WH1TBY FiREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1987, PAGE il Whole Lotta Shakiin' Goin' "On" M Pon ayff BOPPERS and CKAR RADIO 1350 presents The Original Top'40 Radio Show, LIVE. featuring the $6400 Question. Wednesdciy Rib Night, enjoy bcý for just 504* each. St 207 DUNDAS ST WHITBY, ONT. arting Oct. 7 7REET W., 430-0768 Diamonds Fine Jewellery 2IIWatches 17- .- Repairs of ~ Watches ZIZZJand izJewellery - ELII TOIR 2DIR exclusivey at Tass Jewellers 153 Brock St. N. Whitby Lane ZJ430-2500 Min Iloeî milaI lli.ii. uîmia laI là i lMioil à Ià Il 0tItiliaICI i o M ëM k Promenade Book Klds Dr«#wing Contest Kid ofallages are lnvited to draw a picture of Týhe Promenade Book Store. - A drcavwuill be made out of aUl the entries and 'the iinner wilI reoeive a gift certjficate volued at $20.00. Ail entered pictures will be displayed in our book store. S Start drawing Now!! Ail pictures must be [n by Sat. Nov. 21/87. - Draw wiil be made at 3:00 p.m. on Nov. 21. 103A Mary St. West 430-1642 9cissors HAUR DESIGN Ahice Boone operator Janet Swan (is back in the salon and welcomnes all old & new clients) owner, operator Extended hours: Thursdays & Fridays Ear Piercing Redken Products £Appointment not always necessary. Cali 668-1640 I601 Du-ndas St. W. Towne Plaza, Whitby (south side of Hwy. 2, opposite Fairview Lodge) i OPEN MON DAYS until Christmas for yourconvenience - s For appointment cati1 668-6770 110 Dunlop St. East, Whitby DRESS & JUMPSUIT EXTRA VAGANZA Save 20% off One item Save 25% off Two items Save 30% ff Three items Also blouses 20% off. ~ Shop early for best selection!4 143 Brock St., South Downtown Whitby 668-12664 M m am