WHITBY FREE PRESS;WEDNESDAY,,JANUARY 28,1987, pge 23 Byines> By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cail 655-3679 wlth Items for this column MPN'S MORNING GROUP A new session of Brookli Mom's Morning Group is starting. it will be held every Wed- nesday morning from 9:15 to 11: 15 in Brooklin United Church Hall until the middle of May., This gives young area mothers a chance to get'out of the house and make new friends while learninig new crafts, hearing interesting speakers or taking short excursions. At the same time her pre-sehoolers will be expertly tended by trained staff. This'is a program that bas proved to be very popular. Last session was attended by 25 mothers and some 40 children. If you would like to take part,, cail Sue Anne Squiresr at 683- 5217 or Cheryl Flaniders at 655-4188 right away. Space is limited. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Brooklin Women's Institute held a Tweed- smuir Hlistory meeting in Brooklin Com- munity Centre on Jan. 21. The motto was "The heritage of the past is the seed that brings the harvest of the future". Roll cali wsanswered by telling of a favourite family figure from the past. Mrs. Royce Irwîn presented a short history of the village from the first four homes that were built on tbrough the first industry, ronds and churches. Tweedsmuir history books were on display. The hostesses, Bessie Cosway and Laurel Hamer served a delieious lunch afterward. The next meeting is schedtqled for Feb. 18 at the same location at 1:30 p.m. The motto wil be "Resolutions are like pie crust - easily broken. " (Its obviously not my pies they're talking about). Roll caîl is to be answered with a reply to this question - "Do you think that resolutions are necessary and why?" Mrs. Irwin will be the hostess and visitors, as usual, are welcome. IfyuaeBADMINTON CLUB Ifyuaelooking for a littie healthy fun and fitness, this is your invitation to join the group that meets every Thursday evening in Meadowcrest gym from 8:15 10:15. You don't have to have any previous experience, ail you need are your sneakers and a willingness to learn. LEGION EUCHRE Every fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning Jan. 28, there will be a euchre party at the Legion beginning at 8 p.m. Refresh- ments are served and there are prizes for the winners (and some losers). Those that received prizes last month were Doug Jackson, Frank Simpson, Joe DeKoning, Judy Smith, Pat Jackson and K. Pindar. The admission price is only $2, so mark this' on your calendar and plan to attend. The Legion Ladies go to a lot of work to provide this monthly entertainment, s0 geL out and make their efforts worthwhile. VALENTINE'S DANCE BroolinDistictLionsClub ihis spnsoqring a provoking message on the Lord's Prayer. Because of the storm, the UCW exetillive meeting scheduled for Monday. Jan. 19, was rescheduled for the Wednesday evening. At that ime the new executive was able t<) plan the budget and programme for 1987. An aduit bible study group began on Thur- sday. Jan. 22 at 6:45 p.m. Uuider the leader- ship of Bey. Lacey, iL is using the Serendipily Bible study as a guidebuok and promises to be an excîting study. The next session wilI be held on Thursdlay..Jan. 29. lb is ont too late for anhyone Who is i infpiest ,-d t oloi ri ii. Wihitby'f ire .chief will- heip local Big Brothers Whitby Fire Chief Ed Crouch is one of the honorary co-chairmen for this year's Big Brothers' Bowl ,for Millions to be held Feb. 7 to 14. 11I decided to become involved with the program because of the principles and values in life that the Big Brothers are providing to the mnany boys that do not receive the better Lhings in life," says Crouch. III believe that Lhe more we can do to assist these boys, in providing Lbem with interesting and good imes, the chances of them becoming involved with offences that require police and fire services will be reduced. 2 ,p.m., undividu&Il celebnities will compete for the Terry Kelly Cup, won ast year by This Week's Dave Magee. ED CROUCH. Bowling at Oshawal Lanes (Oshawa Centre) at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 7 will kick off the week. Anderson CVI of Whitby will be one of the high scbools in the area taking part in the school challenge at Oshawa Lanes at4 p.m. MaLt Regan of CKAR will be emcee for Celebrity Day. -'begin- ning at-2 p.m., Feb. 14, at Motor City Lanes. At - Also at .2 p.m., six- member teams from busjnesses, *service, clubs and corporations wiIl compete for the Corporate Challenge trophy, won last year by McMillan-l3athurst. At 2:30 p.m.,--bowlers from Oshawa city coun- cil or Whitby town coun- cil are paired with a league bowler to comn- pete for plaques. Oshawa Mayor Allan Pilkey and bowler Marg Carmichael won last year. Brothers and others team with members of the Oshawa Generals who will be team cap- tains. Scott McCrory's eam won hast year. At 3:30 p.m., teams o! six bowlers from leagues in Oshawa and Whitby compote for the Mayor's trophy, won last. year by the team from the Downtown In- dustrial League. Sponsor sheets- are available at Oshawa Bowling Lanes, Motor