PAGE A2, WUYM RS,ýOn i'p roeén Metro East Home Show features home improvements A huge display of everything you need to make your home more liveable and more beautiful will be at the Metro East (Faîl) Home Show Nov. .2-5 at the Metro East Trade Centre. Four designer ooms will be on display to inspire the home- owner. Each room wxil teature furnishinge courtesy of various suppliers, including the Rattan and Wicker Furniture Centre of Pickering, the Fireplace Instal- lers of jax, Indo Persian Rug Co. andmiany more. Find out how you can add a YOUR 4TH ~- ANNUAL ~~I METRO EASTJ4V With a touch of Chrstmas NOVEMBER 2,3, 4,5, 1988 Aduit Admission ......$55.00 Seniors .....................4.00 Students (12-15)........... $a~0 Chidren (under 12)...FREE (if accompanled by an aduit) Womenfs Day (ail womnen) .. $4.00 q INTERIOR DESIGN AND DECORATING RECREATION ROOMS LARGE SELECTION 0F FURNITURE SOLARIUMS - SPAS -~KITCHENS & AHOM LIGHTING - HARDWARE FIXTURES & -ACCESSORIES RENOVATION IDEAS HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING WED,NOVEMBER 2 (Women's Day) 1200 Noon to 1k00 p.m. THURS, NOVEMBER 3 12:00 Noon to 10.00O p. m. FR1,NOVEMBER 4 12:00 Noon toi1 0.00 p. mI SAT., NOVEMBER 5 10.00aJTto 9:00 pJTh TUE EURO FUEL SA VEEi offers you SAVINGS COMFORT FUEL EFFICIENCY # Ae verage savings of 15% or more é 5 year unconditionaI wavanty on prodiict # Design for gas, propane equipment # Maintenance FREE once installed by Oerlified Gas Fitters after fuli inspection of furnace unit # Âpproved C.G.A. &OI.SA. # à andard Gas Furnaces, Unît 's ters Can*d*aj T enlg room te your home for a 'very reasonable cost by visiting lei- sure rooms. There will be a wide selection of wall decor from the limited edition prints at natural settings to a framed gold record of your choice at Picture This and That. For something really unique, check out Selective Rocks, wýhere' you can buy a decorative rock for *just about any room. Tired of Trivial Pursuit? Take a look at "Shootback » a new rame for the family at âhootback Fersina Window (Durham) has a very extensive selection of win- dows to let the sunshine into your home. R&R Windows and Doors offers Ile Patio Doors as well as a selection of brass and leaded panel and door lites. Decor Accents, located in Ajax, will help you put that finishing touch -on your house with a varietv of neat accent items. This year, the Metro East Fal Home Show will be participating in a Christmas ToyDrive with the cooperation of the United Way of Oshawa-Whitby-Newcas- tle and the United Way of Ajax- Pickering. There will be a gigantic Christ- mas tree located at the front of the feature aigle with an old sled to be filled with toys. Both the tree and the sled were donated If it's entertainmentý you're &RWnosadD rsi after, visit the Yamaha Music offering a special draw on Gallery at their booth for a fine Women s Day for a deluxe AC/ selection of musical instruments. DC portable refrigerator/warmer. There is a wide variety of TFiere will be a free draw by services offered at the Metro Precious Plates 'n Things for the East Home Show, including Aus- colector*plate "Dreams of Gloiy» tin Topper Chimney Sweeps mnc., which was autographed by th e Air Conditioning 2000, Brid- artist in person. lewood Heating and Air Con- Baker's Mate will offer a very ditioning, Molly Maid, Century special deal on aprons. 21 Briscoe Estates Ltd., Caledon J.W. (Wald and Zakarian) Fine Springs East Water, just to men- Jewelry will* offer a free draw for tion a few. a customn designed piece of Wednesday, Nov.2 has been jewelry at a retail value of designated as Women's Day. $1,000. Te first 500 women to enter Phil Dever at Durham Plumb- the show receive a carnation and ing and Tlle Centre Inc. will ail women attending that, day have some terrific draws at his will be admitted forthe special booth with the proceeds going to price of $4. the Toronto Sic k Childrens'flos- There will be a seminar pro- pital and the Ajax Pickering Hos- gram that day including semi- palbilding fund. Attendees nars on "Health and Beauty» by will 1 bebeligble te, win'a whirlpool Mary Kay Cosmetics, "Career in one draw, a «Houseful of Counsellin g" by Sheila Bell of Faucets" in another draw and a Durham Gollege, "Money Con- bathtub, toilet and pedestal sink cepts" bv Barbara Townrow in yet another draw. by Amherst Greenhouses of Claremont. Exhibitors have been encoura- ged to contribute a new unwrap- ped toy to the United Way and it is hoped the public will do the same. The toys will be distributed in the Oshawa region under the auspices of the Eastview Boys and Girls Club in their toy drive called "Gift at Christmas." John McCracken is the executive director there and can be rea- ched at 728-5121 or 728-5125. In Ajax-Pickering, the toys will be distributed under the aus'pices of Peter Beatteay who is the director of the Ma -Pickering United Way. He will be using the United Wa slogan for 1988 which is "The Way You Can Help The Most." Landscaping is -a valuable investment (NC)-If summer conjures an image of restful hours spent swinging on a ham- mock between two shady trees but the only veget ation growing on your prop- erty is a few tufts of grass, you may be considering a landscaping project this spring. Landscaping is not only soothing to the eye. It is an investment in your home. If you plan Iandscaping wisely, you can keep your home cooler in the sum- mer. cut winter heating costs, cut down on diii and mud that get tracked into bouse and grow fresh vegetables for less than you would pay at the supermarket. Generally, th ere are five things to in- clude in yourlandscaping project. Keep in mmnd that the fruits of your labour will flot show overnight. The development of a property takes time, usually, three or four years. Shape of. the ground: Take ad- vantage of natural features on your lot such as rock outcroppings, trees, and uneven grades. Surroundings: You may have a well-wooded area or a stunning view near your house. Plan your landscaping se il will not interfère with these fe'a- tures. Climate: Canadians like to make the most of the few short months of porch, place i! in a sunny spot. sheltered from the wind. Vegetable and flower gardens will thrive if planted in a south- ern exposure. The view: 'ne views from the win- dows, size of the house and the location of its doors wilI affect the way you plan your landscaping. The smaller the lot, the more important planning becomes, because every bit of space counts. Family: 'If you hiave children or pets,ýyour garden will probably be used mostly for themr to play in. Keep this in mind when planting flower beds or a vegetable garden. No matter how good the plan, it can- flot be implemented if the lot itself does flot carry away excess water. If the siope, or grade. is flot steep enough, water will run into the house or form puddles on the ground. Backfill can be placed against the founidation to create the desired slope. Home Show sponsors Toy Drive