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Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1988, p. 28

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PAGE 28, W1W FRFEYPRSS, WP-DNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1988 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. Chateau MA CHERE fas'hons.Discov«ra new EXPERIENCED -daycare,'aviiaebleIn Woodiand Resort, Haliburton, rewarding career. Be an independent. my home-Monciay to Friday^. AIiages requires bakers, cooks, Janitorial &1 Join our team. t's the fun, easy w ay weicome. Palmerston Avenue.Sohool recreation directors: >Also to earn extra money. Cali colleci (4,16) Area. References availabIe.- Phone housekeepers required immediately. 632-9090.. B anytime 430-,3387..*.~ Appicants must. be*mature, reliable _______________ _______________ and experineced. Students ap- WRT o oorctlou n n àt& fter plications also accepted. Accom- eciig l coOKING roR -Sp-. ..diW moatonalo roidd 70) 5 formation package deciigi-shofo 5j..Ireitarea 1892. Bs poidd(75 4, dependent party plan Toy Consultant of Gr een/t.. LawrencelAthoSet.,,'oc- SUNOCO CARE WASH& CON VENJENCE STORE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THEIR WHITBYLoCATIO)N. POSITIONS AVAILABLE FULL&PARTTIME: " Car wash attendants " Full service gas attendants * Self serve gas attendants *Convenience store cashiers FULLTIME: e Convenience store supervisors a Car wash supervisor SUNOCOIS5OFFERING: " Competitive hourly rates " Bonus incentives " Uniforms supplied " Benef it package " Training provided on site Please aýply in person to:,- THEYMCA TEACHER We are looking for a teacher for our Newcastle Junior Y. AIDAN PRINCE Applyto: CHILDCAREMANAGER 410 Centre Street, South Whitby,'Ontarlo. Li S 5S1 Phone 668-6868 R.N.-R.N.A. FULLTIME &PARTTIME Whitby General Hospital invites applications from nurses seeking op- portunities in a dynamic, innovative' and forward thinking nursing department, that is open to in put and invoîvement from ail staff mem- bers. Nurses with experience in geriatrics and (primary nursing), medical.- surgical and cornary care should apply. Whitby General Hospital is a 97 bed, fully accredited hospital that will be expanding to meet the needs of a rapidly growing community. Effective April 15, 1989 Whitby General Hospital will be a smoke f ree envi roment. Please send restjme to: DIRECTOR 0F HUMAN RESOURCES WHITBY GENERAL HOSPITAL Gorden Street, WhltbY, Ontario Li N 5T Emerald Tea Room WANTED Full time ktchen help, experienced prefe rred fp Phone daily between2 S4:30 pm for appoin- #Phone daily between 2 & 4:30 p.m. for appoin- 4 tment.4 * PEARSON LANES- 10 ayStreet. Wemt v 430-2540 - FuIly Uenoed WANTED, Skilled freelance cabinet maker. Phono 683-2943. Could you be a Red Cross Homemaker? \IM* 9*nfonssupplied - Paid training e Paidmi leage Phone 434-8700 lCoiIeciý MECHANIC REOUIRED for smail motors and welding repairs. Minimum experience considered, for further Information or appointment Phone 655-3842t, MECHANIC Class A required for Muskoka Shop. Front end, and scope experience. Rentai accommodation available. Caîl David Friese, Port Carling (705) 765-5864 days, 765-5618. evenings. B REMOTE mounitain resort hotel ac- cepting applications for summer and fuli time employment. Positions ln- clude: chambermaids, cooks, dish- washers, watresses, cashiers, -desk clerks, bartenders, cafeteria workers, gas attendants. For application, send self-addressed stamped envelope to Glacier Park Lodge, Roger s Pass, B.C. VOE 2S0. Attention: John Gaît. B RICH & FAMOUS: Multi-Million dollar international f irm seeks 2 represen- tatIves ln your area that seek ln- cornes of Up to $800 -$1,600 plus weekly. No direct selling involved, daiiy repeat business, set your own hours. Training provIded. For con- fidential interview. Caîl 9 to 5 (416)' 756-21 11 or(416> 756-7796. B * FORMER *NEWSPAPER CARRIERS * WANTED * IMEDIATELY! , a Work part time evenings 6p.m.. I 1 8:30,p.m. Door to door.sales *Whitby area. We train you.* *Transportat ion. provided. Ex- Icellent commissions and bonuses.