WI-IITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOI3ER 28, 1987, PAGE 19 When you and the kids get this year's -Halloween pumpkin for the fro nt uwindow, don'tjust carve it. saie, the pumplcin and make up this delicious pudding for the whole family to enjoy. , - UIOU6II~ Indoor Hallowe'en a frightfully fun idea Hallowe'en parties for kids are fast becomning a preferred alterna- tive ta trick-or-treating. To help parents wha are planning a party get organized, the party experts ai Hallmark Cards offer the following ips. Planning lte Party eKeep in mind the age of the chul- dren when planning aclivities. 3-5 year-olds will be happy t0 sing ghostiy action sangs, but 6-8 year aids may prefer ta play spaoky guessing games. A surefire favourîle is Pin the Tail on the Black Cat! e If you are planning gamnes where some competition is involved, avaid winners and losers amaong really young children. It's better if everybody gets a prize. e Plan things ta da [rom arrivai time t0 departure. But don't be inflexible about prolonging the good activities (or dropping the not-so-good ones). Preparation e Rang a boo-tiful party banner outside your door. It will help identify your home to guests and make the children feel extra- speciai. e Using agood sugar cookie or gin- ger snap recipe and Hallmark cookie cutters, bake cookies in the shapes of tombstones, pump- kins and ghosts (see photo). Your children wvill have fun adding the finishing touches. e Create an eerie atîmosphere using co-ardinated punch-out door and wall decorations. If the chul- dren are very yaung, though, don't gel 100 spooky! e Single shleets of Hallowe'en stick - ers, orange and black calourcd pencîls, or hand made coupons goad for anc extra bat-cookie al make good game prizes. *Little ghosts and goblins can gel mighty thirsty! Using a ladle, serve the season's best Ireat - apple juice -out of a 'cauldron'. rU.llk t> <hQ Pro>ussîii;i WNe eau l)I'ovide alil votir party food for' home or business I)aItî( ge.0 *0 00 g 0 00 00 0 S 00 ouOS 00 OS 00 ou S0 00*00- - es, .000et.00000000000...000000 500 0000 0 000 GO NATIURAI,00 DoS Ilealili & Beauty Centre ltd. 006AL For Hlobgoblins candies witiout 01% 000 ~ sugar & additives are a great treat! 90 tome in asi see our selectioti. 000% 000 .121 Bt ock St. N. Wiiitby 668-2661 000 O09 00 0 0 0ïo 0006 oe00 u*90 0000 009 000 .j DUflS MASTIER EXRT FREEZEA *~~F~II .4EAT LAIE OCT. 21 to OCT. 25, £W Sour dough bread 79e Whitby E7 WHITB' OnIv Pea. Y ov- . ; i