I Preparing for the big night Robert McCalium (lef t), Hllary Klshae and S Tlmotliy Rae dress a pumpkln on the porch of Pu--»Nrsery %chool and Day a i r NIOW PE-Nopenlng was held last week for the newly expan- L 17 ded facllty, and below, Jili Ottoway hangs L.A.HAICUTERSWhtby medalllon, presented by the Town, on the LA. h IRUTTERSfront door. In the New WEST LYNDE PLAZA PYHCRAE 965DUNDASST.W. TRTCRS ... W TBY 430-0300 W I.0vseo a:1 rblm FESIVAke L OFCR AATS 5CENTEN4A3DR SHOWDÀ&JES JAXCOMM UNITY CENTRE PIfCKPIC ERING CMUIYCNR 1867 VALLEY FARM RD. S. NOVEMBER 23rd SUNOAT 10:00-5:00 P.m. 1 *70 BOOTHS 0F CANADIAN CRAFTS *CRAFT.5UPPUES ADMISSON - 51.50 FREE PARKING f 'f t f f Lodge bouse regulations are approved by council Whitby councillors, with one exception, have given approval to a new by-law designed to regulate lodglng houses. That one exception was councillor Tom Edwards, He argued that the by-law, which was three years in the maklng, did flot go far enougb. is main concern was for the people who live in the Iodging homes. Included in the by-law is a stipulation that no cooking will be aliowed in bedroms. But coun- cillr Edwards noted that nowhere In the by- law doesIt state that the operators of lodglng houses have to provide cooking areas. "'The requirements for the operators isn't there," said Edwards after the meeting. Mis other concern was the nuxnber of people. who will be allowed to sleep in a roorn. The by- law states four Is the maximum nurnber, but Edwards would have liked to have seen that figure dropped to three. "Why not three to a room? I have my reser- vations about four." But Edwards, along with the rest of council, applauded the by-law and Its contents. "We have a start to a by-law for Our munlcipality'and this hs a giant step in the province," he said. But he did not, vote in favor of it because he*thought it could have gone fur- ther. In preparing the by- law, the clerk's- depar- tment consulted with the Minlstry of Health, the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, officiais with the region and the Durham Regional Police Force. The fee for a lodging house licence will ha hoostedto $25 from $10 due to the increased cost in processing the licen- *ces. The by-law also sets a limit of ten lodgers to a bouse but notes two ex- ceptions - a house on Byron St. S. which currently houses 17 people and a house on Dundas St. E. which houses 41.ý These two houses wili ha permitted to retain their lodgers as long as they comply with the by- law., In addition other regulations include: *at least three meals a day for lodgers, meais that conform to the Canada Food Guide.i *at least one person wlth a current first -aid certificate shali ha on duty in the house at ali times. esufficient staff shali ha on duty ln the event of an emergency. *every keeper of a lodging house' shall en- sure that every Iodger maintains a satisfactory level of personal hygiene. New separate sehool proposed for Whitby By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff A furtiier expansion of St., Paul's . elementary school and a new elernentary school for north Whltby are on the horizon for separate school supporters. At a special meeting of the Durham Region Roman Catholie Separate Sehool Board, Monday night, highlights of the board's capital expenditure forecast for 1987 and 1988 promnised relief to overcrowding in area separate schools. Listed third on the 1987 list of priorities are six relocatable classroonis: two for St. Paul's, and the rest to be divided hatween Immaculate Conception in Port Perry, and Pickering West. St. Paul's currently undergoing an addition which ha expected to ha conipleted by February, 1987, has had a 47 per cent increase i enrolment from 1985 to 1986 and growth is ex- pected to continue. If the relocatable classrooms are instalied at St. Paul's, tjie school' s capacity will increase from 464 (With the completion of the current addition) to 527. Even with boundary changes to relieve some pressure, the board ex- pects 520 students to ha enroled at the Garrard Rd. school in 1989. This year there are 637. For 1988 the Whitby North elementary school, to be' located north of Rossland Rd. on Mountbatten, has top priority on the board's list. Ail three existing elementary schools in Whitby are over- crowded. St. John's has s i<Ieris lenow avallabi. et: CENiRAL PAINT ANDWALLPAPER e5- * Cétol and Ctol23 M2 * Supoom loaiIy Wood CoatiNge * 'UNPARALLELED PERFORMANCE!'I 295 Ritson Rd, S., Oshawa 728-6809 four classrooms in the old Denis O'Connor in- termediate school plus five leased classrooms. Although a new addition just opened in 1985 at5St ' Theresa, it now lias two portables with more needed. If St. Paul's does not get the relocatable classrooms or the boun- dary changes which can ha made possible by the' building of this Whitby North elementary: school, the board estimates its enrolment by 1988 at 884, with a capacity for only 527. An addition for St. Michael which wili allow for the extension of its prograni to include grades 7 and 8 is, the board's second choice for capital projects for 1988. The board wants to then extend the boun- daries of this West Oshawa school to in- clude part of South Whitby. This would fur- ther relieve over-, crowding at St. Paul's. Whitby separate school supporters will have to wait until 1990 to have their own high school again. The board has listed that the nwn- ber one priority for 1990. However,- the board epcsto complete phase I of a high school in Pickering by the fali of 1987, having announ- ced at their regular. meeting on Oct. 20 that the -Minlstry -Of Education has aliocated $7.5 million for site pur- chase and construction of the Pickering school. Tis new school will relieve the enrolment pressure at Denis O'ConnorHigh School in Ajax, which snany Whitby high school students attend. Ahead of Whitby projects on the list for 1988 was phase Il of Notre Dame de la Jeunesse, followed by an addition at St. Isaac MRUIDroeMmr.m CUTS- $6 HIGHLIGHTS- $25 COLOUR - 818 PERM -$29 'l PENSIONERS 85 -f il-cc r-rum auul rnuLub w