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Whitby Free Press, 28 Jan 1987, p. 21

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WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY «LAI> lm _ COMMERCIAL SALECLES ARTICLE ' WANTED TO AUTOMOTIVE OFFICE TRAVEL PROPERTY FOaORSL.BYRE T REPAIR/P ARTS SUPPLIERS, SERVICES O AERN SIX MENS SUITS, sire 42. In -$$SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$ INKY CARS wanted. Collection TO BUY OR SELL used auth Par-- VISIT Our used furniture LORALEA COUNTRY INN: Take a OFFICE FOR RENT. VerY good condition. A reai buy t $20 buildings prced for Immediate ofty.Wipacshoril s.Ci57-4,ascorer. warehouse by appointment. Big wlnter break and go sklIng, modem, fuiiy fumlished, each. Phone 723-5636. liquidation. Al Items ln stock.. mdl fdnycr.~n~ aig ndss chairs, fMiing snowmobliing rentai availabie), telephone, eiectric heat,13 lacrese _________- - - 28x40x14 $3,M9. 4ox60x14 modelaof_______cars._655-8M SNOW TIRES two Uniroyal ateel cabinets, etc. Oeli lDckson PrIn- ie fishing or skating In the of parking ln a commerilcm FOR SALE girls figure skates, $6,500. 46x80x14 $9,2W. TYPEWRITER rentai, many belted radiai, P185180 R13, $60 ting & Office Supplies to arrange Haliburton Highlands or, lust piex on Hwy. 7, juat north of AJBx sire 2, $15. ChIld sired skating 70x9Ox24 $21.789. Varlous sires makes and modela, by the, Two F78-14, $30. Ail tires moun- an appoiniment to view. 681 relax ln front of your f Irepiace. Ail Shopping Centre. Ail services 1i'n- heimet, $7. Phone 668-1116. avalabie up ta 120 ft. wide. Fac- weekend, week or month. ted on rima. Calil 668-3418. 1968., this and two home-cooked muais*6 ciuding advertIsing for only -0 tory direct clearance. Serlous Discounts avalabie. Dickespn0 daiiy. Speclal mld-week rates. $175.00 monthiy. This private en- AFREE HUNTINO. FISHING., buyers only. Ail buildings prIced Printing & Office Supplies ln the rRUNKS à FLOORS repaired aEOTYPE press-on iettering now Calil free 1-800-401-1422. trance building can also be usedà .- - . -... - -. - - - -- . ...... In stockaet DIckaon Printing & Of- _____________ as an art studio. 655-8966. CAMPING CATALOG ($5 value). Send your explred huntlng or fishing licence (Photocapy ac- ceptable) and S.I.R. wiil mmii a free 372 page Cver 6,500 Items) W087 Sportsman Cataiag. S.i.R. MAIL ORDER, Dept. 161, 1863 Burrows Avenue, Winnipeg, #Aantoba, R2X 2V6. Offer expires February 28, 1967. HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteedi For FREE Information, write: Popular Muslc Systems; Studio 45, 3284 Boucherie Road, Keiowna, .0. V 2H-2. LOWRANCE X-15 Sonar Graph, 2 yra aild, variable depths, room, swivei mount, transducer, exc. cond., $80. 655-923, eveninga. USED STORE display rocks for books and dards, Whtby. Free press, 6611l1 MICRO FURNACE January Sale.' Reduce heatlng casto. Get rid ai those hard ta heat aras. Have hat where & when you need It. For free demanstration ceil 683- 26M. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Oid fastiioned apples, pear, aprIcot, nut trees, shrubs, evrgreens,. seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prIces. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farmn. Marlbmnk, Ontarla KOI< 2L0. RC, AIRPLANIE, lub Cricket, .S.40 Engine, 4 channel Kyasho radio, 4 servos, ail new, neyer flown, $350. 655-8923, evenInga. IJSED ,DESIKS, files, starage cabinets, stacking, office chairs, steel adjustable shelvlng, store dispiays, Blaira New & Used, 21 Alex Ave.. Woodbridge, Phone (416) 8518100. Near Hwy. 7 & 400. Mon.-FrI. 9-5. Sat. 10-1.- ÊARMI WINCHES 3 Pth, Log Spitters 5 h.p., 2 stage. Speclal fsrm prce $1,295 at Canada Farm Show, Toronto, H-ll 4. Nonette Sales, Caleton Place, (613) 257- 1661. âÂRDI-RNERS: ',Greenhouse& I'ydmoponic new iower prIces on ail your needa. 