PAGE 24, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1987 ARTIC LETILE WNTED TO FIREWOOD/ REM0 IE RAVL OERGIAI .G FOR SALE G w.R\NT ER FO R'SALE/RENT -SI MEIS Uff. sze 2. n NVERFORET o trn our ACCOMMODATIONS wanted for MIXED IIARDWOOD LOGS for TO BUY OR BELL used auto par- 5 DAYS of Spectacular scenery OFFICE "FOR RENT. Very goad condition. A reai buy et $20 H EADLIGHTS OFF AGAINI1 Make working university studants trom f rewood. Double Loada - 12 cord. te.COeil 579-5344, ask for Henry. ringRdaorTetSvm oe,.ful fmah, each. Phone 723-5636. your ear more visible on the raad MaySept. Roon' with kitchen Merrili Barry 705) 754-2258. West ______________ Waterways on comfortable teiephone, electric heat, 3 acres witoutwory o a eadbaterY prvIldge orroo & oar Gullod.crulse ship KAWARTHA of parking ln a commercial com- ______TOPskirck,_excellent w>T elhu t rry f aded aerpy. piuaionsedgeor rony boar GilorTRUNKB à FLOORS repalred VOYAGEUR. Write Ontario piex on Hwy. 7, juat north of Ajax TRonitoP ki2ra.723 xce73 et The elgt ruempaner 9.6pu situations I eai ny acom-guaranteed to pesasafsty Waterway Crulses, Box 1540, Shopping-Centre. Ail services ln- conitin.$25 72-830.plue ntofus pnaI19.5 lus modtins, n te hiiy, FIREWOOD 6" single corda, chek. 655-968 Peterborough, K9J 7H7. ciuding adverting for only ________________fax._Include $2 shippinglhan- Brooklin & NW Oshawe areas mixed hardwood $85 aingie cord. ______________ LOVE NEEDLECRAFTS? You'ii ding. VISAIMC. Calil 1-800-263- weiconla. Cali Caroiyn et 655- Free deiivery. Fi your trunk for me $7.0mnhy.Ti Svt n love Panda Stitchcraft's 3735. Weekdeys 9-9. Stewart 4300. Mon.-Thurs. 7am-4pm unitii only $25.00 655-8966. i1DO EXCELLENT body work and FLORIDA trance building can also be used Cnadin Needlecrft Kits. For Speclaty, Box W5, Cobourg, Ont. Feb. 13. pitlb neeyhn rma natsui.65fl orle carotaloue Iwriat oPeggy .WANED. i wii py Up ta $150 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. 16,, sports cars to dump trucks at a 10 Mobile Homos o caaou it: egy day. ATD llpyu o$wvr esnbert.Alwr Clearwater - Three bedroom LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT for Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave., CASH for 1940s ADDISON 2- Sîngîs corde, ail hrdod, dosfrm yPikrate. e. mblehms.Haedpos rent. Sîîuated In a commercial BuriingtOfl, Ontario L7R iT5. STEEL BUILDINGS HALF PRICE colour plastic radios. Cati (519) mapli bRchchranwdd &orkonsrase estimraIs, tennis, close ta beaches and complex presentiy containlng SALE. Buy one building et regular 647-2033, or wirite Don Ellis, RR2, $175bsh cor.REPi krig major attractions, childrefl many work shape. This Hwvy. 7 SWIMMdINGPOLSL.16 prie and-get double length for Lynden, Ont. LOR iTO. OELIVERV. fl66 welcome. (lesa than motel frontage lot ln Pickering enables W ~ -~5% more. -Phono *roon'). 683-5503 you to give sales and service, of heavy machinery, smalangines, walinu. landscaping 'etc. abavegraunde. Bave hundrede. Limited supply. Book eariy. Dant buy until yau Compare Our, guaranteed lowest prices. (613) 547-6434, (519) 658-8221,(705) 472-7850. LADIES DIAMOND solitaire-- modemn cut, brilllant diamond, -1.23 carats, apprised $6500 will salli $50. 282-5128. USED STORE dispîay racks for booka- and carde, Whitby Free Prose, 668-6 111. MICRO FURNACE January Sae. Reduce hetlng coste. Gai rîd of thase bard ta heet areas. Have heat where & when you need It. Far fr00 demanstration caîl 683- SISSCRIFICE SACRIFICE 3$ buildings .pricsd for immediats liquidation. Ail Items in stock. 28x40x14 $3,M9. 40x60x14 $6,500. 48x80x14 $9,250. 