City Bowling* Lanes (Richmond St. W.) or from the Big Brothers office (44 William St. W., Oshawa). For more information cal 579-2551. A Metropolitan Toron- to police officer, charged with faiing to remain aL the scene of an accident following a Lwo-car crash in Whit- by, Friday, Jan. 9, bas been ordered Lo stand trial in Oshawa Provin- cial Court Jan. 17. Edward McVeigh, 26, ,will now also face two more charges laid in connection with the ac- cident. They are dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and having liquor in a vehicle. The accident occurred on the morning of Jan. 9 when a car travelling westbound on Pine HuIs Rd. failed to stop at a stop sign at Thickson Rd. N. and collided with a car travelling South on Tbickson. The driver of the first car then fled the scene of foot. The accident sent Dianne Ward, '39, of Seniors projeet FROM PAGE 1 Oshawa) was organized in Apnil of 1983. Christian Reformed Churches in the region initiahhy started the organization which now has members of l denominations. Chrisian Homes groups have construc- Led residenLial projects in other communities in Ontario. Brookijusewers FROM PAGE 6 proved requesting an eligibility ruling from the ministry's project. evaluation committee. Short said that if the committee approves the request, the next step in the process would be a more "exhaustive" study of the Brookhin sewage systems. He said thaL no ime period is known if the next step is approved, adding that the study willlhook at problems and solutions. Ajax to Whitby General Hospital with a broken pelvis and caused more than $15,000 damage to botb cars. CORRECTION The A & P Flyer distributed by bousehold mail for the week of Jan. 26-31 read Dr. Ballards Dog Food. IL should have read Dr. Ballards CaL Food. A&P apologizes for this error and any inconvenience iL may have caused our customers. SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL DURHAM REGION'S EXCLUSIVE HOME p OF THE STARS. Theý Finest Live Entertainment to Serve You NO COVERI NOMNIMUM 20 BEA UTIF-UL GIRLS TO ENTER TAIN YOU Denis OI'Coirnor, schS1 news By LIZ ARUTA As I reported before, Denis O'Connor held its fîrst ever mousetrap car contest on Jan. 16th. Mirko Favit won with a distance of 22.5 metres. Runner-up was our resident Math genius Mr. Whelan. Despite ah bhis calculations he only succeeded in inventing a car to go the distance of 16.5 metres. Maybe next year! Jan. 21 was the day our DO'C graduates said good-bye. Normally our Grade. 13's present their skits on the last day of scbool before the Christmas holidays, but because of a shortage of time this year they were unable to. Instead DO'C students witnessed the annual farewell plays and skits on Wed- nesday. On Jan. 16' our junior and midget boys basketball teams were riding high. Both teams recorded a victory over CourLice. The juniors played an extremely tough game with a final scorè of 62-47. Scott Sherlock played a superb offensive game scoring 22 points. Rob Buque netted 10, Sean Vegter sunk eight and. Dave Reuge recorded seven points. Our midgets also played a great game as the leading scorer, Steve Bandce, sunk 17 points. And finally, as IVve aiready mentioned, exams are near at DO'C. This. week was spent reviewiflg for those deadly things in the weeks to comne. Again, I'd ike to wish everyone good luckl D THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITI- D 0F DURHAM DURHAM NOTICE 0F-PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Commlttee wiII consider at a meeting to be held on: FEBRUARY 3,1987 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMENO THE DUR HAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIALý PLAN 0F THE FORMER PLANNING AREA,,0F THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, The amendment, as submitted by.,the, applicant, proposes to expand -theDundaslThickson Sub- Central Area to include the'subjeot site, shaded on the map below, thereby recognizing the existing commercial shopping centre (K-Mart Plaza) and adju, sting the permitted commercial f loorspace accordingly. - Subsequently, the Reglonal Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be heîd on: FEBRUARY 11,- 1987 AT 10:00 A. M. COUNCILOHýAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WH ITBY The report reîated to the amendment application is available for inspection.in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Cons'umers Drive, Whitby, or by caliing Mrs. Valerie Cranmer, Plmuk, ning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requests to make a presentatiori before the Plan- ning Committee concerning the amendment ap- plication must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P.I Commissioner of Planning, 105 Con- sumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario [AN 6A3, and should be received by the Friday preceding th e meeting. Requests to make a presentation before Regionai -Council concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and shouid be received 48 hours priorto the Regional Council meeting. Regional Chairman Regional Cterk Police officer to stand trial, in June -il