PAGE 16, WHIT1BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1987 Apology '~Umade for Idepartment mistake Whitby planning director Bob Short made an apology Iast week for a mistake made by his depar- tment on a land severance ap- plication. Neighbors opposed to* the ap- Splication had discovered the land was not properly zoned. The ap- plication by Frank Giacalone was to server a lot into three at the s southeast corner of King and Burns St., and build duplexes on each of C FIS& NU9SERY4 the three lots, In approaching Durham Region land division committee, Giacalone noted the land was designated R3, a zoning that would permit the duplexes. As comment. on the application, * ~ planning department stated the land was designated R3 and therefore had no objection to the severance or duplexes. Land ~ division committee approved the or severance in November. But at the administrative com- mittee meeting on Monday last week, neighbors opposed to the dIffc-s---JUJ-rseverance informed committee ___________________________they had discovered that a 12-ft. section of the westerly lot is zoned HRISTMASR2, a zoning that does not permit duplexes. AZALEAS"Tf it was not for us, that duplex TE R R U SBrighten your home thîs holiday season would have been there illegally," Loaded with buds and speclacular A GREAT GIFT IDEA 1 with colourf ul Christmas stockiflgsjo said Andrew Stevenson, a blooms, gît t wrapped in a Bajiul adrfe hang by your hearth Hurry.. Whîle supplies last' who spoke for the neighbors. (One seasonal pick and bow.8 glass terrarium filled with Jrm of. the three duplexes would have I mixed tropical toliage and a 3 3 been on that parcel of land.) festive figurine Complete Each "I'm sorry. We made a mistake. .uâkhii7 ~~~~~wth bow and ready for gftt eaeol ua, adSoti givinqieaeolyhmn"sadSoti CHRISTMAS GARDENS 8 8 . apology for his- co mmittee A delighttul garden ot test ive flowers overlooking the R2 zoning. protessîonafy planled and decoratedTm. AEîyte euyetatr But the apology was not enough unique gift fr the holiday, he Ulilrlie thîs Chrstmas. Natural for Stevenson. wood logs thatl ast up f0 3 "What would have happened to Plus a huge selert ion of prof essionally * hus arîgyur spirits this application if that mistake had decorated tropical a nd flowerîng Y U E O through a long-winters been caught?" asked Stevenson. plants. dîsh gardens and gîtt planters ngt Short replied, the -mistake "more than likely " would have been ~i. caught when the developer applied ~ 'a. ~for a building permit. Giacalone has been informed of the mistake. He has since revised Pkg. of 2 his plans and will build a single î Reg 3.99family house on the westerly por- tion of the lot, and two duplexes on the other two lots. BIR The neighbors are still opposed to. DING the two duplexes and are con- FEED INGsidering challenging the decision at STATIONthe Ontario Municipal Board STATION (0MB). But both councillor Joe Drumm Attractive feeder is made trom genuine Calîfornia and Ross Batten', members of ad- redwood to provîde years of dependable service ministrative committee, advised IN OO L GH 1 12"TR -C LO RCombînalion includes a tutly adîuslable the residents not to go to the 0MB. 3 GARDEN BRASS PLANTER* proîecît eedin station "o ilwsemnygigt For the year round Complote wlth adjustable pole. the board. The board will only look T 1ER gardener' Hîgh The' Newest ' lok in hrass' Beautifully I at the official plan," said Drummf. GRWU O quatîty. 3 lier fîxture cratled brass planlers have coppper and 8 "That parcel of land has been GRO UpTO includes 3 adluslable black accents Four attractive designs, I zoned R3 for the past 19 years. The 500 PLANTS 48' twîn tube wth decorative side hande florescent lampH mistake doesn't change the picture. holders wth reflectors RegIL5; There is nothing council can do to Ui oeoneasy[i change that. To go to the 0MB rAoîlAAwul bell in vain and a waste of Order of Nurses and ADHOD. The society is now seeking new members to assist with ad- ministration and fundraising, in- 9DPE S U NÀ&Y Svolving about one to two hours a OPENSUNDYS! ; 579-7727 for more infor- . ,. ',, mation.'