WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1987, PAGE 29 AUCTION SALE GIANT 3 DAY ESTATE ANTIQUE SALE,SAT. NOV. 7, TUE. NOV. 10 & SAT. NOV. 14, 10 a.m. EACH DAY. Selling estate of late SARAH BECK, Toonto & Muskoka and hem son stanley beck, Mrs. Beck operated an antique business which closed 35 years ago. All stock & her personal antique collection have been stored in centure home, attic and barn sin- ce 50's. There are over 2000 items, fumniture, clocks, doils, tins, china, glass galore, lamps, grandfathers clock, bowed china cabinets, tables, desks, antique chairs, antique wooden rockers, Boston, ladder- back, Mennonite, pressback, games tables, childrens furniture, Victorian sofas, oak cabinet, dressers, chests, tea wagon, 75 chairs, over 250 pcs. of furniture, seveaddbocks, dolts galore, clothing, teddy bears, tin toys, vehicles, banks, games, pr. old lighning rods, large quantity brass, copper, pewter, large pots, old coke signs, trays model ships, compass, Indian blankets, baskets and rugs, other oriental type rugs, musical in- struments, violin, old mirrors, lustres, records, wood wall telephones, bottles, cameras, pain- tings, licence plates, medical books, about 100 old picture f rames, wicker items, jewellery boxes, about 1000 pieces glass, china, including brides baskets, cranberry Nippon, crystal, art glass, cranberry water sets, 100 là mps, 20 hanging lamps, banquet, gone with the wind, signed pairpoin- ts, Handel, gas lamps, miniature lamps, Beleek floor lamp, lots of lamp parts, crocks, hundreds of other items, something for everyone. Preview from 9 a.m. sale day. Sale 10 a.m. sharp. No reserve, estate sale, properties sold. Note dates and times. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783- Lindsay CORNEILS AUCTION BARN SATURDAY, NOV. 14 at 11 a.m. The contents of LAWSON and the late MARGARET BRANDON'S home of Lindsay. A large quantity of an- tique furniture. clocks, co-oil lamps, collectable items including pine corner cupboard, birds eye and tiger maple corner cupboard, pine sideboard, oak china cabinet (glass 3 sides), arrow back rocker, pine openface washstands, Victorian upholstered chairs, oak dining ex- tension table, open face flat-to-wall cupboard, Boston rocker, bridge lamps, wicker floor lamp, curio cabinet, wrought iron umbrella stand, spool corner what not stand, 6 pc toilet set, partial toilet set, walnut chest of drawers, walnut vanity, chicken coup chairs, 2 Edison Cylinder gramaphones, qty. cylinder records, hanging lamps, childs captain high chair, pine tables, arrow back rocker, barbers pole, captains chairs, round maple table, cannedsbottom'chairs, walnut washstand, Capo-Di-Monte pine chest of drawers, maple chest of drawers, press back chairs, iron bed with brass trim, wooden floor lamp with leaded glass shade, General 15 Cu ft freezer, paintings, napkin rings, doils,rpianormolls, childrens oid tôys, trivets, clocks, including J.B.&R Twiss grandfather dock with ; wooden works, egulator wall coick, pequegnat clocis, Beehive dlocks. steplec ocks. O.G. Gingerbread etc [ Approximately 40 co-oil lamps. quanttchina and glass, mens cooking utensils, silverware, smal electrical appliances, etc. This is a 14. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER RR 1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183 AUCTIONEERS Trhe people of Whitby and area iove attending auc- tion sales. Let them know about your next sale cy advertising in the most widely read pages in Whit by - the Whitby Free Press Cfasaitieds! call; DURHAM ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLE MARKET SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. KAHN AUCTION BARN BROCK RD. N, PICKERING (3V2 mi. north of 401, exit 399) DEALERS FEATURING: Cana- diana furniture, china, glass, quilts, jewellery, nostalgia, tools and primitives. Admission $1.00 Children free with adults. Information 433-7086 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 14 at 6:30 p.m. PETHICK AUCTION BARN 1 mile east of Enniskillen, An ex- cellent sale of antique and modern furniture, glass, dishes, completing the estate sale of the late ELSIE SAUNDERS and others including a 7 pc. mahogany bedroom suite, Welsh cupboard, oak armoire, dinnette suite, wall units, wood cookstove, queen size bedroom suite, dressers, chairs, and much more. "The Frien- dly Auction" Having an estate sale? Call us today. EARL GAUSLIN OR STEVE LIPTAY 263-8710 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 29 at 10 a.m. Annual SKI DOO SALE at ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, Lin- dsay: accepting snowmobiles, trac- tors, farm machinery, recreation vehicles, 3 wheelers, riding lawn mowers, construction equipment and tools, etc. Bring to barn or phone 324-2783 Lindsay. Our last big round up of the year. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 ADS To sel| the smal ,items that you thought weren't worth advertiSing. *. Items must sell for less than $50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads muSt total less than $50 * Maximum 15 wordS * Prepaid * Cash or VISA only 668-6111 • E ICY SIDEWALKS! Introducing ice Guard (Reg). The easy to apply anti- slip agent. Special adhesive and grit formula which applies to ail foot- wear. Help prevent winter fall! Tc, order call tollfree (519, 416, 705) 1- 800-265-2550, 5 - 10 p.m. or send cheque for $12.95 to Ice Guard (Reg), Box 273, Elmira Ont. N3B 2Z7.