70xgWx4 $21,789. Varlous sizes avaîlable up to 120 fI. wide. Fac- tory direct clearance- erous buyere anly. Al buildings priced for immediate daiivery cali toit- frea 1-800387-2115 or 1-416L8- 2446. A FREE HUNTINO, FISHING, CAMPING CATALOG $5 vlus). Bond your expîred huntlng or tlshing licence (PtlotacaPY ac- ceptable) and S.l.R. wiil mal a free 372 page (Over 6,500 items) 8687 Sportsmian Otalog. S.I.R. MAIL ORDER, Dept. 161,-1863 Burrows Avenus, Winnpeg, Manitoba, R2X 2V68. Offer expires February 28,1987. HOW -To PLAY POPtJLAR PIANO. New home study course. FMI, easy mthod. Guaranteedi For FREE InformatIOn, wite: Popular Music Systems; Studio 45, 3284 Boucherie Road, Klowne, ..ViZ 2H2. NORTHERN F000 TREES. Old fashloned apples, pear, aprîcot, nut trees, shrube, evrgreens, sesdilings. Guarafteed deiivary. Reasonebis prices. Catalogue $1. Goden Bough Tree Fr'. Mertb5Ik, Ontaro KOK 2L0. GARDERNERS: Grosnhouee & HydropaflIC new lower prices on ail your nees. 1000W Hlide $179. 400W $105- Complets 15 plant hydroponlo garden In- cîuding Iight $63. Grssnhouees fran' $149. Thousande of produa- te. New catalogue $2. Weten' Water Farms, 1244 Seymour Si., Vencou ver, B.0. V6 3N9. (604) 682-663. MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Workshirte $2.75, workpante $3.50, wortbats $15. For catalog, send $2 (relmbursed iret order: Miliary Surplus, Box 243, Bt. imothes, Quebsa JOB iXO. USED DESKS, fites, torage cabinets, stacklng, office chaire, steel adjustable sheiving, store dlspîays, Blaire New & Used, 21 Alex Ave. WoadbridgO, Phoane (416) 851-8100. Nsar Hwy. 7 & 400. -A-on4.-rn. *- a. 6896or<(416) 676-1585. $$$SACRIFICE SACRIFICE$$$ Buildings priced for immed.late lquidation. Ail items In stock. 28x40x14 $3996, 40x6Oxl4 $6,5w, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x90x24 $21,789. VrlOus sizes available up to 120 fI. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serio us buyers only. Ail buldings prlced for immediete delivery. Oelil tolifrea 1.800387-2115 or, 1 (416) 858-2446. MIRACLE SPAN INTERNATIONAL equipmnent shaw apecials for Fsbruary anly. Exeample 25x32 $2,967, 32x34 $3,714, 40x42 $4,871, 46x90 -$9,887. 70xl2O $27,887. Other sîzas avallable, Oeliltoilf ras 14300- 3874910. WATER. pIIOBLEUS? ln- troduclng New Technolaoy for treatlng wells & cisterna, offertng sauce to taucet protection thrqughaut entire water systani. RUTY . . .SMELLY - . .BAD TrASTINO -.--WATER, bacterla, stalning, &more. NO sait Or messy chemicaS - - -maintenan- ce res. Ses the results for yaur- self with Our 6-month trial aller. Cali now talîfMras14-n62665 or write Aztec Water Purification Systemfle,203-1030 Kamato Rd., Mîslssauga, Ont. Ares coda 807 catil1-416-62444 (colleot). S.HDUSEiH'L] MATTRESSES and box eprînge et haîf prce. McKoen FumIture, 524 Sîmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 72"-181. OAK BEDiROOFA suite, dresser, wing mirror, cennonbaii heedbaard, 2 night stands, hi- cheet 31800. 282-5128. WATERPBED, new, complt $165. 282-5128. WASHER à gas dryer, fair condition $25 & pick-up. 434- 6720. Ã"HESTERFIELD à lovaseat, contemporary, derk burga ndy velor $450, new or dark burgendy valor sectionel, new $450. 282- 5128. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, seciionals, lses than % prIas. Large selecîlon. MaKeen Fumiture, 524 Srnicos St. S.. Oshawa. 725-5181. FINE BEDROOM suite, 6-drewer dresser, hutch mirror, armoire, nlghi stand, waesbed wlih baokcaa headbaard $750. 282- 5128. KITCHEN TABLE witn 4 chairs, lest, burgandy & pînke $300. 282- 5128. Ui e'uiacccpt ~ oe u hn 20 ord (pc"aid) for $4. 00 WTO MUSICAL ATOOBILES « ERS'AIt ButIE DISMENTS FOR SALE ÊATD odsod 9 1pl 1 FUL SET-UDWIG-Thre of herdwood loge ar trees sutable for cutting and spiitting mbt f lrewood. 