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Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1988, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1988 Melien will go to Olympiecs Lori Melien of Whitby. bas *earned a trip to the Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea, where she wiI1 participate in at Ieast two events. The Henry Street High School stuclent, who turned 16 on May 11, was the only Canadian wcnien swimmer to beat the Olympie qualfiying time in the 200-metre backstroke during the Olympic trials in Montreal over the weekend. Witb her parents looking on, Melien covered the distance in one minute, 3.84 seconds, well abead of the field and ahead of Redmen win 2nd game Brooklin Redmen improved their record to 2-0 by defeating Bramalea 14.5 Saturday nigbt. Adam Kluwàk bad the bat trick for tbe Redmen with doubles ffing te Kevin Antim, Blaine arriscn, John Fusco and Derek. Keenan. Dale Kernoban, Andy Perreni and Scott Boyd added singles. The Redmen were te play their third game cf the season last nigbt (Tuesday) against Hunts- ville. TIhey then travel to Bramipton te take on the Excelsiors Thursday nigbt. Taylor first in 200m Trafalgar Castle's Stephanie Taylor and Anya Smitb fi nisbed one-two in the girls' 200 metres at the regional OFSSA track and field meet beld in Toronto last' week. Taylor covered the 200 metres in 24.9 seconds. Other WhiMtby high school athietes aise placed well at the ineet, the qualifying event for ali-Ontarjo. In the girls' 3,000 metres, Jennlifer Cooper cf Henry Street Higb Scbool was third *hile Jo-Anne Hocd cf Anderson placed fourtb. Bob Willetts cf Henry Street was first in the midget beys' 1500 metres and second in the 800 metres wbile Craig Donaldson, aIse, cf Henry Street, placed second in the senior boys' 400 metre burdles. In the girls' 400-metre hurdies, Susanne Perroni cf Anderson placed second. Michelle Primeau, aise from Anderson, was fourth in the senior girls' shotput. .Top four finishers in each event move on te the OFSSA meet in Toronto this weekend. Kelly Joseph, cf Henry St., who placed sixtb in the junior girls' 1500 metres, qualified for OFSSA wben two cf the top four finishers were scratcbed from the race. the qualifying time of one minute, 4.02 seconds. It also mean an automatic berth on the 4-by-100 medley relay team - Melien will swim backstroke while world record bolder Allison H-igson cf Toronto will swim the breaststroke leg of the event. 'Lori bas worked so bard. She deserves everything she- got," says Irveen Powley of the Ajax Aquatic Club, of wbicb, Melien is a niember. "The town of Whitby can certainly be proud." Melien was also to swim the 50 freestyle on Tuesday. As cf press time, the resuits were unknown, but Powley says the event is a "good one" for Melien. "Sbe's got a really good chance te qualify in that, toc," said Powley. Melien was fifth in another event, the 100-metre freestyle, and didn't qualify as an individual competitor. However, ber finisb means she will be an alternate on Canada's 4-by-100 freestyle relay teani in tbe Olympics. Another Whitby resident and Ajax club member, Derek- Phillips, finisbed eigbtb in the 200 men's backstreke at tbe Olympic trials, failing te qualify, for. the Olympics. RiEs time was two minutes, 10.29 seconds for the distance. Olympic qualifying time is two minutes, 3.30 seconds. Pbillips aise bad one more event te swim as cf press time. Powley says Phillips, "if be bangs in there," will be a an Olympic bopeful for the 1992 event. -By BRENDON BEINBOLDT Denis O'Connor's senior boys' soccer teaxn will travel te, Sudbury this week te compete in the OFSSA soccer finals on June 2, 3 and 4. Bill Heaney, Paul Moschella, Pino Foresta, Steve Cully and Mark McCann are alI Whitby residents who will travel te Sudbury witb tbe DO'C squad. Sporting an 8-1 season record last fali, O'Connor went on te defeat Ajax in the LOSSA finals and Father Persani in the DYSSAA finals te advance te tbis year's OFSSA finals. DO'C soccer coach Jim Boyd expects is team te- place -witbin the top four, eut of a total cf 18 teams participating in tbe competition. "The boys are aIl in excellent condition," says Boyd. "If we play well our chances are good." He sees the long pericd that bias elapsed since the team last played as tbe only weakness. 