PAGE 22t WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29,1987 Gardens open an MMaytu2eand Minister of Tourism John Village celebrate their eighth C l e a d n .o e a Eakins along with hundreds of in- opening season with a gala event on vtdget iltk ati h Saturday, May 2. , Gvro e adnGt etuasOnRfe iiayMyrB event. Ontario Lieutenant Goenr nw Gre aeRsarnt The Queen'sOnRflsmltryMyrBb Attersley, Durham The Gardens will be free to al Linclnf Alexander will open the building. Band will play at il a.m. Wlhitby Region Chairman Gary Herrema visitors who attend, with the a.m. with exhibits by area museums. General Motors will show one of the original, mint condition carniages built byth founder of General Motors, Sam McLaughlifl, in the eanly 1900's. The Lynde House Museum, moved to its present position last s year, will be fully refurbished and renovated later in the year as a tribute to Whitby's heritage. A luncheon in honor of the lieutenant governor will be served in the new restaurant, a peniod J building buiît along the style of early 1900's architecture with an- tique bricks, cedar shake roof, wat- ch tower and ornate wood ginger- bread ornamentation. Scenes -of Holland, including a windmill, amongst thousands of colorful tulips, staff in Dutch costumes and Dutch treats, will be at the Gardens. 1 LiNqi il L ZAThe miniature village and ýcoun- try fair display is joined by the new cottage country display which bas been sponsored by General Motors. IAU E I ON IIN R1This new area reflects the life of the One troe p rovidos not only Shado, but Cool: tho air & adds ossential cxyDon to tho days of summer, with Highway 400 . . . .. . . srroundlng atmosphero whllo flltorlng out hugo amounts of the airs impurltlos. north, a double-tracked railway, a lake with ferry boat, and traversing MOUNTAIN ASH COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE holiday boats and aircraft. Sum- Lovely white tiowara followed by Beautifuily symetricaliy shaped tree with biuish-greefl thick mer homes, cottages, provincial bright coioured fruit In the Fal11 Up- needies. A9 parks, towns, and the magnificent right contical habit that titis out to ~Wnemr osa twsi h rounding affect. Grows to 20-25' tal! 2-2 l2' TAL .............. Wnemr osa twsi h 8-10TALL....3490190's are featured. QUALITY NORWAY MAPLE81TAL..3 0 NORWAY SPRUCE Down in the valley, Kodak Round headedfree with dense dark A compact Spruce favourite tandscape specimen. Branches Canada is sponsoring the new Gar- CONTAINER leaves that withstand smcke. Great GI ENLEVEN LINDEN deveiop a downsweep habit as tl matures 3490 den Theatre productionthatwl be fo iyptanting. rwt 31tl. Seiected strain of tiltle leaf Linden 2½3lAthogtoLbrDywked GROWN 08 AL... 9 having astraight growing habit with a 123TL...........34prsne thedal SHADE 6-8- TALL 2 9'05 ~~~~pyrmidai haped had.truhoLb Dywend 8HADE-' 8-1O ...... 3990) 8-TALL...... 49090 Cullen Barns, at Steel es andi TREESKennedy Rds., is presenting "Side TR*ESSCHWEDLER MAPLE TOBA HAWTHORNE* * by Side," a musical review of the PLN NWReddish purple touage In Spring & Covered wîIth double pînk flowers in work of Stephen Sondheim, until PA TN WSummer turning dr green near the Sprîng which fade rapidiy t white.Jl .Bsaddnnri nlddi FRAend of June. Grows 20 25 tait Vvd red fruit hang on Into the winter uy4Bsandiersinle n BEAUTIFUL- -10' TALL...390 8- TALL...... 39900 JAPANESE CHERRY le$2pie LANOCAPEWEEPINO MULBERRY WEEPING CARAGANA -OrOuPCUIrst ino a Henryr Stre et Graciousiy pendent branches are rtEietraaiovgoat. elSighl setal hen ga T H 1 coreent trgleautiftiyhaeltaler than 6' tali. Lacy folilage, golden VI obepn lwr YEAR 1 ene he entirs Iraes. Grows 5-6' tati yeiiowttlowers. very hardy . geous dbe pn lw ...... 990 574A.;.... 34901> h ud. Gos m usic night- GUARANTEED WHITE BIRCH8'TL NO ii att~or~u's...mnotThe whitenoesof the bark ls equaîîy W EIN AA S Nolis lied-ru, Whte Rosewii esthetto winter or summer. Grows As ApL E3 gladiy credit full anlM oun d. 25-30'tati. Buriap and batied. CHERRY s A r l3 7-0 9 95 Bright green touiage with gorgeous 8 TAL L -29 double pink btossoms. Branches cascade downward. ~~9 --The Henry Street music depar- 8'TAï iment will present its annual music GIAN DI NERPLA E sdy, pri 30at the Henry Street Hig Scoolcafetorium at 8 p.m. Th hwwilI feature the con- UPTOIO"IBLOOM8.TOPSIZEDUTCHTUBERS r o e e e a u and guests. Meredith Cutting, The Tnp Q19: dmCutting performs a return visit biecauseq of the acclaim from his fir- MO2-P-ULAW2k. A Drre.299. 8 GARDEN FERTILIZER The Henry Street High Sehool 12-4-aLAncdfRmuaGaEr500k. ASqOu re. 9.9 .......2THE GROWER'S CHOICE band was the first to perform under wl aeyu antikPR EMI UM WEE D &FE E D srongallhy ant vs t.Sellybeddt the new dome in Montreal. & dark green taî he rools. * 21-7-7 18 kg. BAG esusanaunat avel %Vith chelaled iran 4-8-12 20 kg. BAG 44 The band is under the direction of Dur4e882.99.Our reg. 9.99 ............ Barry Hodgins, head of music at VUGORO DEEP GREEN Henry Street High School. HOndySalraGOa-0p SALE ENDS MAY 7.1987 OE U D Y A NFO The choir is assisted by Irene Sunday & Holidays 9:00s.m -6:OOp m.O E U D Y 1 NEW dsep-green Vigoro lawn food now available Melli, of library services at Henry ONLV WHILE SUPPLIES LASTI In handy large ise buclcets. Covers 5100 sq. ft Street High Sehool. Accompanying 1 26-6-6 9 kg. BUCKET7 on this tour were David Young,a W H TB O HA A Our reg. 15.99 T.....127 music teacher now studying at WHTB O HA AI yURO WEED&à FEED Queen's University, and Snr 1243 Dundas St. E. 300 Taunton Rd. 26-66r; g.i'.9 UCKET**15 8ogianus at aive IR Lodge.