Wellnes's'ec-inie' ies new approachto healhcr Dr. Peter Wystskiand Dr. Rudy patient., Enns* have opened. their new,-Desigi chiropractie clinie at 1631 Dundas, clinic ti st. E. in Whtby. unique ""Called "'The Chiropractors, prograrf Family Wellness Clinl," it is a new classes, approach to health care that con- thigP siders the whole person and their benefita environmentallifestyles. from thE The chiropractie philosophyis sontotli based on the release of the body's own healing nerve energy, ailowing Five y it to flow -freely and to obtain was rea maximum function of the body's Feb. 20c mmnd, organs and limbs. Interferen- only ong ce of thiseénergy flow 18 produced by describe subluxations (misalignments) of in naturs the spinal vertebrae, which can only be* corrected by cèhiropractie Wysot vertebrae adjustment. These in Osha chiropractie adjustments accom-1 Canadi a panxed by proper nutri tion, exercise 'College, and positive mental attitudes, are associai capable of alleviating physical and own prac mental stresses 'and create ski expa maximum health potential for each into a la gne4 for ail lifestyles,the treats each member, as a« Sindividual and, designs' ns in fitness testlng, fitness Tai-Chi, Yoga, Lamage bîr- nd health care'classes, -to ail ages and ail occupations ie factory and business per- e professional athlete., years of careful planning alized with the Saturday, opeming of the facility -the ie of its klnd in,,Canada, ed as a showpiece of the best ,alhealthcare." )tski was born and educated awa, graduating from the !an Memorlal Chiropractie a, Toronto in i970. After an Ieship, Peter established his ictice in Oshawa. Dr. Wysot- înded the wellness concept arge multi-discipline clinic *CatiT ou Suniwe Witlout 4Wle(Dv? OnIy$9,77.0*ý Justy 5-sp. Four Wheel Drive Only $14,765* D.L. Wagon 5-sp. 14 Wheel Drive onIy $15,820* 4 Dr. G.L. 5-spu 4 Wheel Drive DR. PETER WYSOTSKI (right) and Dr. chiropractie cli*nie besideSu*nnycret.ý Ruidy Enns cllnk glasses as they celebrate Nursig home. the, opening, Saturday, -of their new that would encompass a complete range. of services allied to' chiropracticï Enns,,raised and educated in Niagaraý-on-ýthe-Lake, graduated from the Caniadian- Memorial Chiropractic College, in 1976. Ris relationship with' Dr. Wysotski began early in his career and developedinto apersonà lfriendshl as well« as 'a professional association. Dr. Ennst wellness concepts and business philosophies ran parallel'with Dr.,Wysotski's vision and they formed a partner- ship which culminatedin- the ex- celentcIlicwhib téyar'eo- flciaiyopenlngtoday. Cail 579-180 or 728-5251 for anap pointment. Ony 2 4 65 XT, Wee Die FriguPD..-Li.& e xta --------- - --- 7-1