WHVI'Y FREE PRESS, Interiors SEPTEMBER 28, 1988, PAGE A7 Make your bath an expre'ssion 'of your personality Don t be discouragcd if your bath cring in deep coors... A floral, for suni, such as sail boats, barnyard crit- * If you are crazy about "country", against'those colors and patterns. docsn t measure Up 10 ail those luxu- exanmple, with bold spiashes of claret ters, pretty posies, and art deco geo- go with a calico-type or other small- ry pa tat ee t t, te ashonof red and hunter green. Add some an- metrics. Let one frame a window and print wallcovering. It is especially ef- * Plaids, stripes and geomnetrics of tys heay.Fo sii dote as h oo tique accessories, such as an ornate door or a tile wall and vanity, or use fective in under-the-eaves baths where a Southwestern persuasion are great stre Up F t e nttpi a la ch tA coat rack, a mlarble-topped wash- it to add architectural interest 10 a 100- it wilI inake an asset of such archiec- patterns for unisex baths. Accessorize matr fctetyi ne*edn' thn Ast a stand, and, of course, lots of ferns. Plain room. To do that, place the tural liabilities as slanted walls and with clean and trim mini-blinds, shut- lote of Wallcovering borders are a terrif- border wherever you might have used Bascnlsiktwlrcsa~ ters, and baskets. for ail marner 'of l'le trick is 10 work with your im- ic for quick spruce-ups. Today they modnssuhaaIcirallve decorative boxes will gleam richly bath paraphernalia. agination 10 dream up the sort of coîne with Most any motif under the or at the ceiling line. budget-priced, personal touches that ,..< . .~...... ~. < can make a bath a real beauty. So says hoie. fashion expert Kathy McCon- aughy of Pickhardt & Siebert USA,;. and hiere are sorte great ideas from \ýV lier skctch pad: --- --- *Think wallcoverings if you are saddled with the farniliar ola-time bath that Icatures white fixtures as wall. A wonderfuil print on the re- ilainder of those walls as well' as the cciling will chase away the chill of allI thut whîite. M 1 * Don't bc afraid of using strong color and pattcrn power ini the bath. This is, afler ail, a rooun where you ______ _____________________________ spcnd relativcly little tinie, so you are flot likcly* to gel tired of even a bold ~__________________ print or color. *Consider yourself lucky if your bath features onel of those old-fash- io,îcd lbotcd tubs. Play up its wiliim- %y witlî a Victorian-looking wallcov- It has often been saiby reors, i m a e s O '= a apr ocethatlie y eorsds,UTIM 1at1ufL*isigns tA.. for taxes, mortgages, warrantees, and the like. As people watch pennies re-crLt t e xlxK more, they want to keep dloser tabs JLq e t e m o on ail their "paperwork" ... in- ~. cludîng that which is kept at home.ofitLI2 .ile 5one lt's a hopeless task without a good -P J area to work in. And, that includes ------- a good area for filing as well as book- ~ keepin&. It used to be that people raid- S N P T ed office furniture stores for good, workable desks for home. But now, sL furniture companies have designed desks that are even better for use in today's living spaces. Ranging from super-sized to mod- 4 estly scaled, these home desks will fit v mbt ainiost any room, and came in A styles for almost any decor. E Heres te loica plae t orgni* your records and keep them right at hand. File drawers in the desk make - it easy. Other drawers can hold cal- ,: culators and other accessories that ' make record-keeping convenieflt.O FS RI P *. for a desk. One of the most attractive ON A GREAT SELECTION - places to position a desk is before a 0F IN-STOCK PATTERNS Use Shades Or Shutters ~ 4I IfIffD7I One idea is ho use shades or shut- dow, then ho fiank the area withff_____________________i nrbuilt-in bookcases. Al th 1651 Bayly St. W. Pickering 831-7747 * materials you'll need at your desk am (Just West of Brock Rd. at Bayly) <~~j then right at hand. If74 I* Cide' lyAc . . While you're aI il, choose a coin- I l Ai r Conditioned 'I 1K fortable chair that is perfect for desk Opn o. eL9306Tus.Fi-:0' a.9:05Z seating, perhaps one with a swivel Oe. o.-Wd :06Tus-r.93- a.93- base. And, consider your home office furniture a timeless investment... .be- ~ -- ~ ?i ~ \~,~ ~~O.'1~o- cause it's one modemn-day necessity Wl' ' r 4~ 4 ~ "~~4 Wc~~ Ç r~ ~ that you will use for years and years to coe. -i