WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4,1987s PAGE 9 Broolklin improvements get committee approval By MIKE JOHNSTON Whtby's administrative commit- tee has *approved using funds from the second Brooklln Ontario Neigh- borhood Improvement Program (ONIP) grant, to offset the costs of projects started with funds from the first grant. The Town received a $520,000 ONU> grant in 1985.($260,000 from the province and $260,000 from the municipality) then. received a second ONIP grant totalling $450,000 this year. Money from the second grant is needed to finish projects started with the first grant due to higher estimates and higher standards for storm sewers. It was originaily estimated that additions and improvements to the Brooklin Community Centre would cost $190,000 - $100,000 from the first ONIP grant and $90,000 fram *the second grant. However, those estimates have been updated, and the work is now expected to cost $265,000. Money from the second grant will be used to complete renovations to the lower level which includes a basement kitchen; deletion of the furnace room and a reception area. As well, -the second grant will be used to provide a new kitchen and, furnace room addition on the main level; provide a new washroom ad- dition and provide a new and ex- panded septic tank sewage system. A previous plan for air activity room at the centre has been scrap- ped. But the new washroom and kitchen additions are to be designed to permit a future activity room. The Town wiil also investigate whether it wiil be possible to con- solidate the kitchen/furnace room and the washroomn addition. As well, the committee has decided to leave the emergency exit ôn the west side of the building rather thaii construct a new exit on the east side.' Increasing construction costs and deeper storm sewer systems have also forced the Town to dip into the second ONIP grant in ôrder to complete road" work started with the first grant. Work the town completed with the first grant included im- provements to Simcoe, Albert and1 Church streets. Deeper storm sewers increased the cost of these, streets from $142,000 to $179,000. Similarily, work on James, Charles and Bagot wâl increasein cost from $203,000 to $320,000. Part of the second ONIP grant will be used to help defraythese costs. Funds from the second ONIF grant will also go towards the con- struction of a storm sewer -along Queen St. from George to Cassels. A storm sewer will also be con- structed on Cassels from Pearl to Durham. The Queen sewer is ex- pected to cost $170,000, the Cassels sewer, $35,000. scheduled but will not'be donc due to the funding changes includes work on Duke St., Princess St., Diurham St. and Pearl St. When all the work is finishedi, in 1989, a total of more than $970,000 will have been spent on irn- provements in Brooklin. Committee'opposestruclk depot on Thickson propertyý. Plans to use a Thickson Rd. property as a truck depot were tur- ned down by Whitby's ad: ministrative committee Monday. Application has been made by M. Zygocki to use a two-acre vacant property fronting on Thickson, 470 metres north of Taunton Rd. E., for temporary storage of heavy con- struction equipment as well as a yard for vehicle repair. Del Langstaff Excavating Ltd. site. The company has an adequate facility in Oshawa and wanted a larger site. A planning department recom- mendation denied the application because the proposed use is not permitted in the area, designated as major open space in the Whitby official plan. To recognize the use would set an "undesirable precedent," accor- ding to the planning report. The side Whitby's urban service area . "'Nobody seems to be really op-* posing it, except the Town," said Zygocki Monday when informed of the recommendation to deny the application. Langstaf also attended the meeting. Councillor Marcel Brunelle told Zygocki that the committee decision had yet to be considered by Whitby council. Corridor Capers By MIARY MCEACHERN Cali 725-8907 wth items for this column ONTARIO PC ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Ontario Riding (Federal Association) will take place at Ajax Secondary Sehool (south side of Bayly St. just east of Harwood Ave. Ajax) on Friday, March 6 at 8,p.m. The purpose of this annual general meeting is to. select the executive committee for 1987. ANNUAL BRUNCH TheOntario Riding PC Association will hold -the annual Scott Fenneil brunch at the Thunderbird Golf Club on Sunday, April 5 at ý,.,noon. Tickets are available from any executive niezber and are $10 each. There wiII be a guest speaker. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The next executive meeting of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Assoc. will be held on April 6 at 7:30 p.m. The area covered by the association is Anderson St. to the west, Taunton Rd. to the north, Whitby-Oshawa border to the east and Lake Ontario to the south. The membership fee is $2 a year and may be purchased from any executive member or by calling the president, Pat Dooley at 723-9930. The association sponsors any neighborhood Watch within its area, and is currently assisting the Kirby- Vanessa area to become organized. In the past the association has donated to such worthwhile organizations as Auberge, Cardiac Rehabilitation Association,' Whitby Tigers Running Club, Thornton Interested Parents, Whitby General Hospital, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Festival Singers, Garrard Rd. Lacrosse, etc.. The association was a driving force behind stopping Decom, -located within its boundaries, and has done considerable back-up work in an effort to help residents of Bluegrass Meadows. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH The marking pens are out and are currently being circulated along Broadview Ave. Please mark your valuables quickly and pass it along to your neighbor so ail of the Kendalwood Area will be covered quickly. Please cail 725-8967 with news items for the column. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES NDI RESTORED STRIPPING OCUSTOM *REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY -.REÉINISHING A large selection of Victorian parlour turniture avallable 413 DUN pAS ST. E. WH-ITBY 668-5481 March is Kidney Month. When a canvasser cails, give to the Kidney -Foundation of Canada." r'iurham 4 Goldsmithin3 Crattsnan anci Designers of Fine jewelry GEM CONTEST MARCH 3 to 7th COME IN AND GUESS THE 10 DISPLAYED G EMS YOU COULI) WIN UP To $ 100.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE! COME IN ANI) TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 666-4612 210 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY GINO VANELLI COREYF ~11 ,Big Dreamers Fields 0f Neyer Sleep Icassette or cassette II 5*97with ( 8.97 without copn<8.97 withot Lii necuonpritm ouo aldMr* -,987 Limit one coupon per item. Coupon vaid Marcb 5.7, 1987 at participoting A&A Stores. coupon connut b. used in at participating A&ASoe.Cuo antb sdi cnucinwiili a oer promnotional offer. c - - - - - - oherpromotonal affer.- Whitby Mail Oshawa Centre Pickering Town Centre Sole ends Mardi 7, 1987. Quantities Iimrited. mif- Pords eM,.ý mid assodated storm