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Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1988, p. 5

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WHrrBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAX 25, 1988, PAGE 5 In Teronto, a 14-year-old boy dies afler taking drugs at a rock concert. In Oshawa, a young man wakes up on a Saturday morning te the realization that be cannot remember events of the previeus evening--somnewhere after bis eightb drink. In a Terente hospital, a man 41 years old is recevering from a beart attack. Dectors bave te break the news te the man and bis family that be aise bas a fast-growing lung cancer. The patient still smokes 3-4 packs cf cigarets a day. Yeu can likely add dezens of examples ef yeur ewn: peeple wbese lives are caugbt in a cycle cf addiction. Se close te universal are these addictions that it is necessary te define the termn. Addiction: the repeated use cf any substance that alters the functien of mind or body. Medical (and therefore legal) use is net included, altheugb a very geod case ceuld be made fer ding se. Ne doubt that seme doctors prescribo drugs net because it is best for the patient, but because tbe patient bas insisted. Okay, give ber Valium; if I don't, somebody else will. But illegal drugs can be more damaging and reacb fartber into the lives cf innocent people. Worse, they are -changing the face cf our society. To show you bow far this bas prcgressed, censider twe proposaIs from the U.S. (Canada is neyer far behind; wben the free trade pact swings inte action we will be even dloser) te, fight the drug trade in the U.S. Proposai 1: legalize ail drugs, since it is impossible te police and patrel drug traffic. This weuld lower the price of drugs and take the matter eut cf the hands cf the underworld. Proposai 2: let the U.S. Army take ever the war against drugs. Both bave been made by serieus pelitical and social commentaters; botb are being given fighteningly WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan Abuse always with us serieus consideration. Jimmy Breslin, the New York columnist, bas pinted eut that Proposai 2 runs the immediate danger of putting the drug trade in the bands of the military, and predicts the emergence cf a U.S. general a la Noriega --the first step te a military dictatorship and the end of democracy in the U.S. Think Canada wculd be far behind? Proposai 1 is worse. Sure, perhaps it would take the profit eut cf drug trade. But any research on any sucb substance --tebacco, beroin, cocaine, alcohol shows that lower prices lead te more widespread use. Monkeys exposed te cocaine for research purposes will refuse food, sex, and sleep for another 'hit' --and eventually die. Can you imagine making this substance available at bargain prices? We have suficient problems with alcohol as a legal 'lrug, without legalizing cocaine. But for all of that, no one seems to be asing the obvious questions: why? What is wrong with our way of life, our society, that drug use sbould be endemnic? Argue ail you want that substance abuse has been with us always; wherever alcobol bas been introduced te primitive (and more, stable) societies, it bas tended te destroy. One bas only to look at what white society bas done to aboriginal people anywhere in the world. Look at what alcehol bas done to our own native societies. Argue ail you want that people have only themselves te blame when they become addicted. That's the dirty end of our philosophy of individual greed, as though the individual was not part of our whole society. Perhaps that's an example of what's wrong with the way we think. Are drugs a problem in Whitby? You bet. And net just in high schools and in strip joints' but in facteries and backyards and yuppie castles worth obscene aniounts of money. 'Gotcher morning coffee? There's eneugh caffeine in there te joît yeu into the Middle of next week. Harmnless? Everything bas a cost. See those teenagers ligbtinig up their cigarets? Ever wonder wbat we've failed to previde that they must latcb on te a destructive habit te demonstrate social poise? Got something te celebrate? Bring in the booze. Hoist a few. Is it any wender that ids follow suit? That they don't see mnucb distinction between illegal booze and illegal LSD? And it is ne wender tbat a 14-year-old ends up drowned in a lakefront park designed for fun and people. He wasn't the first and be won't be the last. White seeks NDP nominatio* orOtrio ricing Drummond White, a family counsellor in Whitby, is one of three area residents seeking the nomination as NDP candidate for Ontario riding in the next federal election. <A social worker for 15 years, White says he is "deeply concerned" about social and economic conditions that work ag ainst the well-being of idividuals and families in Canada. According te, White, there are a number of issues that should be of particular concern te Ontario Whtby girl injured III attack by dog A seven-year-old dog is being held at the WVhitby Animal Control Centre for 10 days to see if it is rabid afteri it bit a 7-year-old girl while she was walking along a street. ,Durham Regional Police report, Nina Borges, 7, of Rice St. suffered injuries to her left eye, throat, neck and left ear when she was attacked by a part poodle, part terrier.. Police say the dog will be held for 10 days after which it will be destroyed. No charges are expected te bDA laid. FAMILY WELLNESS CLINIO Chiropractors:- Dr. Peter Wysotski, D.C. Dr. SaIIy P. Shlapak,. B.Sc., D.C. (Hion.) Psychologist.- Dr. George Blake, Ph.D. Refiexologist:- Mr. Doug Thonipson, B.A., B.E.D., C.R. Nutrtionist:- M. Geoif RIIey, B.Sc., R.N.C. Massage Therapist: - Mr. Paul Szymanouskt For appolntme*nts cdt 728-5251 Evening Appoinments availat"e 1631 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. UN 2K9 (Acrosa from Chemrey's) riding residents: these include envirenmentai safety and protection, a dlean Lake Ontario, the effect ef free trade on local industry and reseurces, and the lack cf affordable, mixed bousing. In addition, Wite would like te see major reforms in the tax system, and greater equality cf oppertunity for women and mincrities. White bas been' an active member of tbe New Democratic Party for over 12 years, serving on riding executives, electien planning committees, and working on many provincial and federal campaigns. He is currently president cf the president cf the Durham brancb cf the Ontario Association cf Professional Social Workers. White bas been a resident and homeowner in dewnte)vn Whitby for seven years, and bas worked in the tbred cemmunities tbat comprise Ontario riding (Pickering, Ajax, and Whitby). He and wife, Norab Love, have tbree children. White, Don Stewart cf Whitby and Jim Wiseman of Ajax are seekcing the NDP nomination. The contest will be decided on Monday, may 30 at the CAW Hall in Ajax, at 7:30 p.m. DRUMMOND WHITE Durham Centre NDP Ridling Association, and was the founding Take advantage of this LIMITED lIME OFFER now! When you pre-qualify for aTD EQ 'UITYBUILDER Mortgage byjune 30,1988, we'11 give you a coupon entitling you to 50% off the cost of having your prop- erty appraised.The usual cost is $150. So you'Il save at least $75. Th en when you corne back to arrange yourlTD EQUITYBUILDER Mortgage, we'11 also give you money-saving BONUS COUPONS on avariety of ID products and services, including free personalized cheques and 6 months' free chequing, automatic over- draft protection, a free safety deposit box and more.. You'l also get a special rate of-Prime +1% on an approved 90 -day Moving Loan of $ 3,00 0 or more. Plus a 1/2 % rate reduction on a ID Personal Loan of $ 5,000 or more when you have your ID EQUITY- BUWLDER Mortgage at our Branch. Corne in and talk to one of our mortgage spe- cialists today We'l gladly show you how a ID EQUlTYBUILDER Mortgage gives you more flexibiity with potential savings of Up to $85,000* or more in interest costs alone! THE TORONTO- DOMINION BANK 107 DUNDAS ST. E. 601 DUNDAS ST. W. P.O. BOX 117 WHITBY ONT. AT FRANCES ST. WHITBY ONT.M LiN 5R7 PH. 427-5660 LiN 2N3 PH. 427-5655 *Based on a $53,OOO montgage at 11.5%. where people make the dffrenlce

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