WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,ý FEBRUARY 4,-1987, PAGE 21 Local'hosfailies wanted for ASS echag ASSE International litudent Exchange programs is seeklng ýocal familles to host ,andinavlan, French, ,lpanlsh, German, Dut- J,!h, British,. Swiss, lapanesel, American md Australian girls and loys, 15 to 18 years of 'ge, comlng to this area or the upcoming hlgh ,,chool year, (1987/88). mrese personable and icademically ,select oreign exchange Audents are bright, ':urlous andanious to Iearn about this country hrough living as part of iî famifly, attending high ichool andsharing their wnculture and Ianguage with their ~iewly - adopted Canadian family. The students are iluent in English and ïire sponsored by ASSE, ;inon-profit, public enefit organization, af- ~iItedwith the Swedish an Finish departmen- 1 of education and ~o>eating with the uandian provincial Imnistries of education. The exchange studen- ts arrive from their home country shortly before school begins ta late August and return at the end of the school, year ta June. Each ASSE student ilully in- sured, brings his or ber own personal spending money and expects, to bear his or her share of household ,respon- sibilities, as well as being included in nor- mal faxily activities and lifestyle. The students are well screened and qualified by ASSE. Familles may select the youngster of their choice from exten- sive student ap- plications, - family photos and biographical essays. Students and familles are encouraged to begin correspon<Iing prior to the students' arrivai. ASSE is alïo seeking local high school studen- ta to become ASSE ex- change students abroad. Students should be bet- ween 15 and 18 years old and interested ta living 301. Byron St. S. Whitby ......'~~663070 Valent*ines:Day Speci al Febl14/87 Reserve Early LIV E ENTERTAINMENT Mit FRIDAY&SATURDAY NIGHTS. GI.AND OPENING PARTYi ThursFeb3th Bpm. /m OOà MPUME4TAAY MRSbEURES T.UohonOs on every table!l 947 DILLINGHAM RD PICKoERING 839-«79 I - - - s wlth a European, American or Australlan family, attending school and learning *about the lands and people- of Scandinavia, France, Spain, German, Holiand, Brità i, Swit- zerland, United States and Australia.,Students sliould . have a- good academic record and desire- to experience another culture. and language through living with a warm and giving,. volunteer family. Academic year, and shorter term summer vacation programs are available. Persona lnterested in obtainlng. more infor- mation about becomln becoming a student abroad should* contact ASSE's local represen-, tative: Don Alton (416) 728-4694. Atoms scod inlage'ta ndings Brooklin-Whitby ma- Lylyk sy i atom give al they got.for tUns ânaY o1 , rw iranaon îuugni,--. ian jor AA atoms completed team, sosrd by one;" MoeJy abr" "oke ror their regular season AI gma Orchards has a Whitby is now Stewart; >Jaune Allison, Bian Medeiros, Sandy witb a second-place "IGood shot"l at an ali- meeting Pickering in Jamie' Pogson, Brett Cohen, Mark Babony, finish, only one point Ontario championship quarter-final playoffs.ý Rayne, Adam McLeod, Jason Bonnyman and bebind league ýrivals this season. Team members -are, Scott MacDoneli, David "Peewee" Lylyk. Unionville. The two teams battled for first place throughout the season, with Whitby holding top spot alone for three weeks in December. Whitby and Umionvilie engaged ta close, exciting contesta during the regular season. Each won a -game while two other- games ended in a tie. Whitby coach Wayne season. "It would be far too presumptuous to predict a shoo-mn in any series," he says of playoffs. "'With 1-year-old hockey players there are ups and downs. "But with the talent and skating ability we have and the boys' eagerness I really believe the team will Caà wker'second in U xbridge Meggan Cawker won, a silver while two other Whitby skaters hadfit th and sixth-place finishes; in the Uxbridge figure skating invitational Jan.: 24. Cawker won gold the 6D' flight for, pre- preliminary, girls, age il. Sherry Klawitter won fold in the preliminary 'B' girls flight for 10-year-olds and was sixtb in the final. TÎifni Foster won gold in the 'A' flight for pre-preliminary girls and was fifth in the final. The three skaters are members of the Oshawa Figure Skating Club and are coached by >Ken and Paulette Ormsby. There were more tlWw 300 skaters in' the Uxbridge ,competition, including 58 %in the pre- préliminary ,competi- tion. Sic redil'Ns Xour TWO WEEK TRIPS FOR TWO AIL EXPENSES PAID VISIT LONDON, PARIS & AMSTERDAM SEE U2 LIVE IN CONCERT I ~ .~ :r THE BEATERS I By Reques I coupon I 9.97 without coupon Lmtoecoupon per item.Coupon vohd Februoary 5.7l 1987 at portiipatip n A tres. Coupn cnotbeur e inconjuncion witsoyohrpooinlo r ,A&A rd. cand co-sponsored b'P ty, ESAN c'~~/AIR CANADA Ii . *... * JENNIFER WARNES I i Famnous Blue Raincoat I I with ~II coupon I 8.97 wthout coupon Limit one coupon per item. Coupon valicd Febn>ary 5-7, 1987 ~I h oportiootnA&A stores. Coupon connot be used in conuncionwi on oterpromotional offer. Whitby Mail Oshawa Centre Pickering Town Centre Sale ends February 7, 1987. Quantties limftd.