PAGE 10. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 31'1987 Farewe]l banuet for rtrigRobmson As the Durham police inspector recalled, Gerald Robinson was a 4"country boy. from Tara " when he joined the former Whitby police force in April of 1956. Thirty years later, saluted by several -standing ovations and the gifts of famnily, friends and more fellow officers during a Saturday ceremony, one of Whitby's most wefl-known policemen retired as deputy-chief of the Durham Regional force. . It's . just fantastic ... un- believable," said Robinson, over- whelmed by the affections and well- wishes of a, packed bouse -at Heydenshore Pavillon. "It's the memories one will neyer forget, " he said at the conclusion of the ceremoxiy recognizing his long service. -"But tonight will make it difficuit to ever adequately express my thanks. "Any success I may have had I must . attribute to the people with whom I worked and whom I worked for." It was Bill Middleton, another Tara native who was a member of the then-Whitby force, who en- couraged Robinson to join. Mid- dleton, now an Ottawa resident, also attended the farewell banquet. And that police inspecter, self- described- as 'a "Kirkfield country boy," was .Morley Nicholson. He and Robinson "really became brothers" as members of the Whit- by force, recalled Nicholson, who GERALD ROBINSON holds one of the Saturday. Free Press photo many retirpment gifts he received aise snared some memories. They include the pollcing of the former. Whitby Dunlop hockey team games, within and sometimes beyond the 56square mile Whitby territory. He also- remembered Robinson's prized possession, a 1954 Chev wbich he bought after joirnng the force which paid $3,100 a year. "He was so proud of that car - they neyer had anything like that i Tara," joked Nicholson. "He wouldn't even Park it on the street for fear of getting it bum- ped," hie related. But precaution turned te misery when Robinson parked it beside a railway track - a train dragged it 300 yards. Nicholson, on behaif of Durhafl'S senior officers, presented Robinson' with a painting of Whltby's down- town - "It'il remmnd Gerry of stan- ding on the four corners, freezin' bis butt off and his feet." Durham Regional Police Chief Jon.Jenkins described Robinson as a "gentleman" who was ever loyal to the Durham force which he joined ini the mid-7's. Jenkins ad- mitted it "hurt him deeply." to present Robinison with a retirement badge. "I enjoyed every day 1 worked," said Robinson, who had praise of bis own for the four chiefs under whom he work&i in 30 years. "I've been very fortunate."1 Plaques were given to Robinson by man*y in attendance, including representatives of the Durham, Metro Toronto, York and Hamilton- Wentworth police forces, the Whit- by Fire Department and the Freemasons of Whitby. He will "of- ficially" be retired July 31. Mayor Bob Attersley, who chairs the police commission, presented plaques on behalf of both the Town and commission. Robinson says he has plenty of carpentry projects to keep hun busy, including bis Sauble Beach cottage, in retirement. He will be leaving a Durham force he dlaims is "second te, none"I in Ontario, and now covers 1,025 square miles. 'il1 miss the people."Y DOWNTOWN WHITBYflà Lu J t. <4' 't,,, e FH an d and Machine Knittlng Yarns EAccossorles, Patterns Lessons R SUMMER Q -YARNS U. 10-40% OFF sALLICOLORS ~ 666-1833 N SINGER, BROTHER, 19PSSP BOND, SUPERBRA S KNI17ING MACHINES KNITTING MACHINE CENTRE 111 BRIOCK ST. N. WHITBY Dining Guide GOLDEN GATE 107 Brook St. S. Whitby, Ont. 668u2222 CHINESE FOOD BUFFET DAULY (salad bar included> ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH $5.25 D)INNERé$8.99 reg ular menu also availableN (Canadien cuisine N M &BO-80 platters) TAKE-OUT Dundas St. E. &DELIVERY FURNITURE& UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES *NO-DIP RESTORED STRIPPING *CUSTOM eREPAIRS UPHOLSTERY *REFINISHING A large selection of Victorlan parlour furniture aval lable 413 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5481 FO AL eU TA VL EE AR sO RVLIG BA INCMIGTS WEE END B L ~ OFFICE' oeI.JSUIPPLIESLD %e This Month's Special Free Briefcase valued at $55.00 for the lOth Paying Customer Everything your Desk Requires in Stationery WHITBY LANESi 153 B ROC KST. N. U NIT 2 430-0888, IL.