O'Connor presents Schaffer play Students in tbe 4ramatic arts depar- tment of Denis O'Con- for Higb Scbool will be presenting Peter Schaf- fer's "Black Comedy" Dec. 3, 4 and 5 at the school. TÉon Gallagber and Theresa Calderon are co-directing the comedy production, tbe first at tbe scbool in two years. Mistaken identity, belped along by an Inopportune power failure, provide many of the laughs in the play set in.London, England. Mark Campbell par- trays Colonel Melkett and Marlene Engenheiro plays bis daugbter, Carol. Tbe action takes place in tbe apartment of ,Brinsley Miller, tbe lead cbarac- ter played by Tristan O'Malley._ Tickets are $3 for tbe play and are available et tbe door or by contac- ting Mary Ricbards (427-M67). :SDAV,9 DECEMBER 3,e 1986,y PAOF 25 WHAT YOU WON'T SEE DOLONEL MELKATT, as played by Mark Campbell (right), confronts Carol Melkatt (Marlene Engenheiro), Harold Gorringe (Simon Watts) and Brinsley Miller (Tristan O'Malley) in a scene that wiIl be played at Denis O'Connor Higb School in total darkness. Free Press photo Flashing lights1 stolen on Cochrane Street Fifteen flashing lights The lia shers were owned by the Town of stolen on Nov. 13, 18, 15 SWhitby bave been stolen and Dec. 1. Sfrom Cochrane St. They are valued et *during the past montb. $375. TO ADVERTISE IN.. THIS FEATURE' i: SECTION CALL 668-6111' BOB's DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Music for Ail Ages ~ Banquets - Dance&A- Parties Weddings BOB or DIANNE 434-6448 ~~Cla midiggers, -Seafooli Restaurant "'A Seafood Lover's Delight" & NIOW OPENED OOWNSTAIRS E. AS1ocy 4A GIVES YOU MORE Christm as *H*IT*S'86 77777-7 PAUL SIMON ---------------I GLASS TIGER m m Thin Red Line i cassette or lp cassette or Ip LI597' . 5097 L m897 wt ot coupon 8.97 without coupon k * . 6 CD also on sole tiitun cupnpr em Cup nuliOcube -,1986 io'ou opo em anCoupon uoMdD enber4ô l'r,86 t;.iu.noi.n w,6erPnenther promotieral-- - - - - Whitby Malt Oshawa Centre Pickering Town Centre QM, 44 ce44 P«,ýÀ za-1" Quantities are imited. Sole ends Dec. 6, 1986. .it9~JcC Iif'iXV~t1,e>' , u'u - Durhain Aîter Dark4,,4,ý :)rdr A&A'9!Papef