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Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1988, p. 28

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ffu MM- O PAGE 28jý-WHIIW.YFREEPRES"'WDEDV EBUR ,18 A newspaper is only -as good as its distribution the 'Whltby Free Press relies on a smail army of carriers to do most of its urban distribution. But inevitably, there are somne areas where carriers quit or where carriers are hard ta find. The Whltby Free Press needs a couple of reliable energetic aduits ta fi this gap. If you can spare a few hours on Wednesdays or Thursdlaysand don't mmnd a bit of fresh air and exercise, cal the circulation manager,, 668-6111 CASHjuIN ON WHITBY'S TREMUENDOUSwQGRDOWTH Whitby is one of the wealthiest and fastest growingý markets in Canada. New residents are adding $130 million dollars in new purchasing power every year. The challenge is a population whose purchasing habits are iargely centred in the Metro Toronto market. Money will be spent locally only if these new residents are aware that the sarne goods and services are available in. their new community - frequently at lower prices. The WH-ITBY FREE PRESS Is the only newspaper which has targeted this exclusive market. To help us meet the challenge. the WHITBY FREE PRESS has an opening for: !ADVÉRTISIýNG;SALES REPRESENTATIVE If y ou have sales experience in the retail, 'wholesale or service sector and/or feel you.,have the confidence ta deal with business owners and managers in an effective and hpositive manner, please phone 668-6111 to make an appointment with the publisher or the advertising manager or send your resumne ta The Pubilsher, Whltby Free Press, 131 Brock -Stieet North/Box 206, Whitby, Ontario 1L1N 5S1. Applicants must have their own car. LARGE & GROWING MARINA, close ta east metro requireý two com- petent yard personnel experienced with marina equipment. Salary commensurate with experience. Must have work references. Phone 839-5036, ask for Mr. Huff. HOMEMAKRS TRAINING PROGRAM -Are you ready ta brush up on yaur homemaking talents? - Do you WANT ta leam related sllls that wll give yau an the job confidence? - Would you enjay belng part of a professional teain helplng others? - Upan graduation- work flexi ble haurs Our next Homemakers Training Course starts Monday, Feb., 8, 1988 Cail or drap in for an appointment. 181Bod St.W. Oshawa -OAE 130 OFFICE HELP NEEDED MORNîNG SIDE & SHEPPARD AREA. E Good telephone manners required, variaus duties. Full time permanent position. Apply to: PROMAC INC. 1375 Morning Side Ave. Scarborough, Ontario MlIB3C5 CLASSA MECHANIC With tractor trailer'experience required. Major transportation rcompany, offering excellent* *wages and benefis. lnterested applicants apply at: T. N. T. OVERLAND EXPRESS 1250 Thorton Road S., Oshawa PHONE 436-9009 LOOKING FOR HELP? An ad in classifleds may get you the help you need. Phone 668-6111, to place your ad. RELIABLE BABYSITTER WANTED, full time for two chiidren (3 and 5 years aid), ln downtown Whitby. Please phone 666-3513. MOTHER 0F TWO children, (1 & 4) wouid like ta pravide daycare for a 4 year aid. If interested, please phone 655-4056. Baldwin St. Brooklin. WE ARE LOOKING for self motivated entrepreneurial type people. Complete professional ,raining is provided which will resuit in the abiiity ta earn above average incarne, If you are ambitiaus and seriaus in developing your own business please contact: Mr. Kent (416) 968-6220. .B SNOWMOBILE Registration num- bers. Match your machine colours 6", x 2" self-adhesive. Available in all colours $9,95 C.O.D. arders FOB Eganville, Ontario Sport Trophy, 255 John St. Eganville, Ont. KOJ iTO. (613) 628-2105. B 1974 BOMBADIER SKI DOO, ex- cellent condition, very little use. Also trailer (needs small amaunt of work), $650.00 for bath or best offer. Phone 576-8080. 1977 FIREBIRD 400, 4 speed, p.s., p.b., many new parts. Needs some body work. Asking $1,000.00. Phone 666-2109 or 668-5040. 4 THREE MONTH OLD BF Goodrich tires on chrome rims (15"~ hub). 