PAGE 30, WBfflBY MEE PRESS, WÉDNESDAYî MARH 16, 1988 Scho .ol "s i te sundesir'ab 1e in hospital kiand use pl MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invted to Replace a Storm Pump at the Psychiatric Hospital, WH ITBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-88-008 Sealed Tenders wiiI be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY,APRIL5, 1988 Tender Documents may be ob- tained from the Ontarlo Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Off ice, 24 James St. E.9 P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V6K7. Note: For further Information regard ing theTendlers, please cali the Tenders Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The Fowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders are invited to provIde Janitorial Services for 2 years at the Probation & Aftercare Of- fice,.71 Station St., Unit No. 5,i AJAX,- Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-88-61 1 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - WESNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1988 Tender Documents may be ob- tained f rom theOntario Minlstry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. M3V6K7. Note: For further.informatiOfl 'regarding the Tenders, please caîl the Tenders Off ice at the above address, telephone (705), 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. SPRING CRAFT SHOW,. Saturday, March 26th, 10 a.m. - 4 p*.m. Monarch Bingo. Hall (next. to the Flying Squirrei). Monarch Avenue, Ajax. Great variety, few tables available. In- f o. 683-3738. *Ontario HEREFORD PRESTIGE ~sale April 2, Markham Fairgrounds, Markham. 45 seleçted buûlls, 38 selec:ý ted' femnales. Catà Iogues: Contact Ontario Hereètord Asuo6c., Bgox 68,. HAPPY4Oth KEITH MACE I BAllAI FAITHW Magnify My cause that 1 may reveal unto thee the mysteries of My greatness and shine upon thee wlth the lIght of eternity. Phone 668-7653 or 668-8665. CANADA FOR CHRIST crusade. There's a way which seems right to people but the end resuit Is death, Proverbs 14:12. The answer to AIDS and unwanted pregnancies isn't condoms & abortions, but salvation with ensulng righteousness. For- nication (sex before marriage), adultry, masturbation, homsexaliy, esbianism are deadly sins Ieading to eternal helîf Ire. Repentance &righteousness lead to heaven. Oh God, deliver us from evil. Cleanse & forgive us. Empower us to pleaseyou daiîy. Read Acts 4. B B & G LYTE SOUNDS. Music for everyone. Ail locations. Good rates. Phone us at 668-9697. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE reIationships. For help cal AUBERGE Transition House for Women and children. Toil Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiaîity assured.1 READY TO FEEL & LOOK BETTER? Just In time for summer. One to one councelliflg. Nutritional and physîcal expertise.. No -diets. TRY. l'Il help. Phone 668-5176. EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING SER- VICES. Professioni consultations, diagnosis, tutorials, and career plan- ning. Phone 668-8225, Monday - Friday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to5p.m. ATTENTION LADIES: Ladies fast bail team iln Whitby beague requires com- petitîvé ptcher and catcher who also wantto have f un. Cali 725-331 atter5 p.m. or571-720after5p.m. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers.needed. Now Is the time to train for your Class A license. For pre-screening Interview and job placement Information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, Branpton. Phone 1-800-265-3559. EARN EXTRA MONEYI1 Learn i ncome tax preparation or basic bookkeeping. Free brochures, no obligation. Write U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, M B R3T 2B6i (204) 284-1806. B LEARNHOW TO DRIVE THE BIG ONES! DOUBLE "R" TRUCK DRIVER TRAIN ING Class "A".& "D" Licence 2240 Mîdland Ave. S - A Scarborough Mon.toFri.9to7 Sat. 9to51- 754-7735 TEACHERILIFE SKILLS coach available to tutor grades 1 - 12. Wili also stress motivation, self- confidence and study skiils. Please caîl 668-0635. TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement heip is available. Complete details can be mailed to you.ý Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. B ÂADSA To seil the smali items that you thought weren't worth advertîsing. *Items must seil for less than $50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total iess than $50 * Maximum 15 words * Prepa id *Cash or VISA only -668*6111if .