4>"To get it tegether after five montbs is pretty teugb," says Bcyd, adding that "Many cf the players belong te otber clubs tbat mnay bave better coaching and training and by using our systemn it could be tougb te, get the guys te play together effectively." In preparation for OFSSA, the \team bas played six exhibition gmsthis spring, and was te, \lay~ fin al exhibition xnatcb on ïondéy before leaving - for Sükýbury. The' tearn' bas been practising-twice weekly. "Moôst ofthe guys have other commitments and belong te other clubs se it's difficult te get evé ryone together," says Boyd. Boyd expects the stiffest cempetitien te come from the Neill.McNeill squad from Scabooublast yers OFSSA champions. I think the further our team goes, tbe better our chances are. Se if we play a weaker teamn for ourfirst game, it will help the team a lot," says Boyd. As for on next year s soccer team, Boyd says "Most cf the seniors will be remaining and we bave some 'excellent juniors ceming up. We'll have a strong squad fer next season." Heéaney, whe tried eut for Canada's under-19 team, and Paul Pescbiselido, a ffember of that national team,,will Iead the O'Connor team. Boyd was at a loss te explain why Heaney isn't on the national team. "He's a national level player for sure," said Boyd. In exhibition, O'Connor defeated Oshawa's under-19 team, tied Oshawa's under- 16 team and easily won a mini-tournament with teams from Peterborough, Nortb Bay and Sudbury. Warri ors get split *Whitby Warriors won a game and lest a game duning the week te bring tbeir record tô 5-! Zîn junior A lacrosse action. Last Wednesday night, the, Warniors, led by Mike ]Ruffo 'witb three goals, defeated the Bay Aiea Bengals 11-9. "We were in total control cf the ganie and then we let them back inte it," said Warriors coach Bill Eyre about the gaine which saw the Warriors leading at one pint 10-5. But the Bengals scored four unanswered, goals in the third. period and only Ruff's third, goal cf the game saved, the: day for the Warriors, .Other scorers in the game for tbe Warriers incîuded Jef Mc- Comb witb a pair cf goals. Singles went te Steve Dyment, ike Burnie, Bill Passfield, Adam Foote and Derek Jones. The Warriors weren't se lucky in holding on te a late lead in tbeir second game cf tbe week as they travelled te, Brampton on Friday nigbt. Warriors led 7-6 after the second period but couldn't hold off Brampton, eventually losing 10-7. Eyre blames tbe loss on a lack cf playere. "Some were at graduation and some were off. Ill neyer do that again," said Eyre, wbo noted he had jus9 enougb players for the game.~eha Mike e hrn two goals for the Wrîors wvhiîe Bill Passfield, Jeif Whittle, Kevin Hayes, Dave MeWhirtér and Jason Richards rcunded eut tbe scoring. Warriors next game is tenigbt (Wednesday) at Iroquois Park against St. Catherines beginning at 8 p.m. LAST WEEK'S sports recognition banquet held by the, Town of Whitby included a special presentation, made by Mayor Bob Attersley, to Andrea and Peter Scott of *Whitby, parents of Chris Scott, one of Canada 's fmnest< high jumpers, who died ini an accident on the 401 earlier this year. Free Presphoto Town recognizes spworts achievements VOLUNTfEERS HONOREDX-, Debbie Lawrence & John. Lilly'p Whitby* Figure Skating Club; Mary Agneës Challoner & Pat McKinnon, Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club; Donald