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Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1988, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAYý 18,1988l Regionýapprove.s 37more staff for homes for the,àa'ge HANN AH MacMillan of Whitby, who began a foot care clinic at the Whitby SeniorsCnr ih ers ago, was recently honored* with a volun teer s ervice awar.d from -the Ministry of Community a-nd, SocialServices. MacMil lan say .s she and oth er volunteers "do it for the, love of the work and for the peop le,. . .we' enjoy oùur- selves..". Free Press photo TOWN parks and rec direictor Larry Morrow (left) and councillor' Joe Drumm, (right) present volunteer awards to May Lamb and Harold O'Brien at the Whitby Seniors Centre awards night April 28'to'recognize 77 lunteers. Lamnb and O'Brien were also both c elebrating birthdays April 28. Bo0ok,,outt ines steps in even t of child abuse *Thý.. Violence Prevention Council of Durham Region bas composed a protocol bookiet outlining steps ta be taken if it is suspected that a child is. being abused. The 'Durham Region Cbild -Abuse - Protocol' ..outlines procedures -ta b6 followed, ta stop the abuse of a child. Key-agencies' and organizations such as the police, Children's Aid Society, sehool boards, .erown - attorneyps office, probation . and parole 1 ay care, central 'social services, hospitals and mental health professionals are being given copies of the protocol. Anyone worIng with children orhavin g contact with children is advised by the coundil ta obtâin and use this book The council bopes that protocol will make reporting and actionless complicated and more effective in solving the abuse problem in this region. According ta Nikita Crook, coordinator of the. council, there are 21,117 abused children in Durhamn regffln and 21 abused each day. 'iIw cquncilhas aiso developed a ebild fdbuIIO nwareness program whfMWie Y40be imp)emented by tbe various "key players" witbin their own- organizations. The programn includes an audiovisual presentation and supporting educational materials. Police and the Children's Aid Society will be-using the prograin ta, train officers and social workers. Teachers, day care' workers,. nurses and doctars are aise encouraged ta, take training. Anyone working with eidren, even the school janitar," should be talcing the course, according ta. Crdok. The protocol is now available from the Violence Prevention, Council of Durham Region. The training prograi begins in September of 1988 Houses $ 190,000 plus Prices for 123 homes in the seventh phase of the Fallingbrook housing development off Anderson St. will range from $190,000 ta $260,000, according to the Coscan corporation. Homes will be from 1,826 to 3,152 sq. ft. in area, and al include double garage, at least, three bedrooms'and a fireplace, says Coscan (formerly Costain). An increasing elderly popula- tion in Durham Region and a need to increase nursing staff are just two -of the problemsfacing Durham's three homeq for the: aged in the future' Problerns and possible solutions facing the -homes were contained in a report presented to, regional council recently. The report notes that care for residents of the homes is increasing, especialy in the chronic care area. According to statistics in the report, 18 per cent of residents in the' homes in 1982 required chronic care, more than two and a haîf hours of nursing care per 24-hour period. This, year, that has increased ta 30, per cent. During,- that same period, residential care,, which is less than one and a haif hours of nursing care per 24-hour period, bas decreased.from 34 per cent to 22 per cent. The three homes., Fairview Lodge in WVhitby,11Hhlsdale Manor in Oshawa, andlaeview Manor in Beaverton, ,have, 220 residents' that require.'chronic cre.But the three bormes have. no chromie care' beds -which have' been» allocated by the-Province. «I. If --the Province funded tbree chronic care units with a total of 120 beds, the Region, would save *$550,000 annuallyo 1council wa s informed. There is also, a need for m'ore .nursing staff in the homes. .According, a level. of care study carried out by the Province, an: additional 107 nursing staff are needed for the three homes. But regional council hs only approved funding for the hiring of an additional- 37.5 nursing em- ployees.% That number was found to be adequaté in the report because of a new organizational structure which will ýImaimize the use of nurses. And the Region will actually hire 93 new employees during the next threeý years ta, help meet care standards. Forty-eight will be hired this year ( including the 37.5 nursing staff), 38 in 1989 and 17 in 1990. "It is obvious where the problem is,'! said _Ajax councillor and Region' finance committee chair- man. Jim.ýWitty folloWing pres- entation of the report~. 1"We are getting sbafted because the property ' taxpayer. bas. ,,to carry the load,",be said, referring ta the Province's lack of funding. Council gave its approval to the biring of' the additional nurses and the o'rganizational changes, and* wiII ask . the' Province.,for funding to 'help alleviate the problem'of Ilack of -chronic care beds. Auberge renamed after Penny - The Auberge/Sedna womerl's shelter has been renamed the "Dénise House" in' memory Of Denise Penny. Penny, a former resident of Auberge with daughter Sarah, was murdered on March -12 this year. Denise House offers shelter and support serices. for abused women and their children. Nancy .Jones, of the public. relations- department for the shelter', said Penny; although at the, shelter forZ only a short time, Ilmad&, a strong And lasting impact -on the, lives of Auberge residents, volunteers and staff." I I 'I '/ 'c F NATJIONAL TRUST MAY, 1988 bhitoducng te Totarl ie Caid. .i .i.s.b.nef.ts.. . The mot dfficuit ing willbe rememberm o A~ Our new, Ttal Life Card is unlike any other card ' 1Q52 you've heard of. Startmng May 9, you'l1 fmd beneifits . ........ ... SO comprehensive, this ad@@mn[ isn't big enough to list al 59 of them. Here are just with no"transaction fees. get the 'Ibtal Lde Card a few: - Savingsï at 'Major retail FREE for 1 year when - Cet instant 'cash at any estaýlishments. you get a National Trust money machine across - Discounts on leadmng Mortgage. Canada displaying the hotels and car rentais. Applicsta ajny new or reniewiJ resdezitîal InteracO or Circuit,& logo Unt il June 30, 1988, ou'll montgag apprSSd by Nationail ut CiIJT DOMW ilECOSI?0F UNLROK SIANTIL 1B ORROWING 1WlSEITLNG SAVINGS WIII OUR YOROWN ,LOA N RATE! MORTGAGES!, Loan interest rates got you by simply using any two of We can mn a bind? oui banking, lending or i- design a With oui Personal Loan vestment servicest (Use just mortgage - offer you can trim up to one additional -service and that can 1% off the rate ofyour loan you'll get 1/2% off the mean regular lban rate.) substantial . .... .. That means you- can savings for, drive that special cax 'build, you. Plus that addition or pool,, take you get that dream vacation - ail excellent rates and quick at savings of up to 1%! approvals. And don't forget, Plus: you get aÈ~REE Ibtal Life -You'll get fast approvals Card when you get, a usually withmn 24 hours. mortgage* from us by - You'll get an excellent lunie 30, 1988. rate with terms tailored Ani t y neh' or renewl gdntua 011crapphs ony tahxedrateeconloin of F500ta soti~ex,.to ft yo r neds. ettNe iWowd 1bv National lMua. = Iz nl tofize CI los f $,-o t $ 00M e, idoes not appy to contdîraae Ejl, $MIbJ ~ evcsS:ai e. t OT;AL Accout. pUr Moneuy Maurt Accouns9t Moetsa5esl RPS 7tMAinc aI Caednt MaserC&rtt Amencan ExpiesaGold Car.L V/lUs»M na en Manqenhene .. * niNATIOINAL TRUST p' AYHITBY -352 Brock St. S. 666-18000or308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324-- \JAX - Harw ood 'Iace.MaII1 S. 683-7344 )S HAWA '32 S i iJoe St. S. 723-5207- DICKERING - PickerngSue r Ce n tre, 831 -6501 It- y- %ýý

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