PAGE 8A, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1987 " Mwa -------------- rFBENEEFFIITT FFROM OVER 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ROM 0 ER 2ý MAZDA A GREAT DEALS ~19OOO DISCOUNT '87 SPORT CAB PLUS Wc~Wt~FREE AUTOMATIC '87 626"s FREE ONDTIOINC '87 RX7's WE WANT YOUR TRADE!B TAKE DELUVERY BY JUNE 3th LOCATED AT 1250 DUNDAS ST E WHITBY (ACROSS FFROM WHITE ROSE NLIRSERIES> 668-6881 -,686-2256 - 723-3041 WHITBY AJAX OSHAWA USED - 430-2262 - CARS 0 cNEW a: X M HWY 2 z\jP ilUSED tig mi ca: an, Cid coi inî So meplugS 'n points Although our money is lightweight cars are more power seats, and radio ;ht these days, people economical to operate antenflas don't require ust stili consider a new than full-si ze, *heavy cars. much energy to operate, ,r purchase at one time or In general, in city driving, but the weight added to a other. Many people de- a 5,000-pound car uses vehicle reduces fuel le to make that purchase twice as much fuel as a economny. ýincide with their upcom- 2,500-pound car. evaca~tion fnians. This Buv a car on the basis of Traveling in an Older Car enables them to enjoy their vacation free from worries about breakdowns. As a new car buyer, you naturally want the best ve- hicle for your money, whether you consider "best" in looks, handling, size, cargo space, or econ- omy. Yet, to get the best for your money,. you must consider the car most effi- cient in fuel consumption. Consider the smaller car, flot only for sporty looks, but for fuel use. You will find that small, minimum-size require- ments, purchase price, and estimated fuel costs. Be reasonable about op- tional features. An air conditioner reduces fuel economy 10-20 percent when used in stop-and-go traffic. If you must have air conditioning, use it only when absolutely nec- essary. Automatic trans- mission and power steer- ing alsouse more fuel than. standard transmission and steering. Power brakes, motor driven windows, if you're planning to rely on "Old Faithful" for this trip, be sure she's in the best ýpossible condi- tion. An ov.eraîl check- up should be done before you take off, and a tune-up is the first step. A, car' that is'properly maintained averages 6 percent better mileage per gallon of gasoline than a car that needs new ignition points and spark plugs. 1 IFý iýlý roi Omo