2 - P295150 R15 and 2 - P225170 R14 asking $800.00. Phone 666-2109 or 1980 CHEVY MONZA. Two cor automatlc, p.s., p.b., 4 cyl., 72,000 miles. Asking $2,195.00, certified. November. Phone 666-3567. Due to the huge success of our free service program on 1987 new Subarus we are extending our ser-. vice affer until, February lSth, 1988. On top of f ree service, we are also offering great savinge on these remaining few '87 Subarus (eg. 1987 Subaru, 4 dr, 5 sp. with a Ilst price of $13i928.00, and a sale price of $12,845.00 plus f ree service for a year. caîl us at 579-6224 or corne visit aur showroom at' 155 King Street West, Oshawa. C AND CMOTOR SALES LIMITED Serving Durham region for over 16 years. 1976 VOLVO 242, goad for parts, $600.00 or best offer. For mare in- formation Phone 668-3254 after 5 p.m. FREEZER SECURITY. . Even .rom .basement or garage locations Our battery operated freeze'r alarms prevents meltdowns. Loud alarm sounds if freezer breaks down or warms excessively. We also seil kits *.and.plans>for coniverti ngnf reezer into coole'r.for milk In cans, eggs or gar- den praduce. Super roat cellar. Stops sprouting for m onths. Kit $49.95 Plans,$8.95 Freezer aiarrrs $29.95 Free brochures. Arctic Fire;..1 Broadway, Box 107, Napinka, MB. ROM 1iNO. MICROFURNACE SALES ideal for cottage, trailers, hom-e, office, rec rooms, sunporch, or any hard ta heat area. Free demnonstr.ation. Ph. Jlm Marri son at 683-2638. MATTRESSES and box springs at haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 725- 5181. ELECTROLUX 2106 delux vacuum with aIl attachments. Brand new. Year end cl earance special., Save plenty at only $54950 'white supply iast. Phone 655-4803. GUN BARGAINS - Save up ta 40%. by subscribing ta "The Gunrunner". The canadian monthiy newispaper listing h «undredisaf new, used, modemn and antique firearms for sale or trade. Subscription $20 per year ta Gunrunner, Box 565T, Leth- bridge, Alberta TUJ 3Z4. Sample copy $1.50. *B A FREE HUNTING, Fishin'g, camping catalog ($6 value). Send your expired hunting or fishing. license (photacopy acceptable) and S.l.R. will mail a free 410 page (over 6,500 items) Annual Sportsman Catalog. S.l.R. Mail Order, Dept. 198. 1863 Burrows Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2X 2V6, 0f fer expires February 29,1988.' B RESTAURANT, Hotel, deli, bakery, butcher, grocery, submarine & pizza equipment, refigerators, grills, fryers, 'slicers, sub tables, bce machines,-steam tables, walk in coolers & freezers, deli cases. scales. cash registers, gas stove & avens, dishwashers for sale or lease. Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtures, Hamilton, (416) 528-8528, Welland (416> 788-3433. B MONTREAL -MÎLI-TARY -SURP-LÛS: Work shirts $2.75, work pants $3.50, work boots $15. Send, $3 for catalogue (Reimbursement -isi or-' der). Military Surplus, Box 243, St, Ttmogthpe, Quebec. JOS iXO. B CHILDREN'S SERVICES ~~WANTED A FAMILY lnterested ln sharing their home wlth a teenage boy with a developmnental handicap. ThIs, boy would benefit tram the cornpany of other teens.* Requirements: " Strong family unit " Understanding of autism " Wilingness ta be a participating member of a professianal support team " Ready for a challenge Excellent renu meration and benef Its package which wauld include: a Specialized training a Alternate weekends off a In-home relief We are offering a one-year employment contract ta, be review an- nually. We are also laoking for familles ta pravide relief on alternate weeken.ds. If lnterested, please reply in wrlting by February 10, 1988 ta: Personnel Offieer ADHOD Services 39 Wellington St. E., Oshawa, Ontario L1H3YM VOCATIONAL SERVICES SERVICES Requires an Emfplayment Support Worker'ta wark- on aà temporary basis in the Community Options Program. The staff hired wiIl be sup- parting a young man with a deveiapmental handicap on a a.ne-to-one basis. Qualifications: Developmental Service WarkerlB.A. preferred andlor proven ex- perience working with people with behaviaural needs. Please submit resumes by February 10, 1988 ta: Personnel Of fîcer ADHOD Services 39 Wellington St. E. Oshawa, Ontarlo L1 H3M we rIf you need daycare or wish ta provide daycare in your home, We 'off er you: A network of supervised private homes for chiîdren 6 - weeks and aider. Training, equipment, support, back-up service, incarne tax receipts and flexible hours. 66r8-1492 "A LICENSED AGENCY"9

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