PAGE 20, WHITBY FREE PRESS, HERITAGE SUPPLEMENT, SEPTEMBER 9,1997 Exclusive But Not Expensive dd love/y heirloom quality furnà *ure ito your home, ai' some f t/he best price <.ri reductions ini our history. An assortment Of Solid Cherry l8th century traditional C o furniture is on sale now during Harden's Harvesi' Sale. *Queen Anne Dining Rooms, E/ega ni'Bcd Rooms, Brass appointed C/lests and Desks, Crewel worý wing-back chairs and ottomans, Classic Camel-back sofas and gleaming mirrors- all ai' exceptional prices. *All f our'beautfful upholsteredfurniture is on Sale as wel- during our Custom Cover Sale. Don't miss this won'derful opportunity to add - enduring beauty to your home. * Iyou'd like expert hlp in rcdesigning your rooms, we'll be happy te provide assistance from our knowlcdgeable design staffAll our customary services are included even when you buy ai' sale priées. H ERifAGE HO'USE limited NI~ ~~tà 216 Mary St. E. Whitby Toronto 686-0061 VWtby 668-3483 -~Fine Furniture »Mi"1 « a aa --1 g-1 e A Whitby iradition in lime IFurn .dure sincei