PAGE 380 WHITY FRUE PRESS, WEDNESDAy, jUE198 CASH IN on tax reformi Enquire about exclusive franchise oopor- tunities, with the iargest Canadian tax company, U & R Tax Services, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB R3T 2B6. (204) 284-1806. B LIN DAL CEDAR sumnroomn dealers do weli Be one ln your town. Oppor- tu nity extst to start a new career. For details cali Jim Gillespie, Manufac- turer's Rep. ln Barrie at (705) 722- 7577. B MA CHERIE FASHION SHOWS. Est. 1975. Join our successfui team of ln- dependent representatives ln presenting quali ty lingerie -& ieisurewear at home parties for women. It's funil t's easyi t's -prof itabie! Cafl col lect (416) 632-9090. B LOW COST part time business op- portunity: *Representatives required ln Whitby and surrounding areas to handie a home and automotive product new to Canada. Every car andfor home owner a prospective customer. No experience necessary. Write A &*S Distributors, 308 Wortley Road, London, Ontario. N6C 3R5. OVERSEAS ,POSIÊTIOÃ"NS.- Àundreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. Ail occupations. Free details. Overseas Empioyment Ser- vices, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. B TURN that time on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meet new people and make new friends through Auctioneering. Next class Jan. 16 - ?3rd. Register now. South- iMà ëW Wý- *0,rniOtaà rio *ýSchoOl' oAC tioneering,' P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ iMO (519) 469-3936; (519) 537-2115. B A CAREER IN TRUCKING. "Tran- sport Drivers Needed NoW.I"1 Train now for your. class 'A' licence for prescreening Interview and Infor- mation on job placement, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Toli Free -1-800-285-3559.- H..146 Hespeler Rd. Cambridge, Ontario. London, Brampton, Sud-. bury, St. Catharines, Ottawa. The Haiburton SCHOOL 0F FINE ARTS, srt in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands vacation area of Central Ontario, of fers over 100 one-week work shops in ail media and levels of arts and crafts - $62.50/week. For brochure: Box 339, Haliburton, Ont. KOMi1SO. B GUITAR LESSONS, new guitar studio In Ajax. Ail ages. Ail types of music. Westney Rd/401. Cali Randy 9 a.m. to il p.m, 7 days. Ranmar Goi"tar Studio 621-8668 or 427-9240. TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver jo.. training with placement help is available. Compete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers Schooi at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. B Flamboro East, Canada'newest most exciting ANTIQUE SHOW, 250 quaîity dealers. Saturday, June 4 dawn to 4 p.m. Mossport Park, 1 hour east of Toronto. Admission $3, Parking $2. Early admission Friday, June 3rd 2 p.m. $20 per person. 15 miles north of Hwy. 401, exit 431. B th ANNUAL QUINTE Collectable show,& sale. Sunday, June 5,198810- 4, Ben. Bleecker Auditorium,'Bridge and Sydney Street es, BellevillI. 75 tables, dlspiay, prizýes, admission CLEAR WATER AREA, Fiorida, two or three bedroom mobile homes In famiiy park. Chiidren weicome.. Weekly or monthiy rentais. Phone 655-3073 or 655-3233. FREE '88 Brochure on scenic Rideau & Trent Severn Canal cruises abord comfortabie cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cru ises, RR No. 3, Peterborough K9J 6X4. (705) 748-3666. B CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Near Orono, 7 km east of Hwy 35-115, bet- ween Carke 4th & 5th conc. Exit 401 No. 436. Beautifui campground. Seasonai facililties $698.00. Phone 1- 786-2562. THANKS to St. Jude and the Sacred heart of Jesus for favors received. May the Sacred Heart of.Jesus be adored, glorified, ioved and preser- ved throughout the worid now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude heiper of the hopeiess, pray for us. Say this prayer fine times a day. By the eighth day your piayor wiii be answered, regardiess of how hopeiess your situation seems. Publication must be promised. G.E. PREGNANT? Adoption. Loving hap- py famiiy wants very much to adopt second chiid through iicensed agen- cy. We offer a loving and secure Lfuture. foryour .unborn child. Please cali ,1Jennifer 'coleot. (416) 787-4462, evenings. B WOMEN ln1 abusive relationships. For heip cail The DENISE HOUSE for women and chiidren. Toil Free 1-800- 263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (formerly Auberge)., BAHAI' FAITH. Deny not My servant shouid he ask anything f rom thee, for his face is My face; be then abashed before Me. Phone 668-7653 or 668- 8665. NEED EXTRA MON EY? BECOME A CARRIER! Here's an opporiunity to earn money for those things you've always wanti ed. A new bike. ciothes, b.rin yu aitInoman t on. Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers and Durhami Regional Police. are askini for the public's belp in solving an assault which occurred in Whiitby on April 11. At about 5 p.m. two men entered a dental office at 214 Dundas St. E. (near the post office). They asked for the' doctor by name but were told that hie was busy. As they waited they filled out information cards which were later found to be phony. SThe doctor eventually saw them, and when he asked theit into his office tbey attacked him. 