ý The recommended land use plan, for the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital lands was prese nted to Whitby's admninistrative committeeMarch7. The current provisions of the plan~ are: a 210-acre prestige industrial designation between Highway 401 and Victoria St. of which 45 acres (18j ha.) has a low hazard constraint; ai residential community south of Vie-1 toia Street,. on some, 180 acres, providing a range. of residential densities and a maximum population capacity of 6,300 per- sons; distinct commercial and local commercial designations; two local parks and a major open spade designation adjoining the Lynd shores conservation area; -a looped collector road system and accom- modation for the full development of the Whitby Psychiatrie and Genieral hospitals. There are only two basic changes to the plan, according to John Ken- nedy of the consultant of Marshall Mackin Monagban Limited. The study area has been altered to in- clude the table lands, and the high density housing in the development area has been reduced, in con- sideration of hazards to the en- vironmient. This means also that the loop road is to form the boundary between the developed and open area, and no development would be permitted beyond this point. Five per -cent of the park allocation will become lanld for development. The Roman Catholie separate school board's bid for two French' language schools (elemenitary and secondary) was deemed un- desirable as there, is concernt about overinstitutionallzing theland area. in question. There are.already two schools in the plan, the psychiatrie hospital and Whitby, General, as well as some commercial develop-; ment. The Town assured the separate sehool board that a suitable site- would be found and that they will assist the board to find the best site in the near future, probably in cen- tralWhitby. one representative of th e separate board wondered where, exactly, a sehool would be put since central Whitby is densely built up, has very few vacancies and little* land for development for a school. Planning director Bob Short assured that the Town would be willing to discuss the matter with the.board. Coundillor Joe Drumm expressed his support for the French sehools,. and urged council tomove quidklyjÃ" assist the board in their search for a. suitable site. - Couneillor Ross Batten had no ob- jections to thê.plan but proposed that the land use proposai be con- sidered as a package with>the Whit- by harbor development- and discusse(ftogether when the harbor *as brought upin the future. 3~- 14 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F* WHITBY' ..... ..PLANNING' DEPARTMENTý NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETI.NG, Monday, March 21, 19889 7:.45 pm Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A public Meeting wiII b. held by the Administrative Committeé of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consider an application to amend the. Durham Regional Off iciai Plan for t 'he subj oct lands iocated in Parts of Lots 22, 23 *and 24 and part of the -road' allowance between Lots 22 and 23, Broken Front Concession, as shown on the sketch below. - _______ The purpose of the application, as submitted by Lake Ontario Steel Company Limited, is to permit a waste disposai facility to be constructed as a berm composed of car shredder by-product (non-ferrous) materi. The proposed bermr represents a waste disposai site which is conditionaily permitted in the Durham' Regional Officiai Plan through an amendment. The purpose of this meeting is to pbrovide adequate information to the public and to permit interested persons the opportunity to make representation in respect of the Off iciai Plan Amendment application. If you are unable to attend the meeting,, your representation can b. f iied in writing by mail or persona,! deiivery to reach the Planning Department not later than regular working' hours on March 28, 1988. Interested persons may ,inspect additional information relating to the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rossland Road East during regular working hours, -Monday* to Friday or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B SHORT Dîrecalto c ?!nI RALEIGH - BIANCHI - FIORO - NORCO - MIELE TRIUMPH - FUJ I - GARDIN - HARO - HUTCH Hours: Mon. thru Fr1. 10 8, Sat. 9-6 l -NBAY SPORiTS 9 w40 '~' EQUIPMENT LTD .i2.......... 980 Brock Road, South, Pickering 839-5610 ANTIQUE SHOW The legendary Bowmanviîle An- tiques & Folk Art Show, at its new location, Oshawa Holiday Inn, Hwy 401 and Harmony Rd (exit 419). Sat. March 26, 11la.m. -6 p.m., adi. $5 Sun. March 27, il a.m. - 5 p.m., adm. $2. Wthout a doubt Canada's premnier 'Country' show sale. See the best at Oshawa. I a 1