655-8966. WANTED - good used building mteris of ail types garage doors, windows, lumbor, plywood, concrete blocks, roof trusees, floreacent lights, fuse paneIs, and anything reieted 10 the building industry. Cali 655- 8966. WIii psy Instant cash. OLD wRISTWATCHES WANTED. Any meke, mens only.Ons or one hundred. Oid Rolox wristwtches wented. -Aiea wented Estons "Ouarter CenIury'" square wristiwatchos (25 yer service). WiIi pay $750 and up for this wtch. WliI lso buy strape, crystis, parts, etc. for old wrist- waiches. 416) 365-7240 or wite B. Walsh, 173 Oueon Bt. E., Toronto, Ont. M5AA 152. WILL PAY CASH for any pick-up truck, regardiesa of colour. breed or condition. Oeil 655-896. toms. Good anars. Hi-hat. Thres cymbals. AIl Zilodians. Thronoe. Phono 668-2608. PIANO à THEORY bassons. Royal ConeervetorY proparatioli. Adulte & chiidren weiconYe. Oel Margaret 66-1951. FREE. Drop lnt the Dlckson Priniing and Office Bupply store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy af the 1986 Moîrlc Caeonder. Printsd ln two colours. Il meakes for handy reference. 683-1968. /.ook . . . u-wratcs for you ncw c(asficdsfe. uratawckor X ew A979M stso, cetif0ed, 500 ord best of fer. Oeil 655-8966. 1978 DOOGE MONACO. Good running condition, V8. air conditionsd, ps, pb. Beat offor as le. 668-291 1. 1976 MERCURY MONARCH, good condition, $800 as ls, $900 certified. 668-2115. 1975 PLYMOUTH VALIANT. New tires, now exheusi, gaad runnina car. Goad body. Cen be reediiy certif led. $550. or besi cash of fer. Cal 655-8966. 1984 TOYOTA 4x4 pick-up, low kilornotrea, new peint, ps, Pb, rear sliding window, roll-bar, 39" tires, Alpine sterea. Bsst offer avor $7750.COeil 434-1023. 1975 D000E Cube van. As la. Beet affsr. Whitby Free Prose. 1974 FOR F350 1 ion truck dueiIy wiih 8' ft. Myrs plow. Meny new parts. $3500 or b.o. 655-896. LUBTY LADY et $19.95 and gel our No. 1 besi seller et 112 pricell1 Oeil toil Ires tai order 1-800-663-7934 DATES GALORE.' For ail agos& unattechsd. Thousande of n'en'- bers anxious to n'est you. prestige Acqueliences cali tollfreo 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon toli 8 p.n'. FREE SINGLES BULLETIN: Mesi son'aane nice by phone or correspondence. Write Berb, Bow 2248-A, Sudbury, M3A 4S1. Please stete age. Write today. Our Twelith Buccesefu Ysear. Give UNICEF giftsaà nd . cards and help a child Contac lU4eef cana"a (Y. 443 MLt PleaMantRd. Toronto. Ont« M45 2L.8 ô, ~caitJNr CAnaMWiBiiel ', ecoa586364 lnBeC. îi258o06b6J64> taxes, Insuranca, landscaping, advertising, etc. A building e be erected on thîs commercIal lot 10 suit your needa.Oelil 5-96 FREE STORAQE & parking for heevy machinery, aquipment, fr' implements, trectars, bulldozers, backhoes,. loaderW, trelaors, floats, snow plows, In- dustrial equliment, building materlais, firewood, snowémoblles, amallangines, dumP trucks, graders, tractar- trelors, etc. Also available tor'~ rent commercial lots and ~ workehops fran' $150mo nth and up. Ail buildings Insulated cament flooa and heavy hydro. Locaed on a very large commer- ciel complex with over ana Mlle of Hwy. 7 trontege ln Plckering jusi North 0f the Ajax Shopping Centra. This excellent location anables you ta give salas m*d services ot ail mechanîcel Items. Plenty of drive-In traff la and ail apprapriaeasigne perm8ssîbIe. 655-8m6. BUSINESS FO)R SALE. Grocery convenlence store, ca)trally located ln Pickering on HWYý 7. New building - $50000 monthly rant. FIxtures -3$5,000.0. Stock- $5,000.0. COeil 655496. NEWSPAPER near Edmonton, Equipmellt optionai, excellent, valus. Inquiries ta: R. Siabenforcher, Box208,. Andraw, Aberta. TOEi 000. FOR RENT. Hobby shap right on Hwy. 7. Excellent for salées & service of skîdoos, lawnnlowef5, x chainsaws, eMail engines. trallers, etc. Spray baoth and' sandblMsting pli on pramnises. Lots of parking. Hwy. frontage. $175.00 monthly. COlM56.1 PLACE AN AD COMMERCIAL I I.. PROPERTYI FORRSA SAELE BUSINESS SpeolaIZIflg ln gourmet tare. WeII establlshed olien- tele. For inquirles- telephone: f 668-6245 >. 668-9787 -l