PAGE A8. WHITY FREE PRESS, DTJIWAM MOVES, APRIL. 6,1988 CAR INSURANCE STATS Increase in dlaims in '8,7 JOHN. ROBBESCHEUTEN of -Whitby discusses the 1955 Chevy Nomad he had on display in the Durham Classie and Rod Car Show ini Oshawa March 18-20. FreePress photo HEEýTo Canada's private auto insur- ance companies paid out more than $3.75 billion in dlaims in 1986, an increase of .12 per cent over the previous year, according to figures in the latest edition of a book of general insurance facts published by the Insurance Bureau of Canada.. The increasing percentage of unrecovered stolen vehicles added to the cost of dlaims. In 1985, the last year for which statistics are available, 81,182 cars were stolen in Canada,* with 22,000, or 27.6 per cent, of them not recovered. That compares with 25.8 per cent in 1984. The increase is due to "more efficient activities of professional, car theft rings," says the bureau. Within hours after a car has been stolen, it can be ,dismantled for parts and driven to the U.S. for reale. There bas been a decrease in stolen'cars since 1981, when a record 93,436 cars were stolen, and police say the decrease is the result of improved antï-theft equipment on newer vehicles. SAy-fln ,,,,and sales are booming agaîn. -Cars and prices that make'sense.. OnIy a few Stellars Ieft at these Iow prices. Some models of Excels are in short supply. 1987 STELLAR CL *5 spoed 'European-style quartz *2 litre OHC engine halogen headlights *Power steering .*Trip odometer, * Power assist ed brakes *5 Michelin ali-season *4 speaker A M/FM steel-belted radiais stereo cassette system *Child safety rear door Iocks Stili OnIy $.9595 Plus Freight, PDE, PST & Lic. Also on, the rise, however, is the theft of car parts such as stereo systerna and, special wheels. Total auto insurance premi- Ufls have jumped more than 25 per cent over 1985 and 1986. The bueusays 'increased cdaims means higher rates, partly to meet growing liability costs. But the major part of dlaim costs continues to be repairs to vehicles. The number of vehicles insur- ed increased for both passenger cars and commercial vehicles. But the number of commercial .vehic- les. covered by collision and comprehensive insurance decreas- ed slightly, "showing a tendency towards seif-insurance," states the fact book. And while more publicity is given to large awards for personal inýjuries, more is paid for damage to vehicles. For repairs or replacing vehicles, more than $2 billion was paid, or about 64 per cent of al daims. E a lu. INTRODUCING A STATION WAGON THAT WAS NAMED 41X4 0F TE TEAIL -avlVhleat AAIUZI USED CARS AT "SENSIBLE PRICES" 1984MERCURY*TOPAZ This silvor, lowrr,4 dr. has 5spd., ph., AMFM. lk new. Stk #MA $4795 W- ITBI ~ODGE .I-CHSLERI 209 Dundas.St., YW., Ylhhby Whltby Ajax 666-3000 686-1642 t it I'~~ '~ i44 i t 44 t *4 ~ ~ . 44 tI t4441 r