(div of 624839 Ont. Ltd.) B MICROFURNACE SALES ideal for cottage, trailers, home, office, rec rooms, sunporch. or any hard to heat area. Free dernonstration. Ph. Jim Morrison at 683-2638. SOLID MAPLE double head board and foot board $40.00. Book case single head board $8.00. Phone 668- 3990. HYDROPINICS - Garden indoors ail year. Even in winter, in your spare room, basement or greenhouse. largest selection, best prices n Canada. Send $2 for catagogue to Canadian hydroponics, 8318 - 120 St., Surrey, B.C. V3W 3N4. B T.V. Quazar console, needs a few ad- justments. Ideal for repair shop for parts, $25.00 or best of fer. Please phone 666-9626 after 6 p.m.b BASS WOOD for carving, cedar posts. Phone 655-3117 for more in- formation. FREE. 200 gallon oil tank. You must take away. Phone 655-3117. MATTRESSES and box springs at half price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725. 5181. LARGE ASSORTMENT of records. 33's, 78's and long play stereo. 1935's to present $50.00. Phone 666- 3927. WOODEN MAGAZINE RACKS,new, 6-ft. light grey. $200. Ph. 430-1642 or after 6 p.m. ph. 668-3679. ELECTRIC STOVE, 24", avacado, good condition $60.00. 6 ft counter top with single stainless sink and taps, white with gold flecks $50.00. Phone 576-8162. PRE 1936 JUKE BOX. Chain driven 40 plays. 78/45 convertable. Full colored neon lights. Fully operational Phone 655-4803. ANTIQUE PIANO. Naturalsolid oak, solid brass workings. Perfect irories. Circa 1920's, with bench. Phone 655- 4803. KITCHEN SUITE. White and chrome, padded bench and two matching chairs in gold/brown tones. Phone 655-4803. DoWNHILL SKIS, po les and bootsin good condition $50.00 for set. Phone 683-6638. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, sectionals, less than half price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS. Work shirts $2.75, Work pants $3.50, Womk boots $15.00. Send $2.00 for catalogue (Reimbursement lst or- der). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Que. JOSXO. B- The BIGGEST BANG for your buck!! Advertise locally. 668-6111. PA RKY'S 2nd Hand & Estatebroker PAWN , SWAP -s TRADE < HAWK BUY' SELL "The Only Estatebroker in Whitby - Oshawa area" 528 Simcoe St. South. Oshawa Phone 433-1785 WE PAY CASH 1984 FORD RANGER. 5 speed, AMIFM super cap, A 1 condition. $4,800.00 Phone 430-0577 (Whitby). 982 SUBARU G.L. 2-door hatch. back, grey. 80,000 miles, hwy driven, very dependable, good cond't ion. As s. $2,300. Ph. 668-6708. 1984 CAPRICE CLASSIC WAGON, 9 seater, loaded, excellent condition, $7,250.00 certified. Phone 668-4104. 1979 CHEVETTE. certified, new 1akes, tires, and good body. Asking rk,500.00 or best of fer. Phone after 5 p.m. 668-7890. 1986 GRAND AM LE, sunroof. luggage rack. white walls, radio. etc.. 17.000 km. New car condition $12.000.00 or best offer. Phone 668- 4096. LIMITED REALTOR BUSINESS FOR SALE DONUT SHOP. Hwy. 2/Whitby. Within new shopping plaza. Rapidly developing area. Growing business potential. PETER STEPH ENS (416)449-1710 rý *s SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. Ail items in stock. 28x40x14 $3,996, 40x60x14 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x90x24 $21,789. Varlous sizes avalable up to 120 ft. wlde. Factory direct clearance., SeriousFbuyers only. Ail buildings priced for immediate delivery, call toll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-(416) 858-2446. B BUILDINGS • SPECIAL CLEARAN. CE. 20' x 24' - $2400; 24' x 24' - $2,700; 28' x 36' - $4,000; 32' x 36' - $4,400; 36' x 48' - $6,500; 40' x 60- $8,200. Ph. 985-7930. FALL CLEARANCE ON ALL STEEL BUILDINGS. Quonset and straight wall models. Large selection. 1-800- 387-4910. B A .'Z PRE ENG. BUILDINGS. New types. steel & wood. quonset. clad- ding. For true value, action and an- swers. (416) 626-1794. Leave message or coFlect after 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B ------ ------ METAL BUILDING Year-End factory clearance. Straight wall or Quonset styles, certain models special discounts, (will) hold for spring delivery, Save thousands, limited quantities. Pioneer/Econospan 1- 800-387-6896. 24 hours. B BOYS & GIRLS 6 years to 18 years. Settlement House is again offering a full line of fun activities for the fall and winter. membership $5.00 and $10.00 per year.fhone 728-7525. Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or eject al advertisementS. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 12¢ each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15¢ each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS . 65e per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge $5 pre-paid, $7.50 billed DISPL.AY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders. pictures, or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 70¢ per agate line minimum size -1column inch- $980 (14 agate lines per inch) RAT ES DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111- li