WHfl'Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMER 28, 1988, PAGE 15 Coca cmpais botsession open to -public When ie a public meeting net 'I an officiai public meeting? That. Was the question posed Monday night when representives of Coscan .Development Corp. appeared before Whitby council te complain about a Sept. 19 meeting, held by administrative committee, during' which ques- tions and commente were allow- ed froni the public. Lawyer Roderick MacDougali, representing Coscan, questioned why the meeting became public when it had solely been intended for an information session between committee mexnbers and Coscan. representatives. (The meeting, was held to jdiseuse the urban plan.- for Coscan's redevelopment of Whit- by's barber, a development that includes three 22-story buildings.) We, want te, confirm that what took place befere the admin- istrative, committee did not constitute a public meeting," said Macougali. Ceuncillor Gerry Emm,, chairman of the administrative' Awareness g roup alerts drivers As part Of a public education effort on what they perceive as the bazarde of transporting tritiated heavýy water from the Pickering nuclear plant, Durham. Nuclear Awareness last week displayed a banner on the Brock Rd/401 overpase te "alert drivers that they are travelling on a radioactive waste shipment route." Hydro received approval from the Atomic Energy Control Board for tritiated >heavy water transportation from the Pickering plant te the tritium removal facility at the Darlingten gener- ating station. The Bruce nuclear station will aIseo be shipping the tritium water in another 18 menthe. The tritiated water is produced in the beavy water of CANDU reactors, and Hydro will be re- moving the tritium and recycling the beavy water for further use in their nuclear plants. Durham Nuclear Awareness- * as propesed that separate tritium removal facilities be built * at the Pickering and Bruce nuclear stations te eliminate the need for sbipping the -radioactive water. The group is concemned that a leak of tritiated water from the transport casks could pose a serieus health hazard to those exposed. Durbam Nuclear Awareness atteste that tritium can be absor- bed tbrough tbe skin as tritiated .1 water or inhaled as a vapor. One five-bundredth. of a gramn of tritium (20 curies) je a fatal dose if ingested or absorbed, and t and Port Perry will donate half of their sales on Menday, Oct. 3 te :, the Salvation Army Food Bank. The stores, located at 850 Brock St. N. in Whitby and at 20 jWater St. in Port Perry, will be open 24 heurs on Mondai'- cemmittee, allowed public comment at the Sept. 19 meeting. The- Coscan information session was, however, not one of the public meetings scbeduled that night. On Monday, Emni said committee je an informai situa- tion. "When bande go up it je at the discretion of tbe chair (if be will allow questions)," said Emm. He later told The F'ree Press that he bad received, before Sept. 19, from staff a list that included the Coscan plan as one of a number of public meetings listed for Sept. 19. But on the agenda for-Sept. 19 it is net included as a public meeting but rather as one of the deputations. "Do you feel you were sandbagged?" asked councillor Marcel Brunelle of MacDougaîl. "Or blindsided," replied Mac- Dougaîl, who contended that had Coscan known ýthe meeting would be open te public questions, they would have bad better repre- sentation te respond te questions. "We would bave made a more intensive presentatien if it had been a public meeting," said MacDougaîl. He added that a public meeting could only be called wben Coscan made an application for a zoning bylaw. amendment or a site plan appro- val. Councillor Joe Bugelli then asked if the minutes of the meeting, wbich containblquestions fron members of tbe pub c ol be removed from tbe records. But Town clerk Don McKay said they could net, stating that tbe minutes are the record of what bappened at the meeting that night. SMaceougali was satisfled wben council affirmed that it would follow the procedures according to the -Planning Act when dealing with Coscan's development. If contact lenses are s0 small, why are INOVA's bags 50 bîg0? 19- Until October 15, when you buy contact lenses tram INOVA Optlclans, you get al this for just $14000: " Dally or extended weor soiffe A starter kit et evecare solutions lenses e A 30-day unconditionai, money " Ail prescriptions InciudlIng back guarontee astlgmatic lenses a A six-month INOVA Protection <excludlng bifocals) Plan against loss or damage " Ail ttting and tollow-up visits " Fee Sof Mate foshlon tint ta enhance the colour of your eyes) Only $140.00. Only from INOVA Opticlans. Exclusive ofatllother offers. Lc>cat ic>r: K<e ridcta Iwc>c>d Iarlk (K- NIa rt Mi«-% 11 1801I E>uruoa-*- t.E. E~h~r~:43.2 - 393« C~iazta INOVAI<J0P 1 1 E 1 A N S HITBY FREE PRESS (~(~KT~~Tin association 1988 PHOTO CO T S with Cullen Gardens & Miniature Village and ____ __Moi.__WHIT BY - . LOCATION THREE CATEGORIES c SCENIO/ARCHITECTURE- EVENTS/SPORTS - BABIES/PEOPLE Ct.flqeffg 1. The contest Is for amateur photographers orly. Empioyees of the Whttby Free Pross. Foto Masters (Koda~k), and Cuflen Gorders & Mi*aze ViDfage and thefr Immedbate famniles aie not etigibie to enfer. 2. Block-andI-whte or colour photographs are eigIbie. Prints must be at leasf 3 1/2 x 5 Negatives wil not be accepted as entries, 3. Entries must be recelved et fthe Whitby Fee Press by noon on Fr1ioy, Sept.. 30th/8&. 4. Petouched negotIves or photographs wl not be occepted 6. Any number of pictues may be entered. with contestanits nome, oddress. and phono number cieorty printed on bock Pleaso ener.auch photograph hdWviducly. Eoch entrant moy not win more thon ane prze. 6. Whitby Fiee Press, ond assocbDtes (sponsors) are not resporisible for ast or domoged negc#,es and pdinft. 7. Conent for pubicion should ho availoble from any Identifiable hdWMuadl h n ' entry. Such cornent moy ho requested ln wrttn 8. Winig entites outomatlcolly become the property of the Whitby Fiee Piem Non-wlrù,i entries moy ho pickod Lp et the Whitby Fee Piess office no later thon 5 pm. Fit. Oct. 28Wh88. Wlmners wilho amnounced October lst, 1988. 9. Przes must ho occepted as orrded (no cash sustitutes). AI pdzes must ho cotlected f rom the WNhy Fiee Pressrnokiter thon Oct. 28th/88. 10. AI entrant must occept and abbe by the above cortest rules If a picture taken at t BagCullen Gardens wins the rden easonScenié/Architecture category C p the winner receves a odacolor$1 0 Gtuce ap from WealI & Cullen exactly as iiiustratod. WHITBY FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST*ENTRY FORM i Photographers Name(please print) ............. ............... s Category ....................................................................................I .......e............................. .................... P h n Iub r.......................................................... 'i......................... .............................................................. Phon numer.................... ..............I *Your signature confirms your automatic acceptance with ail cantest ruies. PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE on the PROPOSED SHREDDER BYPRODUOT BERM Members of the public are invited to attend an open house with respect to the shredder byproduct bermn proposed by Lasco. Lasco staff and consultants wiIl be available to provide information and discuss: on'going studies wvith respect to hydrogeology, engineering, Iandscaping, and the natural and social environments the Environmental Assessment process that will be used ta evalutate the proposai -issues and concerns identified or raised by the public T-74Pc>p>ér hl.sG'iliIbG> heeIcI on Thursday, Oct. 20 / 88 at the Centennial Community Centre 416 Centre St. Whltby, Ont. from 2:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. For further informnation, please contact Mr. Ron Deeth, Project Manager, Shredder Byproduct I3ermn Project, Lasco. Whitby:- 668-8811 Toronto: 364-6136 (ext.) 732J ý Il 0000 1 -----------------