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Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1988, p. 34

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PAGE 94, WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1988 C~BUS FIRST AMERICA FUNANCI AL CORPORATION EARN $230,000+' PER YEAR individually or $807,500 with' 10 assoclates (est.) wîth North Amnerica's most excitlng business opportunity. We have attracted CA's, Iawyers, MBA's,. management executîves, salespeople, and others wflo own franchises. aBrand new Droduc wCLIENT beneflis substantlally ai no extra cosi *Procluci selis iseif when shown- *No comfp etilion Llmiied number of Marketing Rights TOTAL INVESTMVENT $20,000 For an Information package oel (416)368-0464 or -(416)941-9922 WHY work for someone else theirs of your life... when your work cani earn ot wership of your own profitable ~usiness ... If you are willing to work hard and follow a proven system, I amK willing to finance you into your own business. We would like you to talk to living examples of our success, people with the same background as you. For more information regarding your own LAWN CARIE Franchise cal collect (416) 336-3143 B OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds, of top paylng positions. Ail oc- cupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 1- 800-361-2461. B The NEW YOU Manufacturing Company. Canadian Made Toning Tables. Deal direct with factory, no dealer mark-up. Seven tables $27,500. Information supplied to st art and run new business. Remote stop and speed reduction. Accurate electronîc timers. 40 hour intensive training course. Written exam with Certificate of Achievement. Qualified training staff. Course designed after con- sulting with Chiropractors, Physio- therapists and Doctors. Box 197, Coldbrook Station, Nova Scotia, BOP iKO. 902-678-4110 after 6, 538-7588. B FOR SALE recently establîsfleo secondhand ladies' clothing store in central Whitby. Excellent terms and lease options. Phone 430-3420; evenings 668-7350. SMALL BUSINESS closing. Silk fîowers and plants. Ceramic containers. Ail new stock, haîf price. 47 Glen Hill Dr. (Anderson & Manning area, Whitby). Oct. 8 - 9 am to 4 pm. PRIME LOCATION in downtown Whltby. Formerîy a dancing studio, or use as office. Total space ap- proximately 2500 sq ft $1,200Imon- thly incîuding ail utilities. Phone after 5 p.m. 623-9247. RESTAURANT for sale, average $3,500 per'week. Owner retiring. Long lease. Caîl collect 737-4756 and ask for John. Estblihedin 978 jo serc assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Cour- se fee Income tax deductible 1-800- 265-0400. B WE TRAIN Truck Drivers, Job Sea- rch Assistance; highway, yard, class- room training; enrol now 1-800- 265-7173. Markeî Institute of Pro- fessional Transport Training, Guelph, Ontario. B TURN -THAT time on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meet new people and make new friends through auctioneerin g. Next class is October 15 ý- 22 nd Reg ister now, South- western Ontario School of Auct- ioneering, RR #5 Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7vg. (519> 53Ï-2115. B THE BIGGEST BANG for your buck!! Advertise locally. Phone668-61 11. BLANKET... To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the *Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario AIl Ontario AIl 1Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $120 for 25 words $250 for 25 words $718 for 25 words For f urther information please cal 1: 668-6111 A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types. steel and wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action& answers (416> 626-1794. Leave message or coîlect after 6 prn weekends. Ask for Wal,ly. Free brochures. B NOT MUCH MONEY, in a hurryl Steel Buildings every day low factory pices. Straightwalls & quonsets - ail models - fast delivery - beat the tal rush. Caîl Pioneer 1-800-668-5422, 24 hours. 'B iBUILDING SPECIAL CLEARANCE. 20 x 24 - $2t500., 24 x 24 - $2,800., 28 x 36 - $4,100., 32 x 36 - $4,500., 36 x 34 - $6,600., 40 x 60 - $8,300. Phone 985- 7930. PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL. 100 buildings. Many sîzes. Cal now for best selection. Miracle- Span 1-800- 668-5111. B BUILDINGS - SAVE thousands while steel supply Iasts., Fal clearance. We over-estimated and are clearing out excess stock. Al steel and wood-steeî types. Para- gon 24 hours 1-800-263-8499. B STEEL, BUILDINGS: Immediate Delivery. Examples 30x40 Straightwall $5, 110; 40x5O StraightWall $9,227; 70x8Ox24 Arch 'Bldg. 2-14x24 Slde Doors $18,000; 32x40x12 Steel Trus- ses,& Columns $5400; 40x6Oxl4 Steel Trusses & Columns $6,880. 