PAGE 16, WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1987 Our Mini-Stalt cltckision antcnna looks ikc a moudcst. laslv(ully designed liflc fly- ing saucer. Il is only 21" in diaincter and weighs jusî 6 Ibs. But when il is cnparably Iovaicd il pcr(urns as - welI as ihat big. cons- bersne, conventional nionstcr you arc used Io. willîits renlc tuner, you can 7cro in on precise TV recep- ion on any UIIF or VI IF vhanncl. The Mini-State is CSA approved. Il crnmes coilplelc and is as easy (o instali as your stercu speakers. WC provide 60 (cet of Co- axial cable pus thrceewire rotalor cable, and vomiplete insructions. You can stand tlie Mlini-State on yuur roof, atlach il to the chituincy. miount tl oulside your witduss, or suspcnd il front a rafter in the allic. You can even perch i atop a flagpole ani yuu'll stili gel lerrilic reception. l'le NMini-State il huitto last. The entire anlenna, atmplifier. and the rolalor oîevhanisrn are vornpleîely eove.%d in a durahle space-age style radonie. The radonire i% highly iniperviotis Io wind, dust, rmive, snw and industrial gases. Thc Mini-Slate cosIs $259 . . . a fraction of the arnounl you would expevtlol pay for a conventional TV anlenna. We're su sure youlIl he plensed with the Mlini-Staîr tha( we <ffer a 30 day nuny-havk guarantee if yuu are nul coniplelely satisf»ied. Ordvr your Mini-State loday. Scnd $259. plus $10. for shipping and handling and 7 % sales lax hy checque. tnuney order, VISA or Mastecharge. mtade payable Io Station rrh. RR4 Fergus, Onario NIM MW. linsmediate dclivcry. P S. If vin have anuc.istiiç antrimn rotor in good iiw)kitg condiin, ask almîîute ur al miSP20CH) . .. yvu may l'y ;'Icasan1l su7r0 el Dealer inquiries insited. i7DD DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional MunicipalitY of Durham is con- sidering AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL 0F- FICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amendment, as submitted by the applicants, proposes a new funeral chapel and an extension of the Memorial Gardens cemetery within the sites indicated on the map below. n order to assist in the e valuation of the amendment application, the puolie is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Regioîi's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby. Ontario LiN 6A3 or by calling Mr. Neil Henderson Plan- ning Department. (416) 668-7731. Submissions concerning the amendment application must be forwardeb to the Commissioner of Planning, at the above-noted address. and must be received no later than Friday. December 11. 1987. Please include your address and telephone number in any sub- missions made. File No. 87-76/D/W Marie Hubbard Chairman. Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael. M.C.î.P. Commssioner of Planning RR 4, FERGUS, ONT N1M 2W5 PHONE (519) THE-DISH Oh So Easy Pineapple Coconut Fruit Cake Is iight and moisi wlth a siightiy tropical twist. Terriflo fruit cake is "Oh So Easy" FUNW TH (NC)-November's the month to bake Christmas cakes in order to give them a good four weeks to set and mellow. This Oh So Easy Pineapple Coco- nut Fruit Cake is light and moist with a siightly tropical twist. It's flavored with pineappie juice and almond ex- tract as weil as candied pineapple, co- conut, cherries, raisins and siivered almonds. To prevent oven browning as wel as for easy removal, line pans with greased foul. For a wonderful rich fia- vor, pour brandy, rum, wine or fruit juice over the finished cake or wrap it in a cheesecloth moistened with li- queur, then wrap tightly in foul for storage. Oh Sa Easy Pineapple Coconut Fruit Cake 2 cups (500 mL) coconut 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) cherries, halved 1-1/2 cups (375 mIL) candied pi- neapple, diced 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) ight raisins 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) slivered almonds 2-2/3 cups (650 mL) ROBIN HOOD AiI-Purpose Flour 1 tsp. (5 mL) baking powder 1 tsp. (5 mL) sait 1 cup (250 mL) butter 2 cups (500 mnL) granulated sugar 1 tsp. (5 mL) ainiond extract 4 (4) eggs 1 cup (250 mL) pineapple juice GREASE and line 9" (3 L) or 10"(4 L) tube pan with brown paper or alumni- num foul. Grease again. COMBINE coconut, fruits, nuts, and 1 cup (250 mL) flour. Mix well until fruit is separated with flour. COMBINE remaining 12/3 cups (400 mL) flour, baking powder and sait. CREAM butter, sugar and almond ex- tract thoroughly. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. ADD flour to creamed mixture alter- nately with pineapple juice. Make 3 dry and 2 liquid additions, combining lightly after each. ADD floured fruit mixture. Mix well. SPREAD batter eVenly in prepared pan. BA KE at 2 75 OF ( 1401C) for 2-1/2 to 3 hours or until toothpick inserted in centre cornes out clean. Keep a pan of hot water in oven while baking. COOL cake in pan. Remove from pan, peel off brown paper. Wrap wel and store in cool dry place. NOTE: Cake can also be baked in two 9" (2 L) loaf pans. IBROOKLIN 65 5-48-51 VISIT OURI "Counitry Store"9 Ail your Fail & Christmais baking needs, Cookboolcs,Gourmet sauces and CsesRd. Condiments, Crafts and Jams Hwy NOW YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT IN A NEW LOCATION ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE BLDG., 110 Ash Street WEDNESDAY 9:15 a.m. For more information cali: Wegh athes1-800-268-3915 Weigt Wtchrsdnd Quîck St.izt are r.egistered trddemnarks of Weight Watchers International,. mc c1987 Weight Watchers International. ine.