1000W Halide $179- 400W $106- Complte 15 plant hydroponlc garden In- ciuding light $63. Greenhouses fram $149. Thousands af produc- te. New catalogue $2. Western Water Ferme, 1244 Seymnour St., Vancouver, B.0. yOD 3N9. (604) 68263. SATELLITE DISK owners. Tired of scrambied channeis? We have DESCRAMBLERS avalable wth or wthoutmonthiy fees. (705) 789-7262. Caliltoday. NEVER FOitUET f0 turn your HEADLIQHTS OFF AGAINI Make your car more visible on the road wthout worry of a dead battery. The headight remînder slmply piugs aInto fuse panel $9.95 plus tax. Include $2 shippinglhan- dling. VISAJMC. Oelil 1800-26&- 3735. Weekdays 9-9. Stewart Speclalty, Box 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4w4. Ordera shipped same day. MONTRtEAL IILITARýY Surplus: Workshlrte $2.75, workPanlts 33.50, workboots $15. For cataîag, send $2 relmburaed firat arder): Miltary Surplus, Box 243. St. Timothee, QueWe JOS 1IXO. for immediate deiivery Cali toil- free 1800-387-2115 or 1-416-858- 2446. MIRACLE $PAN WINTER- WORKS PROGRAM on steel buildings whlle supplies 188t. Example 32x50 $4,887, 40X87 $9887, 70xl2O $27,887. Other sizes avaliable ai simillar discounts. Cali Miracle Span toilfree 1-800-387-4910. STEEL BUILDING 'WINTER WORKS SPECIAL Heip us keep fctory busy during slow wlnter monthe - Save thousanda - avoid up.coming prie increass iimIted steel Phone PloneerlEconspan 1-800-387- 6896. EýEN0 ACCOMMODATIONS wanted for working university students from May-Sept. Room with ktchen priviiedges or roomn & board situations ideal. Any accom- modations, ln the Whtby, Brookiin & NW Oshawa areas welcome. Cmli Carolyn at 655- 4300. Mon.-Thurs. 7am-4pm until Feb. 13. machine repaira. 683-1968. WANTED - good used building materlals of ail types - garage doors, windows, lumber, piywood. concrete blocks, roof trusses, fiorescent iights, fuse panels, and anythlng reiated ta the building Industry. Cali 655- 8966. WiiI psy Instant cash. WANTED. A good steady supply of hardwaad loge or trees suitabie for cutting and splittIng into firewood. 655-896. OLD WRISTWATCH ES WANTED. Any make, mens oniy. One or one hundred. Old Roiex wrstwatches wanted. Also wanted Etons "*Quarter Century" square wrIstwatches (25 yeara service). WiII pay $750 and up for this watch. WiI isa buy strapa, crystals, partsi etc. for aid wrist- watches. (416) 365-7240 or write B. Wash, 173 Queen St. E., Toronto, Ont. N5A 1S2. WANTED. i will psy up fa $150Î CASHt for 1940's ADDISON 2- colour plastic radios. Oeil (519) 647-2033, or write Dan Ellis, RR2, .ynden, Ont. LOR iTO. REWARD. $50 to $100 paid for Addison Two-Colaur plastic radias. Sorry, none needed wth white plastic. Caii coilect 418) 641-1420. checksa. 655-8966 I Do EXCELLENT body wô*rk and paint Jobs on everythIng from sports cars to dump trucksa at a very reasonabie rate. Ail work done f rom my Pickering home. Cail Richard for a free estimate. 655-8966 Pickering. FTOR OB ISOLE1 1979 DATrSUN 310 GX, 5-speed, 63,000 original mles, new paint, AM/FM stereo, certif led $1.500 or beat offer. Call655-8966. F 1'97 IDODGE MONACO ~AlrondItioniflg,V8, Ups, pb, $750 a s.I 6-911 FOR SALE 1975 DODGE Cube van. As le. Best offer. Whtby Free Press. 668-6111. 1974 FOR F350 1 ton truck duaiiy with 8' ft. Myers Piow. Many new parts. $3500 or b.o. 655-8966. plng Piara. Large selection of styles and sires. Why psy nmore for a smaller sheet of iettering? 663-1968. F3ARM csing Rid Seaur raneem Warays onidamfo rt-Sev caruls ship KAWRTAb VOYAEUR. ite tariHa Waterway Omilses, Box .1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. HOBBY SHOP FOR RIENT. Handy Man's Dreamn: New unfumlshed building, heavy wood f loor, 12' x 361 on a large lot. You finish the building to suit yaur needa and deduct ail expenses from rent. $175.00 monthly. Oentraiiy located ln Pickering. 