Condo application after plans approv A condominium application for property at the corner of Dundas St. E. and Pine St. will be accepted oy the Town of Whitby following approval of architectural drawings of the building to be constructed. Hfometown, Developments Ltd. ha8 applied for a site plan and con- dominium application for a 16-unit apartment building at the site., Councillor Marcel Brunelle, who chairs the Town's administrative committee, last week asked for drawings "to make the building fit into the neighborhood." He had commented that the drawings so far submitted show a "plain- looking building" and said residen- ts had expressed "a lot of concern" about new buildings being, con- structed in Whitby. A* representative for the developer replied that a final ar- chitect's plan for the building was still being prepared. Committee memnbers rejected a request by the developer -for a reduction ini development levies, during discussion of the site plan agreement. However, the developer will'not have to construct curb and gutter along Pine Street, as had been Former Whitb resident receives s cholarship Eldon Puckrin, formerly of James - St. in Whitby, has been awarded a major scholarship for graduate study. Pueckrin, who attended Henry Street Hligh School, will receive a bachelor of science degree in chemnical physics this year from Trent University. His scholarship is worth $11,600 a year, and is awarded nationally by the Natural - Science and Engineering Research Council for graduate study WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29,1987, PAGE 15 ired requested byà the Town's public works department. Public works had requested that the developer construct a storm sewer, along with curb and gutter, along Pine Street, north of the Pine St. driveway entrance to the building. A private sidewalk proposed for the property will also connect with the sidewalk to be constructed on Pine St. The building, to be four storeys, will have 15 two-bedroom and 1 one- bedroom apartment dwelling units. The condomium plan requires ap- proval by both the Town and Durham Region to be reigistered which would allow sale of the in- dividual dwelling units. Wlitby and GO Transit to integrate Whitby transit wil integrate with GO Transit when the GO station at Brock and 401 opens in the faîl of 1988. The incentive to GO users will be that holders of valid GO tickets or passes will be allowed to ride tothe GO station free on Whitby Transit. The Town of Whitby will then be reimbursed 75 per cent of an adult fare by GO* for every passenger Whitby transit carnies to the station. "Fare integration is actually an incentive program to encourage transit ridership within local municipalities for riders using the GO rail system,"> states' a report from the public works department. Whitby's transit systemn is ex- panding to six buses in September. It is expected that the number of hî mffcwll intrprpcp M 14 isybn êha AUTHOR AND PAINTER Phoebe Gilman, a Bronx, New York City native who now instruets at the Ontario College of Art and writes ehildren's books, explained her eraft to students at Colonel J.E. Farewell Publie Sehool last week as part of the. National Book Festival. The school's library received a Canada Council to help bring in the author as' well as poets Ted Plantos and Penny Kemp on April 27. Free Press photo Book Week at Farewell National Book Festival Week is being held jointly with Education Week at Colonel J.E. Farewell Public School with several events promoting writing by students and the reading of books by Canadian authors. Picture books illustrgtor and author Phnehe Gilman tnIkpcI tn primary students about her award- winning books The Balloon Tree, Little Blue Ben and Jillian Jiggs. Poets Penny Kemp and Ted Plan- tos conducted poetry writing workshops with junior and inter- mediate level students. Grade 3 students presented their own books to a group of parents and students in the resource centre. A Canada Council grant was received to launch 600 balloons this Friday with messages about the students favorite Canadian books. This is the ninth annual cross- Canada festival to promote Canadian books and authors. This year 's theme is "A World of Wor- SOeI $1700_ 439 d4524-. .: Caprice 4 dr. excel. 77 Buick LeSabrO exe§. COnd., n ower, runs w1llt carl s3A0 244357. orig. ein. S1500.611 I3. -17 Toy Celleca Caprice. »3vu wj 77B4Jik LeSabre, mint condli- . .S1550 .d cond. Cert. SU lion. 45.000 originalmie ,o- -ffeo Loadedl. 53 . Cail 266-9724. impala dark biue, 77 Camnaro, VIII 4 spd., AIF v, M5 W, is. /p/b, "sbasn oV dio, S1,350.-666 cetMUit be seer albjL.4to., pis, 77 C Sr .305 la8 Cmono 'Os/ 7CvL., auto., S. 2,00. n Cordob, Scond., cruise best fe.289- *. 77 Cordoba,1 -back 6 249-6810- bod; &.77 Cougar, ail :. US ckPark Aveue,xc auto drvr aicsmes 85 Grand Prix air, Vsat,~IBooalae IL- am 1,~m51,90 ,vu vowal cond. 7 4. er xc You get these standard features " Michelin steekbeited- radiais " Chii&-satety rear door iocks " Timeadjustabie intermittent wîpers ;-f " Recinîng1, Uronl seats " Full carpeling Ai " Power assiEsted brakes " 4 speed blower .4 heater " Tmed rear wîndow XL defroster9 .and more much more. ki s550, 4-spd., Fietwood, FWD, olca.. leaiher int 1svstem, oniv 7,w0 slored. 884-6267. Fiee, tw/d, V'e B Am Wp-c""#7leFlrebird, auto., Pis, Pib, ,WOrbetofer.42-I71 ,p/w, /, tt i mr oL, 000 or ~ auto., 0w mi. As h 5150.267-464. p/b, btch, al. ~ 78 Ford Finet 4 spd., 5SM0 or riter.12,50. ~beslft~.489-Ãgl - *P.D.E. f reight and taxes extra. Price incluc )r 7IflI, 900W DMIU best offer, 757-1672. ren Furv 360, PI6, P/S, sl,350. 787-900. 500. factory rebate. oCamaro, 51 s i i.a , -aPreî __-_____________ P/W lu. A/FM .5 .5SU66à & MPontliac . . r. ,cruise art. Askino 1,1400. 4i794çl. 85 Monda Preiude. S spd., grev, siereco & more. Low mi.oo 84 Buick Park Ave. ai H. à 13,2520006km.6657 C - B a riG 'w ,5 hw .k.Crt. .831-8372. cond. $10.500/ofler. 842-814. $125 696576 M Mi. p lb. cruise 4. fl!. ~iwfiflludes 3y ear, 60,000 km. power traCiin warranty NPISf US CaPHC- MndaPrelud, aà cnd,8 pnic 5 TE. 4 Or. Riad 184 eîCxK iegai MOI R1m0- p/b. FM stemeocass.. c&use.'5 Hondaisamfn e: 0ekll». l. Bell air, extendedwarr. 790A 1830 WO kms., like new, ceri.. . airi,cus, a mmcs 4.00k,5150 m& fr SnA -Uidv 9-3 i 700. Mon.-Frl. 9-4,-6!C>ý859O selte, 4,0km. Ilmro. on war- 94 Buick Repal. 41 folRo 69-1412eiraMw liSO.640-306 vlts. ik. .at. i AJAX 401 wt nt,, ex- ecr.275-6702 Accord, Sspd.h- 'er. Sl,0088-23"9 bAccord, minel 5850. or bell otter ,vgs. 484-8006. d. rneîaîusc oeIl, reluc- isferred to 239-2189. 54,0001cm., 4 dr., auto., b«l ,--ý ý A