PAGE 8, WHMTY PM~E PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1988 Studentopen s. shop with assistance of venture toan if. fi I4yrtle*Products, featuring the wood creations of Jerry Stachow Jr., has "opened shop" for the summner with the assistance of a student Summer Ventures loan. Stachow applied for the provincial loan to start bis own business builing picnic tables, benches and more. He also builds "to suit" anything the customner right request. He has even had inquiries about a quote on a Featuring the "Toronto look" in a small subu rban town is Hilltop Bakery, recently opened in thle Kendalwood. Plaza. With a selec- tion, similar to -that 'found, Toronto bakeries, owners Angela Boneham and Grace Dasberg offer everytbiing from muffins to cookies to gourmet pastries to a large variety of bread to fancy cakes. "We have new things almost every day, and we will make anything on request (with ad- vance notice)," Boneham says. The baked' goods are createdi daily by an "expert" scratch. baker, Murray -Forbes, and decorat;ed by his wife, Laura Forbes. "This business is composed of three teama of husbands and wives," Boneham says, with Ronnie Boneham and Jim Das- herg part of the "team". Formerly, Bonehami and Das- berg worked in real estate and the jewelery business. 'We wanted tob our own boss, wanted more out of life, and wanted a challenge," says Bone- ham referring to reasons for onenine the business. sundeck. For the last- two sunimers, Stachow worked for Wood Gundy in Toronto, employment-related to bis education in finance and accounting at Ryerson Polytech- nie Institute. "I wanted some different business experience, and I like to be my own boss," Stachow said. He enjoyb, designing wood products, and doesn't rule out "We have the very, very best baker and decorator and we have c ompetitive prices," she added. Hilltop.will do sait free bread upon request' (their bread is additive free), and other special dietary goodies are in the works for the near future. The bakery also operates as a deli, with a selection of deli meats. Boneham would like fans of ALF to know that, in addition to other. favourite character cakes, they will soon be niaking ALF cakes. For those interested in larger cakes, wedding. cakes, pastries etc., -for large gatherings, estimates are available. The Hfilltop Bakery is closed Monday, open Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesdayr to Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9 amr. to 5 p.m.. Outdoor Livinm DOUG BELCH Doug Belch of Kingston bas been appointed as inediator in ýontract negotiations between the Durham Board of Education and its secondary school 'teachers. continuing with the business when he is finished school. "'l could go back into the brokerage, or I could continue._ Pm keeping ail d( Stachow said. He feels that th program is an exceller loor opn,"andy"one th tecomde t tart e Ventues busness. You l*eat so rch ,nt rpgrýmabout so many things." Intn4dng9thdbTul ifeCub. The most difficuit ting will be imembeRig ail its henefits. Our new Total Life Club is unlike any other club. The benefits are so comprehensive, there isn't enoughi room to list them ail. Get instant cash at over 23,000 money machines across NrhAmerica, and pay no0 transaction fées at any Interac® or CircuitO ATM across Canada. *Savings on goods and services at major retailers. Prufit EveiiMooe =mYoueed! Now you can earn more interest than ever before. The TOTAL Account combines the benefits of many different accounts in one convenient package. Ask how the TOTAL Account can get you a one year free menibership in The Total Life Club. *Savings and extended warran- ties at leading national automotive specialists. *Discounts at major hotels and car rentai agencies. Until June 30, 1988, you'll get the Total Life Card FREE for 1lycar when you open a TOTAL Account with $1,000, or transfer your account Sô balance from another financial institution. * 'Minimum $1,000 balance must bc maintamned for 60 days ta qualify. Earnl even more interest on yu saviag vith theimprovedToa Money Market Accont. Now you can earn even more interest with our iniproved Money Market account. You'll earn high money market rates (based on 91-day Treasury Bills) plus you'il get the hiquidity of a savmngs account. .... And, as your balance in- creases, so does the Ameiam Excpress Tr-aveLlers Cheques U ANational victoria nid CM1ustcCoCmpanly your moriey eams even more. Plus, you'll get the convenience of making deposits or withdrawals at any of oui 150 branches nationwide. So, if you bave $10,000 or more to invest, corne in and- see how you can eamr more on your savings. /. WH ITBY - 352 Brock St. S. 666-1 800 or 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 e AJAX -Harwood Place Malil S. 683-7344 OSHAWA.32Slmcoe St. S. 723-5207 ,,A4 PICKERING- Pckering Su per Cent re, 831-6501OC JERRY STACHOW sits on one of the cedar benches he builds. Bakery features Toronto look .É.%