough to have a able to watch two ex- class in these moins, so citing games. Tbougb bo patient.' many had to leave to In our cafeteria catch a bus home there sits a juke box which were still a few suppor- plays music for those ters to watch the junior wbo choose to psy - and game. it's cheap, only 25 cents.. Despite having the This new box helps to majority of supporters create a warm and botb DO'C squads lost relaxed atmosphere as- these semi-final games. we eat among friends. The losses were bear- Tbank you to al those tbreakers witb our wbo were involved in seniors losing 1-o to bringing us this juke Donovani and our box. juniors losing 4-3 to Paul The paper airplane Dwyer. Scorers for our contest was held Oct. 23. juniors were Carmello It was initiated by one of Fronte, Dwayne Our more renowned Howard and Steve Uisa Dalryir teachers - Mr. St. Louis. Cully. Botb teams per- Robinson Cres.,1 Tecontest was open to formed superbly a member of1 anyone and there were tbrougbout the season. Witby Guides,r really no obligations ex- Nice try guys and good received bier a] cept for everyone had to luck next yearl cord. bave their own paper On the samne day our airplane. The designers junior and midget girls of the planes which flew basketbail teams also Br®o)kl un ." le Sheader sughlin. ayd x- bylines witb the ining a 1-20 and By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH ecordlng UY Cai 655-3679 wlth items for tbis columa Way to______________ __ le HALLOWEEN -DANCE. nple of Wbitby, the ard recently il-round This Saturday, Nov. 1, Brooklin and District Kin- smen are holding a costume party ln tbe Comn- munity Centre. It runs from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. and there will be prizes for the best costumes. Tickets are $5 per person. Tbey are available at the BrooklinLegion or Brooklin Esso station. BADMINTON CLUB If you're looking for a say to get some exercise and have fun into tbe bargain, wby not join the other badminton enthusiasts on Tbursday evenings at Meadowcrest gymn? From 8: 15 lu 10: 15, you bave the opportunity to work Up some sweat and work off some of th ose extra pounds. A littie birdie told me that if you want more info on this, you can caîl Pat Jackson at 65-8716. UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY This Sunday, Nov. 2, Brooklin' United Churcb will hold its anniversary service. Guest speaker will ha Rev. Ralpb Hilîs who is the associate minister of Trinity United Cburcb in Smith Falls and also a former missionary to Zambia. Following the ser- vice there wlll ha coffee and fellowship offered in the Christian Education Building. TURKEY SUPPER Myrtle United Cburch la holding ils annual Turkey Supper on Nov. 8 in tbe cburch-basement. There wiil h three sittings - the first is at 4:30, tbe second at 5:45 and the last at 6:45. Tickets are $7 for aduits and $3i50 for chldren 12 and under. CHRISTMAS BAZAARS On Saturday, Nov. 8, St. Leo's wil hold a bazaar from 10Oto 4 ini St. Leo's school on North St. The following Saturday, Nov. 15, Frosty's Frolic Bazaar will h held in Brooklin United Churcb beginning at il a.m. A luncheon of soup and san- dwiches will be offered so plan on arriving early so0 that you will have lime to take a break during your shopping. SPRING FAIR HELP WANTED Already the women who organize the Ladies Division of the Spring Fair have bemun to plan for YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE RICH Some people think you have to be wealthy to have a financial plan. But if you have a goal -like paying off your mortgage or a Caribbean cn.ise -you rieed a plan to save enough money to achieve it: Especially if you arent rich. 1 can show you how you can save some money, and how you can make those savings grow. Cal! me today. KEN LENNOX 434-8400 PROFIT PROM OUR EXPERENCE L$1gILiOIU4 iLneauut TL h eodrfDobePdsaTal 63" x 42" with 2 12" centre leaves. Available also with Colonial style curved leg base (no t shown). SSpecial prices include eiher table style and 4 chairs in one of 4 styles. next year. During the fair itseli, there ls alWayS-a great deal to be done and extra hands make the work much easier. Any lady who would like to volunteer ber services is asked to cal 655-3534. BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH NEWS The annual Beef Dinner lived Up to its fine reputation on Wed., Oct. 22 with approxlmately 700 people in attendance. They consunied 365 lbs. of beef, 2b0 lbs. of potatoes and 170 bomnemade pies. Conveners Verna Hodson and Shirley Morrow wish to thank everyone who helped to make this event such a success. The key people were Al Jackson who handled the ticket sales, Don Valance and Alan Stocks who were in charge of some 60 men working in the dining room. Eunice Stocks, Marg Wilson, Pat Jaçirson, Maxine Vallance, Gert Taber and Gloria Jackson kept the varlous kitchen depar- tments well-organszecl wbile Shirley Morrow kept the pies cut and moving out as cailed for. Ray Hod- son did the same for the beef while Arthur Larish and Earl Disney did an equaily good job with the tea and coffee. Frazer Lacey and Jake Morrow proved tobe very capable Maître d's who welcorned the guests and guded them to their tables. In observance of. St. Luke's Day, the worsbip ser- vice theme on Sunday, Oct. 19 was the healing ministries of the church. Rev. Lacey's sermon was entitled "For Health and Peace". Scriptures were rend by Dr. A. Stocks and Susan Robinson wbo is an on-cail Chaplain at Oshawa General Hospital. She gave a brief report on ber work in this field. The Youth Choir presentecl a rousing rendition of "Praise the Lord". Following this service, some 40 area youth en- joyed lunch and an afternoon of gaines. Prize win- ners were Jody Batty, champion ping-pong player, Rob Rennie who was runner-up and Darreli Wade who excelled at darts. The Young People under the guidance of Jarnie Thffin reported a good time and invite others to join them. On Tuesdayi'Oct. 21 the Messengers held their- Halloween party. About 20 littie people of kn-. dergarden to grade two enjoyed a costume parade, games and lunch at the church after scbool. Several people froni til area attended the'- Mayor's Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the Wbitby Ministerial Association on Sat., Oct. 25 at Heyden- sborePavilion. Tbe speaker was the Rev. J. Mc- Clure of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ohurch in Wbit- by. On Sunday, Oct. 26, Rev. Lacey's sermon was en- titled "Agents of Peace". The senior choir sang "Let Not Your Heart be Troubled". The sympatby of the congregation is extended to Ruth Agar and ber family in the loss of ber brother, Gordon Juil. A bale of good used . clotbing will be packed on. Nov. 6. Please go througb your closets and trunks and donate any clothing that no longer fits or is out of style but still bas lots of wear left in it. Ail donations éan be left by the coat rack in the C.E. en- trance. Church cannow be rented The former St. An- drews Presbyterian Cburcb building at Byron and St. John Sts. is- now being made available for rent for social events. Richard Lafontaine of Harvey Mintz Associates Ltd. (668- 8897) is accepting inquiries by community' grQups interested in renting tbe building wbicb was purcbased earler this year by Ravi [lUI. Pasricba of Toronto. The main floor and downstairs floor of the 109-year-old building, vacant since last year, eacb bave 4,000 sq. ft. of space. The downstairs bas an auditorium, stage and kitchen. The cburch was used by the Presbyterian congregation in Wbitby until 1968, when the new Presbyterian cburch was opened on Cochrane .St. It was then sold to trustees of the Bible Cburch, a non- denominational congre- gation. Rev. Alfred McNally purchased the building in 1974 and it was named the Grace Cathedral. Il was Inter used by the Cburcb of the Way and then the Trinily Christian Cburcb before it became vacant and Rev. McNally put it up for sale. William' Laing originaIly purcbased the site of the church and building began in 1857. -17 . 1 0 inU ý mmu ! £w -M -i jord