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Whitby Free Press, 21 Jan 1987, p. 21

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*HITBY ,FRE E ,PiRESS, WEDNESDAY, jANjUARy 21,.1987PAGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ AD~ A RILSWNE OAUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS > FFICE Aoe RTICLES FOR SALE eFORSALE/RENTER ARTICAE'FO SLESMIRANT10 * RPRIAT **FRSLiUPL RI DIKYCAS aneO UiITIW -rnmli OR BELL used auto par- 1975 DODGE Cube van. As us. ViSIT aur used turniture waah684111.nten. i ONE KING, SIZE New, Yorkor 1 watrbed, 2 soe of satin shoots, bul 1 satin comforter. Asklng $350. lqi 723-9779. 28: $6, SIX MEN'S SUITS, size 42. ln 70 good condition. A rosi buy at $20 avi each. Phono 723-5636. toi JCuSTOM MADE mtching liing. foi Srooni and ,dining room sheers, fira ivory with gold overeheers, 25 fi. 24 for living groom and 10 fi. for - dinfing groom, excellent corndition, 10 $550. Phono 668-5180. i0 MATTRESSES and box springs at pi hait price. McKeon FumIturo, 524 W 'SIMcoe Streot,,South, Oshawa.. si 725-5181. VI "FOR SALE girls figure skates, size 2, $15. Chiid sized skating bi *hoimet, $7. Phono 668-1116, E 1 $E 'ONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Workshirts $275. workpante $3,0,Workboots $15. For C t #ptaiog, send $2 relmbursod firet t j Order): Miitaiy'Surplus, Box 243,. .St. Timothes, Queboc JOS IXO. ATR PROSLEM S? In- troducing New Tochnoiagy for troatIng welis & cistems, offering souce f0 faucot protection * ýthroughaut entire water systom. RUSTY .-. .SMELLY .-. . BAD TASTING . . WATER, bactorla., staining, & more. No sait or r msssy chomicals ... maintenan- cfree. Ses the resuts for your- _self wth Our 6-month triai offer. Caoi now toiifrso 1.800-268-26561 or write Aztec Wter PurifIcbation 1 Systeme, 203-1030 Kamato Rd., 1 _Mississauga, Ont. Ares code 807 taili1416-24-4344 <colect). < CHESTERFIELD wth matching chair, one swivel chair, $300, wiib deliver. Coul 571-086. S 4EADBOARD, Kng size from E than Aiban Classic Collection. ,FRiD a sTOVE, avacado green ~$0;double bod wlsprIng mat- treaa, and dresser $275; ý.dehumidifIer $125. Ail ln ex. cellent condition. 68&2368. SRioiDAIRE 30" electrid stove, vocadco green, verY good con- dition, $150. Cou 433-4I669. USED STORE display racks for books and carda, Whtby Fre Press 66l 11. CHESTERFIELD suites, lovoats, sectionais. beas than ?~prie. Largo selection. >McKeen Fumiture, 524 Simcae St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. MICRO FURNACE January Sale. Roduce hoatIng costs. Dot rid of those hard ta hoat amals. Have -hoat whero & whsn you need If. For frois damonstration caili683- 2638. STEEL SUILDINO WINTER WORKS SPECIAL. Help us keeP factory busy during slow wnter months . Save thousanda - avoid up.comIng pride Increases , llimited steel Phono pioneerlEconospan 1-800-387- NORTHERN FOOD TREES. OId fahionsd apples. pear, apicat. nut troos. shrubs. evergreens. seodings. Duaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Gden Bough Tes OFanm. Marlbank,'Ontarto KOK 2L0 f'HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home tudy course. î,Fst. easy mothod. Guaranteedi g'For FREE Information, write:. popuiar Music Systems; Studio MSACRIFICE SACRIFICE $U$ ildlngis priced for immediate uldation. Ail Items In stock. 340x14 $3,M9. 40x6Oxl4 5,w. 48x80x14 $9.260. x90x24 $21,789. VariOus aizes ailabie Up fa 120 fIL wide. Fac- )ry direct clearance. Serlous uyers only. Ail buildings prlced r immediate detivery Cali foul- rsa 1.800-387-2115 or 1-4164S8- i'xlO' OREENHOUSE $149. I00W Metal Halide $195. Plus o,000 gardening products. Great' )rices. Send $2. for lnfo-padk. testern Water Farma, 1244 eymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. 6Bl 3N9. (604) 6824636.