655-896. STORAGE SPACE location: mc- cesa off Hwy. 7 just N. ai Ajax. 5 acres af parking, excellent fer storing boats, traliers, truckse, campera, race cars, buses, trac- tors, heavy machinery, building matenilas and other products. Also Indoar stoýrage available. Fenced property with locked gates, dmily accesa, $150 an- nualiy. Cail 655-8966. ART STUDIO for rent - very modem new building, carpeted, telephone, electrlc heat, private entrance, $175 manthiy Includes ail utlties and services. This fuliy fumished studio cen 8180 be udasan offile. Ph. 655-896. rent. Situmted ln a commercial complex presently containing many work shops. This Hwy. 7 frontage lot ln Pick erIng enables you fa gîve sales and service of heavy machinery, smail engines, %veldIng, landscaping etc. Commercial signa are permitted. $100.0 monthly Includes snow- plowIng, road maintenance, taxes, Insurance, Ilandscaplng, advertlslng, etc. A building cen be erected on this commercial lot ta sit your needs. Oeifl-966. FREE STORAGE & parking for heavy mechInery, equipment, farm impiements, tractors, bulldozers, backhoes, loaders, trailors, floats, snow plows, In- dustriel equipment, building materlais, flrewood snowmobiies, 8ail engînea dump trucks, graders, tractar- trailors, etc. AieOaaalable for rent commercial lots and workshops from $lsomonth and up. Ail buildin gs insuleted, cement floors and heavy hydro. Located on e very large commer- cial compiex with over one mile of Hwy. 7 frontage In Pickering just North of the Ajax Shopping Centre. This excellent location enables you ta give sales and services ai ail mechanical Items. Plenty af drive-In treffIc and ail appropriateslgne permissible. 655-8966. Ï2. OSHL SAEWNE o etfrci FARMERS WANTED who are BUSINESS FOR SALE. GracerY truk.O6S-592 paylng too much fax ar are not BRAND NEW hobbyshop for rent. convenience store, centraîly WIGPA ASDo aypiku SNOWMOBI11LES using ail the fax breaks available. We supply ail1fthe new materiais located In Pickering on Hwy. 7.. CUSTOM MADE matchlng living truck, regardiesa of colour, breed SLSRNTL hneuoomy pontet adsca use ai eer, you re Nw bxuding- $5.Oman- tck room and dinlng room sheera, or condition. Cmli 655-8968. I...,....meeoJ times avallable ta process 1986 warksho orsend a y our rent$,W0. Cxurei-&5"m.0 tc Ivory wth gaid oversheera, 25 ft. 1976 MOTOSKI NUVIK 30 8 tax refums ln your home. Farm specl Uifitis and paitonerv200es ,000.Oi65-9. for living roomn and 10 ft. for or b.o. Oelil afer 6pm 655-8896. fordst.esscoutaan, N29Ox- lncluded. Ph. 655-896 dlnlng roam, excellent condition, FIREWOOD/ fordSt._Eat,_London,_________1 $55. Phone 668-5180. Woo e80-265-1002. 0 W" LUMBERI MATRFESSES and box springs et g5......,..,.mmmmu1 AN hall price. McKeen Fumiture, 524 MIXED HARDWOOD LOOS for Q BIRTH > j' M E T Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. f rewaod. Double Loads - 12 cord. * ANNOUNCEM ENTS E ~ERSONALSI ,...m......J 725-5181. Merrili Barry (705) 754-2258. West Pl..mmmm.b~.J~ ......... UNEMPLOYED? The Unem- Guilford with: HErpoycentreOun sing BOOK1CABE. bed, sprlng mat- tresa 39"1 and matchlng cheat af drawera $85. 4-seat chesterfieid and chair. Suitable for cottage Or rec room (brown) $50.668-509. CHESTERFIELD with matching chair, one swivel chair, $300, will deliver. Cmli 571-0866. FRIG A-STOVE, avacada green $500 double bed wlsprlng mnat- trese, and dresser $275; dehumidifier $125. Al ln ex- cellent condition. 668-2368. ELECTRIC WATER IIEATER tank, 1 yr. oid $80. Cali after 5.,6- 3720. FRIGIDAIRE 30" eiectric stove, avocada green, very good con- dition, $150. Cali 433-4669. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, sectionals, less than %h prîce. Large selection. McKeen Fumiture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. CHERRY DROPLEAF table, 2 leavea, excellent condition $375. Cali 688-7370 eveninga. SMAALL 12V, 110W refrigerator. Sultabie for boat or camper $125. Cali Km 668-9062. 