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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1988, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WH1TBYFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY,, MAY 18,. 1988 News Cal Veonia Coanglo.Phone 655-8945 Exçept for the week prior ta Christmas, this time of My busband's mother has toid me stories about her and, the yea'r without a daubt is the most frantic. ber contempararies, actuaily taking everything out of' It's deceiving, you know. We. spend the, winter every cupboard andi washing and drying it ail, only ta moth yarin fr hefistsin.f prng..th sn SEEM S TO M E**$ be put back in the saine place and possibiy neyer see of a robin, a littie bit oi rain rather thansnow', even some, of 1 it again until the following year's spring. sight of the garden hase in a heap where it*.as. 's by Veronica Colangelo cleariing efforts were in full swing again.; The bouse abandoned, in the fal can reawaken some sti rring. was scrubbed top ta bottam and it took weeks. I doubt witbin us that is, inexplainable and only feit in theénoeeen-tcd Whatailthi realy ean, tough 15W OR KWomen today are now as busy as-Men ... juggling Wi' cisguised' alrght because at first, the spning careers and cbildren, as well as (accarding ta line up of chores doesnt feel like work. It's a chance ta o. statistics and personal expérience), looking after the» get outside and feel balmy breezes against 'skin that '1 1 ATM ATr1 home. The last thing we need i5 anather meaningless dry, tired and sporting ane more year of winkles left he W or4. YJ.lU. TV < . ritual for spring. behind fromn winter's lack of humidity. Birds are singing everywhere and their sang uplifts grarage is impassable. The list ai "spring things" ta do goes on and on. aur spirits, -but altao soon their droppings wii1 1,e al Garages intended for cars, rarely. become Fitting in favorite recreational activities becomes a over newly painted decks (that is, when you get around acquainted with them. They are catch-ails for source of stress ta many of us, when ail these jobs are ta doing it!). everything that doesn't have a permanent borne or that screaming ta be dane. The grass has greened Up. A weicomne sight, but now is used seasonaily. Ail that "stuf' that is toa good ta Golfing and fishing and other more "fun" things it's time ta cut the grass, and cut the',grass, and cut the throw out is living in there. beckon. By the look ai the golf courses tbis past ,gassome mare. Those ai vou who fertilized in the fali This, ai course, is how garage sales were born.' weekend, it would appear that goliers don't have or before. the snaw melted will'be cutting your grass Having a- sale is a sure way ta, make room in the tehue even1 more1 often than the- rest of us.z Grass takes'ta' garage. The trick is ta be se organized. tbat not only can the fiuserne r sal p oebfr h fertilizer like ducks take ta water. The first round"with-. .yau hald your own sale, but if you juggle your timing s hn baserien Teare usalut hee, tohjn g b y h th lw mwr sexiarating. It's'anori tunity ta *-just right, yau can also manage ta patranize every the numnber of cars parked on the side, ai the road view the family ingdom, inch by inch, unless ai course other garage sale within 25 miles of home. Where ta beside every littie trickle ai water that looks like a yaur lawnmower doesn't start. Chances are it won't put aIl your newly purchased treasures is another star trout might be biding in it! hiMs happens in two out ai three cases. By thé time the that inm sure has created mare than a few "domestics" mower is in tip-tap shape and ready for action, you're. in otherwise harmoniaus relationships., It seems ta me tbat wbile spring is a busy time for ready for à nap. US, it's aIse Mother Nature's busiest season. Sa much When yu were in your garage loolng for your, by The ritual "Sprng Housecleaning" 'mn convinced is is happening out there. Spring is se sort and sos nw, unloved mwing machine, did yu have ta dodge a thing a the past. This ritua, traditionally a female beautiful and se filled. with nature's wonders *that ith an obstacle course? 0f course you did. thing, was invented in another time and another era is almost crimînal nat ta take the time ta stop and Drive 'down any suburbani street on a sunny when wamen didn't wark outside the borne and didn't just revel in the wonder ai it al.- weekend afternoon in May, and you will find that have transportaLtion ta get out ai the home! Prom wbat The work will wait, it willi I be there, but almost every garage door is open, and almost every I can gather, its a "make work project" none ai us need. Mother Nature wan't. Entrites wanted for Brookinfair queen With two weeks remaining until the deadline for entries for the Miss Brooklin Sping Fair pa- geant, organizers have received only one nomination. "I have had lots ai calis about entering but they are irom girls age 15 and under, or they are married," says Carol Van Hem- men, arganizer ai the pageant. Girls must be between 17 and 23 years ai age and unmarried ta participate in the pageant. But it is nat a prerequisite ta be a resident-of Brooklin. "They. have ta live within Durham Region," says Van Hem. men. She explained that the age and marital status are necessary because Miss Brooklin Spring Fair goes on ta represent Broolin at- the Canadian National Exhibition beauty pageant the following year. Van Hemmen is at a loss ta, expiain wby there is only one entry ta, date. "The winner receives $250 and a tiara plus prizes. And girls get $25 just for entering," she says. Clothes are aiso supplied. This year's pageant will be held Thursday, June 2. Deadline for entries is May 30. Besides entering the Miss ONE pageant, duties ai Miss Brooklin Spring Pair include attending events in Brooklin during the year, attending a conference at the Royal York in February, and riding in the annuai Cbristmas parade. Last year's winner was Patti Van Der Zwet ai Brookiin. Run- ner-up was Sandra Porco. Residents can hook up Women's Institute eleets new- executive , The newly elected executive for the Women's Institute is: past president, Marion Hall; first vice president, Carnie Arksey; secretary-treasurer Bessie Casway; public relations officer, Eileen Young; progràm co-ordinator, Royce Irwin; district directar, Eileen Young and alternate Marion Hall. The next meeting ai the Women's Institute will be May 17 at 1:30 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre.7 The motta is "Modes ai Travel in Canada" and rail :caîl will be "Naine a Canadian Province and One of its Industries." ,1987 Brooklin Fair Qucen Patti Van Der Zwet of Brooklin. to municipal water Brooklin residents will have ta meeting. hook up ta the municipal water Region works commissioner system if they wish to avoid William Twelveirees says that contaminated water, says Dur- aithough there is capacity for alA ham, Region's works department. Brookiin residents ta hoak up ta, The Ontario Ministry ai the municipal water systein, Heath, in a recent 'report, many have not or do not know deterrnined that quick action i they can do so. needed ta remedy water contam- The Durhamn health department inatookin Breskientilwîî could force a homeowner ta hook 197Fi uerne-p muoli esdnical el o up ta the municipal sYstem if 197F rQue rnerp connected ta themuipa te fecal coliform leveis are faund ta Sandra Porco of Brooklin. system are being polluted with be high in well water svstems. sewage from oId, leaky sewer______________ beds. Meanwhile, it coulci be four "Brooklin residents are living years beiore Brooklin gets a with a terrible situation heaith- municipal sewer system.. The wise," said Whitby cauncillor and praject is eligible for a provincialAR Rejfb works committee chair- grant if designaâted as part ai the marilu 0erziwEmm î IIELP US' * RELP YOU SAY "THANK YOU" ta, someone who goes aut of bis or her way ta make yaur cam- munity a better place ta live. To find out more about how yau can say 6Thanks', cati your local weekly newspaper. Air Canada's "Heart of GoId" Award in partnership with your community newspaper

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