Ext ended store hours begin About 35 per cent of the businesses in downtown Whitby will be open until 9 p.m. Thurs- day and Friday as part of *the Whitby Downtown Business Imp- rovement Area's (BLA) late night hour caznpaign. "The idea is that each week, other stores will see the popu- larity and the percentage will increase," says BIA manager Stuart Craig. Craig says those stores that will be open this Thursday and Friday will stay open for at least three months. Craig says the late hour s were initiated following complaints from residents about stores flot being open late and a, personal observation. I wanted to do some Christmas Shopping late and noticed there were no stores open," says Craig, Who received information on the project from the Kingston BIA which bas also just initiated late hours. He says storeowners that have not yet become invôlved gave the reason that they did not want to be woring in their store 12 hours on Thursday and Friday. On the positive side, Craig says some storeowners have ques- tioned why late hours were rnot started a long tme ago. The BIA is hoping to get 100 per cent parteipation froni stores in the downtown area. An Easter hug NICOLE NESHEVICH, 3, gets a hug from the Easter Bunny at Pearson Lanes last Saturday. The businesses on Pearson Lanes held an Easter bonnet eontest to celebrate Easter. Free Press photo Monday afternoon accident A WHITBY hM was charged with failing to stop for a red llght following this accident at Garden and Dundas St. Monday afternoon. Police report a 1981 Dateun travelled through a red light and colllded with a 1987 Ford which was travelling south on Garden.St.-There were no injuries. FreePrese photo Town.considers rotle of it s third regional councellor *Whitby's operations comimttee was to decide hast night (Tuesday) on the role of Whitby's. third regional councillor. Both Witby and Ajax received provincial approval for an extra regional councillor laà t year.- Whitby will now have three regional councillors. A staff report suggests that each of the three regional coun- cillors serve as a deputy inayor during a council's t4hree-year termn. As deputy mayor, the regional coundillor wouhd also, be an ex-officio member of both the administrative, and operation committees. The management committee will consist of the mayor and three regional councillors. Staff have also suggested that the administrative committee's naine be changed to 'Planning and Development' to "more accuratehy reflect the duties and responsibilities of the committee." A first anniversary party was held for the Lifehine program at Whitby General Hospital last Thursday. "The first year was a learnirig experience. Learning how things function and the clients getting to know us," says Peggy Primeau, Lifeline hands-on director. Lifeline was established as a means of helping senior citizens keep in direct contact with the hospital. When a senior signs, on, he or she receives a device to be womn around the neck or wrist. When a button on the device is pushed when help is needed, a connection is made to the hospital. If they need help, they attach the device to their _phone and through the hospital, a member of the Whitby Rotary club goes to' the home tp discover the problem. "This helps those people who want to stay in their homes and be independent. It also gives the families of elderly people a bit more free time," says Primeau. An alarm device is also attached to the phone so if a client does not use it or lift the receiver at least once a day, a Rotary niember is dispatched to the home. "Some people are apprehensive about joining. You have to trust people with your key. It takes a fail or a scare before someone cornes on," says Primeau, adding that there have been incidents where an ambulance had to be cà lled. Lifeline currently has 16 clients but can accommodate 25. "This is the most rewarding thing for the community that the Rotary Club has been involved in,"q said Brian Davies,- representing the club at the party.0 Hospital board chairman Bill Wallace said the prograin was started with some concern and apprehension but it is now "one of the best things to be associated wîth." WHITBY GENERAL HOSPITAL Lifeline pro gram celebirat es first year Precision and atom teams win maj or tities Seepagel9 Burns church wants bell for anniversary See pagel12