May & Brenda May, Whitby Girls Softball Association; Paul Smalley,, Peter Grills, Judy Smrith, Whitby' BaIl Hockey League; Ken MacDonald & Peter Irvine, Whitby Minor Baseball Association; Doug Weales & Bonnie Weales, Broýoklin Whitby Miner Hockey... WHITBY' IROQUOIS SWIM CLUB Julie Leswick, Heather Armitage, Keri Kettrick, Janice Currie, Molly Morrice, Tiina Kallo, Lesley Dowson, Andrea Bell, coach:. Lucie Hewitt-Henderson, President: Gerry Dainty, Vice President: Bria Johnson. Ontario Badminton Association Heather Van Patter. Senior Lacrosse (Brooklin Redinen) Ken Colley, Ken Passfield, Jerry Fitzgerald, John Dark, Jeif Garlin, Barry Brear, Emil Labaj, Paul St. John, GilI Nieuwendyk, Lorne Briscoe, Bilan Colm, Keven Antram, Jim Meredith, John Fusco, Bruce Redwood, Dave Pirog, John Reid, Dale Kernohan, Randy Gallas, Eric Perroni, Blane Harrison, Andy Perroni, Tom Wregitt, Wayne Colley, Derek Keenan, Brian Hall, president' Don Vipond, Managers: Bob Duignan, Bob Vesey, beach: Tom Appleby, Ms Elsa Orecchio, Ken Reilly, Pete Vipond, Bill Down. Brookhin Witby Minor Hockey Association Mi nor Novice A Bilan Harrison, Joshua Evans, Brian Crilly, Mark Haynes, Christopher Kerr, Paul Gray, Lars Clay, Aaron Bryant, Tanner Westrall, Scott Young, Darryl Lewis, Andrew Starnes, Brian Venoent, Anthony Cameazuli, Bill Duncan, Bryan Crouch,- Mark Johnston, Coaches: Bob Harrison, Dave Kerr, manageri Sheila Gray. Mi nor Atom AA Joeh Wilson, Ian Macneil, Jeremny Schott, Brian Scott, Steven Holbieki, Cori Brick, Allen Lacey, Jeff Malcolm, Bilan Lodge, Matthew St. Amand, Sean Saunders, Steven BIais, Jimmy Boyd, Brad Oliver, Matt Cardwell, Robert Fodlor, coach: Jim Boyd, manager Wayne Scott, tramner George Schott. WHITBY FIGURE SKATING CLUB WhltbV lS v Susan Atkinson, Robin Baldwin, Nicole Blackburn. Lindsay Boyce, Shannon Brown, Andrea Buraham, Nicole Cooper, Cathie Doherty,, Keri Ferguson, Erna Flynn, Shannon Flynn, Amber Frost, Mona Gibney,ý,, Janice Gilmore, Susan Gisana, Kelly- Jennings, Jody Lyn Jones, Rachel Katocs, Kim Lefebvre, Michele Locke, Sharon Makarchuk, Tanimy Marritt, Linda Martin, Nancy Meredith, Michelle Mitchell, Tracy, Mockford, Penny Kaye McGregor, Casandra Newell, Shannon Pachal, Rhonda Stacey, Shannon Tackncy, Nicole Watson, Cindy Watters, Anne Windover, Kathryn Woodhead, Christine Vylhchaft, Coach: Cathy Dalton, Manager: Donna Gibney.. WhithyvIle Angels Juanita Baker, Shannon Brown, Ashley Burnham, Alison Chase, Vanessa Crilly, Natalie Drago, Heather Faust,- Keri Ferguson, Lisa Fernland, Heather Forshaw, Meredith Gilbert, Shannon Hickling, Allison Hood, Angela Hansford, Carolyn Jensen, Michi Motomura, Casandra Newell, Nicole Rands, *Rhonda, Stacey, Christine' Walo, Julianne Williams, Anne Windéver, Gayle Yetman, Amanda Wolner, Jennifer Atkinson, Lisa. Czarnuch, Amber Marshall, Andrea Scholtes, Seema Singh, Karli Smith, coach: Debbie Smith,, manager Joyce Brown. Whitbv e No Catherine Advent, Shannon Anderson, Jenny Atkinson, Juanita Baker, Katie Bolduc, Michelle Connelly, Sarah Cook,- Lisa Czarnuch, Natalie Drago, Meredith Gilbert, Mlissa Gyles, Angie Hansford, Shannon Hill1;_ Rachel KneSje, Melissa Lawrence, )Megan Leanox, Erna Macleod, Amiber Marshall, Alicia Murray, 'Sera Qîdmnan, Roseanne Pumnwasie, Andrea Scholtes, Laura Scholtes, Sèema Singh, Karli Smith, Angela Clekaluk, coaches Dianne Cornelission, Mona Gibney, -Nicole Cooper, managers Kathy Hansford, Sandy Cook. Novce Dance Team Chris McLean & Betty Harbaruk TRACK & FIELD Dariyl Taylor SPEED SKATING Bill Chomisky FASTBALL John Annis, Wayne Aflan, Terry Annis. WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB Dwayne Allen, Shane Bevan, Tony Bianco, Richard Bokor, Chris SEE PAGE 31 HIGII SCHOOL SOCCER O'Coirnor aims for OFSAA.titie Àw awc lu

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