'When his cries alerted bis son, wbo came to help, bis son was also assaulted. The suspects then ran out of the building, one of tbem running north on Ash St. and the other nortb towards Perry St. Tyhe son stopped a passing rnotorist who drove bimi around the area. The two suspects were seen to get into an older model, full-sized, greeni car. Suspect #1 isa white maie with an olive complexion, possibly of -Italian or H-ispanic descent; approximately 27 - 30 years of age; 6-ft., muscular build; black straight hair and black moustache; wearing sunglasses, blue jeans, and golf shirt witb a dark jacket.. Suspect #2 is a white maie with a pale complexion, approximately 28-30 years old; 6-ft. tail, muscular build; dark straight hair and dlean shaven. He was wearing sunglasses, bail cap, black jacket, purple shirt and jeans. Crime Stoppera will pay up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of these two men. If you feel you know who these men are or hgve any other information on this assault you can call Crinle Stoppera. This is thej second time in the past six months that the victim bas ben assaulted. in December he was assaulted by the otber tývo men. You'll nevqfr have to give your namne or appear in court. The new Crime Stoppera pbone nurnber is: 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). If this number is long distance you can caîl collect or tbrougb your local Durham Regional Police number and ask for Crime Stoppers. Calîs will neyer be traceed or recorded. Henry St. High school news FROM PAGE 34 time in the bllndfolded vs. the blindfolded pie-throwing contest and seeing our own vice principal Mr. Sears getting dunked in the dunking machine dressed in a Superman costume! The slaves were also great, helping their masters with various chores! Last, but flot least, I would like to congratulate the members of the track and field team with the excellent showing at the Central Regionals. Bob Willets won the midget boys' 1500m and was second in the 800m. Craig Donaldson was second inthe.senior-boys'.400m hurdies.-and Jen- nifer Cooper was third in thé junior girls' 300mn. Henry has definitely shown their stuff in track and field this year! Ail of these athletes qualify for the all-Ontario competitý,on next weekend. Good luck everyone, Henry is behind you all the way. Denis O'Connor school news FROM PAGE 34 great way to end a spirited day here at DOTC. Though the regular dress code at our dances is jeans and t-shirts, suits and skirts were seen everywhere. Everyone looked fabulous, which just happened to go right along with the general mood of the day. With the election of next year's student couneil executive, the handing out of yearbooks and the fact that the last dance of the year has already taken place, students are beginning to, realize that the school year is ac- tuallyalmostover. Committee formed An internai advisory- committee on special needs bas been formed at Durham College. This 'action is in response te the recent report of t he Task Force wbich avied the Comýpittee. of Presidents of -the Ontario Colleges as to services. te students with special needa. The college wiIl address Bill 82, the Education Amendment Act, whicb provided special-education programns in the scbool system for tbose witb physical disabilities or learning cifficulties, emotional or behavioral problemas, or medical conditions requiring special -care. These special needs are being addressed at the bigh achool level, and now the college seeks te give accesa te the full range of college programa. In addition te Bill 82, the college's special needa program takes into account tbe Ontario Human Rigbts Code, and the Canadian Charter of Rigbts and Freedoms. Durham's apecial needs agenda will include the asseasment of college programs, in regard te the capabilities that students must have in order to succ4eed, and will relate to -a sustained effort te provide reasonable accommodations. Staff. development will be undertaken te, sensitize teachers te special needa, and assiat them in providing special belp for such students. The college is setting up an office te support these services, and will provide counselling, taking advantage of community resources. Members from alI sectors of the college, including the board of governors, will serve on the special needa committee. There will aiso be participants from the three area achool boards, the Oshawa Deaf Centre, Vocational Rehabilitation.,,Services-and :the Ministry of Revenue. Organizational responsibilities for Durhamn College's speciid iieeds office wilbe under the supervision of, Doug Tripp, chairman of- academic and business akilîs in the faculty of akilîs development.' Durbam'»College will receive funds from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities ta, assist in the development and operation of' its special needs prograni. An initial meeting of tbe college's, internai speciai needs committee was held on May 27, preceding the National Access Awareness Week whicb is being celebrated from May 29 te, June 4. PC nommna ton meeting June 22 The Ontario Riding Federal Progressive Conservative Associa- tion will hold their nomination meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 8 p.m.. at Westney Heights public art, Farde subscribes te several decor and art magazines, and attends home shows regularly. Farde says that she was motivated ta start up Winchester Art because abe feels that she bas a "knack' at decorating and coordinating colora, styles and the customer's taste. She had received several favorable commenta on ber decor in her own hi-,me and decided that a business*could possibly be bo)rne out of tbis intereat. Forde says "One print can look 10 different ways," and make or break the look of a room. Winchester Art Gallery bas no office as sucli but Farde can be çontacted for an appointmeiit in Pl . rq M PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMVENT HAS IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FOLLOWING PART-TIME POSITIONS; -ARENA/POOL MAINTENANCE ATTENDANT I ATTENDANT Il -A RENA/POOL MAINTENANCE HELPER CONC ESSION ASSISTANT CONC ESSION SERVERS RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMVENT AND AT THE- IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX. FOR MORE -INFORMATION CALL 668-7765.