- IIRAC LE IPAN WINTER- WORKS pRODRAM on steel buildings whlle suppIliiesast. Example 32x50' $4,887, 46x87 $9,887, 70x120 $27,887. Other Bizes availabie at simllar discounts. Cati Miracle Span olifree 1-800-387-4910. USED DESICS, files, storago cabinets, stacking, office chairs, steel adjustable shelving. store dlsplays,'BlaIrs New & Used, 21 Aiex Ave. Woodbridge. Phone <416) 8514.100. Near Hwy. 7 & 400. Mon.-Fri. 9-5. Sat. 10-1.- FOR SALE brand new JVC tur- ntable modet LAX3B, neyer been used. $100. Cali 668-5545 anytinie. NEYER FORDET f0 turn your HEADLIGHTS OFF AGAINI1 Make your car more visibte on the road withotJt worry of a dead batterY. The headiight remînder simpiy pluga into fuse panel $9.95 plus fax. Include $2 shiPPinglhan- dling. VISAIMC. Cali 1,800-263, 3735. Weekdays 9-9. Stewart Speciatty. Box 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4W4. Orders shipped same day. -, FREE IIUNTINO. FISH-ING, CAMPING CATALOG ($5 vabue)l. Send your expbred huntlng or fishing licence (PhotocoPY ac- ceptable) and S.l.R. wIii maia fraie 372 page (over 6,500 Items) 86&87 Sportsman Catalog. S.l.R. MAIL ORDER. Dept. 161, 1863 BurroWs Avenue, Winnipegt Manitoba, R2X 2V6. Offer expires February 28,1987. TypEWRITER rentaI. many makes and modela, by the weekend, 'woek or month. D)iscounts available. Dbckspr Prlntbng & office Supplies ln the Ajax plaza. Cai us for business machine repainS. 683-1968. OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTEO any make - Mens only, ans or onc hundred. Old Roiex wristwatchez wanted. Aiso wanted Eatoni "QOuarter Century" square wrist watches <25 years service). Wil psy $750 and Up for this watcl Wiii also buy strapa. crystali parts etc. for oid wristwatches.1 416.0365-7240 or write B. WaisI 173 Queen St. E., Toronto, on, M5A 1S2. WANTED - good used buildhi materials of ail types - garai doors. windows, lumbe piywood. concrets biocks, rci trussas, fborescent lbghts, fu, panels, and anything reiated the building industry. Cali 65 8966. Wiii psy instant cash. WANTED. A good steady supi of hardwood iQ)gs or ira of toyi. WiII *psy cash for Al Modela of dInky car. 655-806. A SMALL FEMALE CATI Hwy. 12. north Brooklin. Back & greY striped, white atomach & paws, 6 f088 each foot. Named "Puùzzle". Phone 723-2724 or 576-8029. SNOW TIRES two UnIroyai Steel betted radial, piBSIBo R13. $60. Two F78-14, $30. All tires mioun- 'ted on rim a. Ca i 668 -3418. -0 TRUN q a FLOORS repalred guaranteed to pasa aafety checks. 655-966 i Do EXCELLENT body work.pnd paint lobs on every thlng froni sports cars ta dump) trucks at a very reasonable rate. All work dans tram my Pickering home. Cati Richard for a f rea estimate. 6554966Pckerng. AUTMOBLESAUTOMOBUILES FRSALE FOR SALE '86 ARIES 4 DR* Auto - power steeririg and brakes, radio, etc. $8495.00. Prevlous owners name on reqtiest - t's been serViCed here sinCe new - balance of new car warraflty. WHITBY 68-3000 Iry 20 DUNDAS ST.W. AJAX 686-1642 DE WHITBY, ONT. YOUR KEY TO HAPPY MOTORIND '86 CHRYSLER LASER 1-owfler, eConomiCal and sporty 5-speed- looks and runs like new - 40,000 kilos of faCtory warrarity stili left - $9695.00 full priCe. WHITBY 666-3000 Wa[H:iT5lrBy 209 DUNDAS ST.W. AJAX 686-1642 C1RYSLERI WITBV, ONT. VOUR KEY TO HAPPY MOTORING '84 ARIES 4 DR. Auto, radio, power equIpped, etc. OnIy 17,400 miles - t's a 1-owner and of course well prove It - 51,000 kilos of factory warraflty left plus Chrysier Gold Plan warranty - hurry - only $5995.00. WHITBY 666-3000 L#HIT5B 209 DUNDAS ST.W. AJAX 686-1642 DOOG WHITBY, ONT. C~HRYLEIR' YOURI KEY TO HAPPY MOTORIND 1"982 LYNX VERY GOOD CONDITION 1 LADY OWNER $2500 or b.o. 668-1737 speed. tape dock. cloth seat s. radial tirs, gasaaver, good con- dition. $1395. 689919. 1979 HONDA CIVIC, bbue. AMIFM cassette, good condition $1000. 668-7952. 1979 DAMUN 310 GX 5 speed, 63,000 original miles, new paint, AMIFM storea. certif led $1,600 or besf offer. Cali 65548966. 1978 DODDE MONACO. air con- ditlonlng, V8. ps, pb. $750 as is. 666-2911. 