PAGE. 2, WHMTY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, dà OBÉiR5"1988 Pam iIl Roller Centre A LL NIGHT SKA TE. COME' THE FUN ç' IX NO ONE was hurt in this accident into the path of 'a- second car onei her that occurred at Dunlop and Francis way into the hfMirae"Mart at ,Tôwne, St. last Friday when a driver turned plaza. ,..PrSpre hoo Fuli service postal outlet- open..: Friendly, Personal Service 24 Hours -7 days a week BACON CENTRE CHOPS [99iea. NSOE AEY3/m99 PUMPKIN PIE. LARGE BAG ELS PCOAOEE DETEREN SENIORS SAVE 10 % ON TUESDA YSI LOUTERY TICKETS AND TOBACCO PF40DUCTS NOT INCLUOED1 AVAII-ABIE AT EFFECT IV E Oct. 5 to 11 B--y Debbie Luchuk A full service postal outiet bas been opened in-Checkers Variety, in the Towne Plaza (Dundas St. W.), offering service from 9 a.m. te il p.m. Monday to Fridayand Your drive home wilI always be easy and fun when you join Mlike Leaver weekdays from 2 p.m to 7 p.m. 'Leave it to Leaver' and friends, Red Robinson with "Entertainnment Flashiback"; Paul Hlarvey with "Rest of the Story"; and many more enftertaining folks to make your rus h hour just a littie more enjoyable. from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays. SThe outiet opened last Fridlay, and owner Sandra Leesui said customers were pleased with" the convenience of being able to pick up mail and shop ail in- the same Election expenses Campaign expenses for Durham' Centre MPP Alan Furlong were $42,719 in the 1987 provincial election, according te the Commission on1 Electioýn Finances. In addition te Furlong, the Liberal candidate,- expenses were $37,887 for NDP candidate Sarab Kelly and' $34,922 for PC candidate Stephanie BaIl. Ail received a $9,370 subsidy. Green party candidate Harold Tausch spent $290.61, and received. no subsidv.< Furlong's income before subsidy, wbich includes funding from provincial $1Party organizations, was $09,202; Kelly's $63,752; Ball's $62,843; and Tausch's, $409. place. "'Custorners, ca n corne in and get everything, postal' service-and daily items, lottery. tickets ail in one place," Leesui said. Leesui heard- that Canada Post was lookcing for a store to take on: a postal., outiet and she applied' te Canada . Post - <to have it installed in ber store. The outlet otiers service in; English or, French, cail for service, lock boxes, Priority Post, special delivery,, money ,orders, staip colléttion and other services offered'. by a fuIl- post: office. <Canada Post is putting several of these outiets in stores acros the country, rnainly ini larger towns and cities. TIhe 5:35 '(flot alwa ys on time) "'Thought 0f The" Da y" w ilI keepyou 1. 1' feelingÉgrat *ailevening long. F or Durham » Region's BEST afternoon drive home, radio show, turn your. radio dial to CHOO 1390 AM weekdays between. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. for "The Drive Home Show" with Mike Leaver. Mike Leaver Weekdays 2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. RADIO 1390- Am DurhamfsVoice ... by Choice' Te Drive Home Show! WEST LYNDE* PLAZA Highway # 2 & Jeffery St. mý - mumumup mmmý