5OxiOxiS Steel Trusses & .Columns $14,200. Sheeting avail. 30-28-24 guage, colours & Galvalume 1-800-387-2115, 1-41-858-2446. B -lst & 2nd's & 3rd's at-prime rate -Up to 90% finzincing -consolidation~ and problem mortgages rofinanced -~668-6805 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, Whitby, MONEY PROBLEMS ? Get out of debt quickly without going- bankrupt orý being garnisheedi Everyone accepted regardless of,* number of judgements or poorcredit rat ing. For free information cali: 430-1812 f8 TOTAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICES. Accurate and rellable service at com- petitive rates. Conf identiality assured. Phone 430-0313. SELLING VOUR HOUSE? Consider a blanket. ad. $120.00 puts an ad in 49 newspapers-In central Ontario 'arid reaches a circulat ion of 420 thousand people. Phone 668-6111. Be aBIG BROTH ER. Phone 579-2551. 7Peaecheck your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographiC errors in publication beyon.d the cost of the space oCcupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to cîaàsify or rejeet aIl advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA. cheque received before deadiine> $5 for 25 words; 12o each additionaî word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel)) Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel tor sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15ç, each additionaî word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNCEM ENTS 69ç per agate lune (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 bilted DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures. or graphics> Regular display rates appîy - 741s per agate line minimum size. 1 column inch -$10.36 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 CHOO is nominated. for,.award For the second time in as m any months, 0H00 Radio (1390 AM) has. received an industry nomin- ation citing the Durham Region station for excellence. The Canadian Association of Broadcasters, an association, rep- resenting more than 600 private radio and television broadcas ters, has announced 0H00 'as a finalist in the community service category for the 1988 Gold Ribbon Award of Excellence. The nomination recognizes 0H00 for its l'Christmas Light and Sound Show", fund-raising campaign in Dec. 1987. In August of this year, 0H00 was selected once of Canada's top five country "music radio stations by the Canadian Country Music Association. S"The nominations' reflect the stat.ion's strong commitment to progamming' and, the commun- ity, said 0H00 station manager Dave Hughes. 'We strive to be a leader in our industry and our efforts and dir- ections are now being recognized not only by our peers but by the positive cominents coming from our listeners and advertisers,' Hughes added. "In, this our 2lst -year 'of broad- casting in Durham Region, it appears only fittinig, that com- munity radio, and 'ini particular 0H01390 Abd, has, corne-of age," -said the station manager. The, overali winner of the 1988 Gold Ribbon Award will be an- nounced Tuesday, Nov. 8, at the 1988 COanadian Association of Broadcasters Conférence and Trade Show in Winnipeg, Manito- ba. High radon alprovine The Canadian Radon Detection Agency <ORDA) has statistics that show homes with high radon levels have been located in every province. Testatistics have been obtain- ed from an ongoing radon study the ORDA is conducting across Canada and from a little known, nation-wide study conducted by Health and Welfare Canada. The ORDA, based in Cayuga, Ont. is Canada"s center for radon information and assistance. The agency has provided homeowners across Canada with radon gas in- formation, radon test kits and as- sistance in inexpensive ways of reducing high radon levels. The' United States, United is being informned, and has recent- ly published a 16-page booklet containing detailed and import- ant radon gas information. This booklet was made available at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Anyone interested in obtaining the bookiet can do so by writing to: ORDA, Cayuga, Ontario NOA 1EO. To help cover postage and material costs, one dollar would be appreciated by is flot neces- sary. " Unimited market " YOU allocate your own lime, " Expert training " No Inventory " Minimal overhead " Not a'franchise or MLM ict

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