75 CHEVY NOVA . Six cybînder. auto. runs well. Leas than 70,000 miles. $300). firm. Ph. 668-1832. '81 HONDA ACCORD 4 DR. There's lots of drivinq left ln this little silver 5- speed - don't miss It for $1995.00 as is - or we'illCertify it for you. WHITBY 666-3000 *, WHITBY * 209 DUNDAS ST.W. AJAX 686-1642 CHYLEt WHITBY, ONT. YOUR KEY TO HAPPY MOTORING 1974 FOR F350 1 ton truck dualiy with 8 fi. Myers Piow. Many new parts. $3500 or b.o. 655-896. MIXED HARDWOQD LOGS for f lrewood. Double Loada - 12 cord. Merrili Barry (705) 754-2258. West Guliford. FIREWOO FR SALE, 16" single corda, ail hardwood - maple. birch, ironwood a oak. $175.00 bush cord. FREE DELIVERY. Excellent tree removai service at very reasonabie prices. Cati Paul at 655-8966. 4jj~MENTSI HAMMOND electronlc organ, 2 keybosrds, autom8tic rhythm section, stool included, $900. High Fideiity speaker systeni, 70 watts, air suspension, 12to woofer, 5", midrange. 3" tweeter, brlilliance controi. 28"x16"'x11", $160 pair. Poneer beit driven tur- ntable. magnetIc cârtridge, anti- skating and overhang checker with duat cover, $75. Phone 668- 4098. 1à 0c~iIN PIANO à THEORY bessons. Royal Conservatory preparation. Adults & chlbdren wobcome, Cali Margaret 666-1951.- PIANO LESSONS ln Whitby on Michael Bivd. ExperiencOd, regbstered maie Music feachor. Piano and theOrY, ail grades. Beginners or advanced. Aduits Most wolcome. Rogister soon for Jan. 1987. C811 Mîchol Pelissier 666-1292 affernoons or eveninga. A OUALIFIED and experIenced teacher availabis f0 f utor ail oiemontary subjocta. Schooi laison. Leaming probloni sot welconle. Cali evenIngs 688-4322. eljjJjNS ALS ADULT VIDEOS Gef this month's LUSTY LADY at $19.95 and get aur No. 1 beat seller at 112 priceli1 Caitoit free to order 1-800-663-7934 DATES DALORE. For ail ages& unaftached. Thousanda ot Mmn- bers anxious f0 meet you. prestige Acquaintandes cail tolifrea 1.800-263-9163. Hours Noon foit 8 p-. igE onYP peas-onchieringo caines t DckOnalinting & Ofrl- tigOfice Supplies t AaxShop- styles and sies. Whyvipay mor 1689. idweePakaage. Ful condof- Bp $135, Loft suite 4p $M «Twin Suite 2p $40. Great SkiinfI basf price. Cali 1.604) 932-3913. LOCIIAVEN INN: Excellent European Cuisine ln a relaxed country setting. Skating, cross- country skling., eowmobiling. Discount Week-end packages - January 25 and February 7th. Ask about our Tuesday - f res prograni. Cati (705) 754-3531. HOBBY SHOP FOR RENT. Handy Man's Dreani: New unfurnbshed building. heavy wood f loor, 12' x 36' on a largo bot. You finish the building f0 suit your needa and deduct ail expenses froni rent. $175.00 monthiy. Centrally located ln Pickering. 655-8966. STORADE SPACE location, ac- cesa off Hwy. 7 jusf N. of Ajax. 5 acres of parking, excellent for storing boats, traliers, trucks, campera, race cars, buses, trac- tors, heavy machineiy, buuidjng materlais and othor producta. Also indoar storage avalsable' Fenced property with locked gatea. daily access. $150 an- nualby. Cali 655.89w6. ART STUDIO for rent - very modem nsw building, carpofed, telophone, electric hat, privato entrance, $175 monthly includea ail utibities and services., This fully furnished studio can aiso be used as an offilce. Ph. 655-896. BRAND NEW hobbyshop far ront. We supply ail fthe nsw materials and a case ot beer, you ersct this workshop yauraoif ta yaur specîfIcatians and psy oni1y $200 monthiy. lJfilitlOs and ail services included. Ph. 655-966. SERVICES DAY CARE availabie un my home. babIes included, nutritiaus meals, apaclous piayroonls. In- formail lambrW_.actilties. Ask about aur pick-up service, reasonable rates, f ree bunny rab- bits for ail new comera and plen- ty of pets f0 play with. Cai 655- 8966. BABYSîT ln my home, 1 child, .re -_rb-y - ILyr. u. . -aR..- cas. 668-5254. AU CTIONS FUN FOR DROP IN, TO WISH Myrtie THE WHOLE Lovelock happy 70th, Jan. 31187. FAMILY 3-7 Upatairs Brookiin Legion. ATTEND ONE THIS Basf wishes only. WEEKENQ!. 