4000 BU Air conditioner for win- dow mounting ln hause $175. OelilKm 668-9062. FIREWOOD 16" single cords, mixed hardwaod $65 single card. Free deiivery. F111 yaur trunk for only $25.W0 655-896 INjflRUENTSI 1 FULL SET LUDWIG. Three toms. Good anars. HI-hat. Three cymbala. Ail Zlodians. Throne. Phone 668-2808. PIANO à THEORY lessona. Royal Conservatory preparatian. Adulte & children - welcome. Oeil Margaret 666-1951. PIANO LESSONS ln Whitby on Michael Blvd. Experlenced, reglstered maie music teacher. Piano and f heory, ail grades. Beginnera or advanced. Adute moat weicame. Register acoan for Jan. 1987. Cail Michel Pelissier 688-1292 affemoana or evenings. ~SEEDS '=.@ ONCEENTS CONGRATULATIONS- on your -.-lcmavu ma lamanob in this worîd. there's aIways room for one more. Cali your Welcome Wagon Hostess now. Phone 666-2482 A DULT VI DEOS weddlng Invitations at yaur. leisure ln aur Ajax Plaza store.. Get this manth's Dickson Printing & Office Sup- LUSTY LADY et $19 95 pilies,683-1968. and get aur No. 1 beat seller at 112 price 11 Cmii f011 free f0 order 1-800-6637934 F E DATES GALORE.' For aIl ages& bers anxious ta meet you. prestige Acquainfances call f ollfree 1-800-263-9163. Houra Noon toil 8 p.m. Printing and Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copr"f the 1986 Metrlc. Calendar. PrInted In two calours. It makes for handy reference. 683-1968. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED 1 SERIE Sunday 8-12 pm. Starta Feb. 1, 1987. Cmii 666-3070. KINGSTON WINTER ANTIQUE SHOW, Kngston, Ontarlo. Feb. 7th and th, 10 s.m. until 5 p.m daliy. Port smout h Oiympic Han- bour Site. 48"selected dealers f rom Ont. and Ouebec. babies Inciuded, nutritiaus meals, spaclous pisyroama, In- formai leamlng actîvities. Asic about Our pick-up service, reasonable rates, free bunny rab- bits for ail new camnera and plen- ty af pets ta play wlth. Cmli 655-. 8966. Resumes, Unemployment In- surance, Workers' Compen- set ion, O.H.l.P. nd weifare In- formation, or crie15 referrais fa otheragencies. OeIL579-1821. MAN WITH TRUCK wiiI deliver fumiture, help you ta mave, dlean up beck yards and basement s and smsil odd lobs. Very reasonabie rates. Oelil - 655-8966. FURNITURE REFINISHING. On- site repairs ta cigarette burns, scratches, etc. Pianos, TV, and ail other furniture. Free est imates. 655-896. ADVEàTISING SERVICES. Dispiay postera placed n ail 64 shopping centres from Pickerng ta Bowmanvllle. Display yaur, services or products for sale. We supply posters. 10% commission only. No sale, Na commission. Cal 655-8968. DOUGS POWER Sweeping Ser- vice. i will aweep your un- derground parkng arma n con- dominums and apartment buildings. Also sidewalks and parking lots. Cal for f ree estîmate. 655-8966. SNOW PLOWING, commMicla and residential. Guaranteed good and punt ual -ger v'ice . 7 day B a week. LANDSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL 655-8966. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t ech additional word. however, we accept no liabiity regardiflg loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors ini publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BRTS, DEATHS - $7.00> for the first 10 words; 12e each such replies. We wiil not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. additional word. replies-not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.C4 for 20 words- 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43$ pet.ine.ýNo word ads aIIoweci>. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI make 6861 giTBYÉFlEt PR ESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1987,ý PAGE 21 JLý forthcoming marnage. Ploase.

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