- i Phone: 728-5117 * MR. LAWRENCE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 50 FULL& PART TIME SECURITY OFFICERS MALE & FEMALE Excellent positions available in the Oshawa. Bowmanvilie, Ajax, Pickering and Whitby area. Ideal positions;* available for both students and semi-retired. people. Transportation essen- tiai. Must be responsible and fluent in the English language. Bondable and a minimum of 18 years of age. Apply 9 ar.. to9 p.m. at... CANADIAN PROTECTION Y .SERVICES 124 Wilson Rd., S., Oshawa, Ontario 11H 6C1 LANDSCAPE 1 FOREPERSON. Full time, benefit package, year round, experience necessary, drivers licen- se required. Phone 655-3331. NEW COMPANY Ambitious people needed fullipart time to market breakthrough products for hair loss, acne, unwanted hair, etc. No ex- perience necessary. Excellent pay- outs. 1-403-259-2132. B MEDICAL SECRETARYIDICTA TYPIST,private doctors ýoffice, no night or weekend work, Phone 668-, 9565from9a.m.to4p.m. Interactive Recreation, food and beverage position available at LOCARNO RESORT in Haliburton. Join our teamWin a new hospitality concept, and diversify your skilIs. Must be energetic, dedicated and team oriented. Please send resume to:Locarno Report,. RR No. 2, Haliburton, Ont. KOM ISO. Minimum l9yearaofage.B positons. isinaerparty International Toys, 1558 West 6th Avenue, Van- couver, B.C. V6J 1 R2. (604> 734-2264 B BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Earn money as a fullipart time dealer of beautiful Eelskin goods (wallets, handbags, briefcases). No investment, no sales experlence required. Start lm- mediately. For kit, mail name, ad- dress, $15 chequelm.o.(deductible f rom order) to Charisma, Dept. DC21, No. 205-259 Midpark Way S.E, Calgary, Alta. T2X 1 M2. - B CASH IN - CASH OUT. *Coke, Pepsi, Libby's, Helnz - world famous drinks. You wiIl reflil ln your new, unique cold pop/julce vendors wlth separate price setting. Minimum Investment $11,980 secured, as we - supply freight, equipment 'installed In locations, product f lIs, supplies, etc. Own your cash business; your choice, part or fuli-time. CaIIIwrIte (24 hours) for brochure. Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive, Suite 200, Bramalea, Ont. L6T 1B33. Mr. Haîbot (416) 761-5705. B OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Ser- vices, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P:3£7-.,,,. , i - ', ' -41 Have fun whi le making $$$$$ selling DREAMWEAR Lingerie, be auty and bath products via the home party- plan. Absolutely no investment for stock. (416) 665-5683. B caslonally. Phone Pat- 666-3379 àpytime. WILL BABYSIT in my home. Any age, hot meais Incîuded. Garden Street area, Whitby. Phone- 666-2823 Audrey. NURSE available for parttm daycare. Responsible mother of two will provide Ioving care. WestLynde Area.,Phone 666-2809. ARE YOULOOKING FOR QUALITYDAYCARE? Cet 668-1492" "A LicensedAÀgency" Structured and unstruc tu red programs. Income tax receipts, baclk-up service. Unschedujled. visits by qualified personnel, ROTOTILLER, Honda,, rear tine,, I h.p., excellent condition $975.,O. More info phone 655-4525. 7Peas*check your advertisement 'for errors o 1n the :f i rst Aa fpublication. The Whitby Free Press will 'flot be libefor failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ipublication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error'Up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion.-The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject. ail advertisements. PRE-PAIO (cash, VISA, cheque received belfore deadline) $5 for 25 words; 12o each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED - $7.50 for 25Lwords; 15C each additional word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNCEMENTS 69ç per agate Uine (14 agate lines per'inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pîctures, or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 74eC per agate lîne minimum size. i column inch - $10.36 (14 agate uines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday pu.blic 668*61 I t s' ,ation'. SUNOCO CAR WASH 301 THICKSON ROAD SOUTH - WHITBY (Thickson at Champlain) ', 1

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