45e ilS%.C VZ2H.into lirewooo. ooo-oou ATTENTION DISPLAY & CÇLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS edaort owr ele obxnmes Plesechckyor dvetiemfl fr rrrs on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every enevorto wadrple ossbonamaes dayof ublcaton.The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. ledtoaiehru flr rdlyinowrig liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each lee oaietruhfiueo ea nfradn errors in publication byn the cost of the space occupiedadtoawr such replies. We will not be responsible for box number beyond nl wod.reliesnot called for within 30 days. by Uhe error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. e The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- rejctail advertisements Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12C each additioflal word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert oedy before they can be changed or cancelled. o aclCasfe d. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43is per une. (No word ads allowed). ditional wr if pre-paid. You may charge orCasfe BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 6861 MMERCIL "q IPRGPERTYI )FFICE FOR RFENT. Very nodem, fully fumiahed, ilephone. electrl hats 3 acres i parking ln a commercI81com- iex on Hwy. 7,.just north of Ajax hoppinlg Centre. AIt services ln- ludilg advertislflg for only 175.00 molthy. Thia private en* trance building can also be uïed as an art studio. 65548966. LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT for ont. Situated Jin a commercial compiex presently contsInlng many work shopa. This Hwy. 7 frontage lot ln Pickering enabies you f0 give sales and service of heavy machinery, amati engines$, welding, landscaping etc.. Commercili signa are permttted. sl00.00monthly Includes snow- plowing, road maintenance, taxes, Insurance, landscaping, advertising. etc. A building can be erected on this commercial lot f0 suit your needa. Cati 6558968. FREE STORAGE & parking for heavy machin8ry, equipment- farm implements. tractors, bulldozers. backhoes, loaders, traltors, f bats, snow piows, In- dustrîIa equipment, building materiais, firewood, snowmobiies, sM811 engines, dump trucks, graders, tractor- traitors, etc. Aiso avaliable for rent commercial lots ande, workshops from $lSOImonth and up. AIl buildings lnsuiated, cement flbora and heavy hydro. Located on a very large comer- cial complex with over one Mite of H-wy. 7 frontage ln Pickering Juat North of the Ajax Shopping Centre. Thisexceilent loca tioný enabtes you to give sales and services of ail mechanicalIitems. Plenty of drive-In traffic and ail appropriate signa erssbe 655-8966. BUSINESS FOR SALE. GrocarY convenience store.: centrally iocatedin Pickering on Hwy. 7. New building .$50000monthiy rent. Fixtures $5,000.0O. Stock - $5,.0. .Cai 55.896. SERVIES UNEMPLOYED? The Unem- ptoyed Help Contre can assiat 'wIth: Employment Counsellng, ResumesUnemploymerit In- surance, WorkerS' compen- sation, O.H.I.P. and weifare In- formation, or criais referrals ta other agencies. Cal 579-1821. MAN WITH TRuCK wili' deliver furniture, help you to move, cdean Up back yards and basementS and smali odd jobs. Very reasonabie rates. Celi .- 655496 FURNITURE REFINISHINO. On- site repaira to cigarette burna, scratches, etc. Pianos, TV, and ail other furniture. Free estinlatea. 655-896. ADVERTîSING SERVICES. Dispiay posters placed ln ail 64 shopping centres f rom Pickering f0 Bowmanviiie. DisplaY Your services or producta f Or sale. We supply postera. 1()% commission oniy. No sale, No commission. Cati 655-8966. DOUG'S POWER Sweeping Ser- i, vice. I wiil sweep your un- r- derground parking area ln con- 1- dominiums and apartment buildings. Aiso sidewaiks and parking lots. Cati for f res estimate. 655-8966. a

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