WHITBY FREE PRESS, DURHAM MOVES, NOVEMBER 111i it \PGE 9A Potential for growth says import dealer HARRY HUFFMAN, general manager of Durham Automobiles Ltd., beside the area where construction is Volvo goes a million miles When Irv Gordon bought his Volvo P1800S in 1966, he never realized just how far his affair with this car would go. On Oct. 27, 1987 at New York's Tavern on the Green, Irv drove his car past the 1,000,000- mile barrier. "I didn't buy this car to drive a million miles," quips Irv. "I never even thought about it until I was over half way there! The idea hit me when I saw a commercial for another car company. The commercial, Irv recollected, touted the durability of a pickup truck which had gone over 100,000 miles without an engine rebuild. At that point Irv had traveled more than four times that far with no serious repairs. That was when he decided this car was tough enough to make a million. Irv's Volvo still has the original engine, although he admits it was rebuilt once at 675,000 miles because it was getting "a bit noisy. Mileage award underway to create a new slhowroon and move body shop space. Free;Vress photo Irv Gordon's million-mile Volvo Construction continues at Durham Automobiles Ltd. on Dun- das St. E. Whitby, a change that will result in a new showroom for the Mazda, Volvo and Mercedes- Benz dealership. "We're trying to make this a prestige import auto dealership," says general manager Harry Huf- fman of the location in what he calls the "Golden Mile of Whitby." Huffman, a Peterborough native with 19 years behind him in the car business, says there is much growth potential in the over-$20,000 import car market that his dealer- ship aims for. Moreover, he serves all of Durham Region. While the Mercedes-Benz, which come from Stuttgart, Germany, show little, if any, change over the years, the '88 Mazdas have larger, redesigned bodies and larger engines and the Volvo has a body and mechanical change in the 760 line. Global sales of the 1987 Volvo 740 were very strong, and that line sold" out at Durham Automobiles. And the 1988 models, unchanged from '87. are selling as fast as they come in. Huffman, former general sales manager at Ontario Motor Sales, says while sales of domestic luxury cars are either fixed or falling, the luxury imports are gaining accep- tance by a consumer who is ad- justing to the different makes and models. He also credits the quality control of the imports for that in- areasing acceptance. Winter tire tips Ice accumulation In winter, snow and ice often ac- cumulate where you cant see it; in- side the wheel or under the hub- scaps. This accumulation of snow or ice can cause severe vibrations and loss of control. A routine check is all it takes to prevent this problem and the dangerous con- sequences. BENEFIT FROM OVER 25 YEA RS OF EXPERIENCE MA ZD 1IN-STOCK NOW '88sCoMHr 19881MX-6GT SEDAN THIS IS THE MAZDA WAY Total customer satsfacton s the goal oTh e Maila Way A commilment ta the quality of yout di vng expefence whee eso'y com- pornent n every ehcle every aspec of oui opefatonSs it evewed and ,enewed wlflths ihougIs! n mina Foi 1988 Mazda Canada of- fes a complete kne of vehcles Each unique. eactr desgned lor your satsfacto. each buiît the Mazda Way Automobiles are designed to be driven -some longer than others. Volvo has long prided itself on producing cars that last a very long time, both in years and in miles. The Volvo high mileage award program is open to the owner of any year or model Volvo when it reaches 100,000 miles. All the owner needs to do is visit his nearest Volvo dealer, complete the enrolment form, and have the dealer verify the vehicle's mileage. In approximately four weeks the owner will receive a handsome cloisonne grille badge and a han- dsome wall certificate complimen- ts of Volvo. Each additional 50,000 mile increment that is reported and verified is recognized with a smaller service bar. The larger cloisonne badges are awarded at the milestone levels of 250,000. 500.000 and 750,000 miles. Since the introduction of the program in 1984, several thousand Volvo owners have joined. Of cour- se, there are far fewer 500,000-mile members than 100,000-mile mem- bers. COMING SHORTLY VVITH THE NEXTMONTHS ISSUE OF "DURMAM MOVES" Auto News SALES MANAGER WHITBY FREE PRESS, CALL:668-rilll .................