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Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1988, p. 36

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PAGE A4, WH1TBY FREE PRESS, Home Improvements, NOVEMBER 2, 1988 E L HU I ~I MPROI M I NI1 Bathroom rugs adda "self indulgent". touch Remember when the perfect bath- room had the clinical sparicle of a hospi- tai? WeIi, sparkie is stili important, but, new it's turning up in baths designed with a littie self-indulgence in mind. If you want to, give yeur bathroom a more iuxurious look, but don't want to pull eut thc fixtures and start ail over, why not add decorative wall-to-walI carpeting or area bathrugs? Taking their cur from the fashion worid, bathrug manufacturers are showing how bo make a bathroomn beau- tiful without sacrificing comfort and practicaiity. As consumers have begun te ask for more elegance in their bathrooms, the miles about decorating tbemn have started to change. Pattems, both in bathrugs and tewels, are gaining on traditionai soiid colors. As aresult, the oldruie that bathrugs and toweis must be the same celer is being disfegarded, and coerdinating colors of pattemed fabrics are being used to brighten Up the room. Solid colors are aise changing. The bathmug best-sellers are appearing in many* different, new and exciting shades. Textures are also comling into vogue, with manufacturers mixing différent fibres and multicolored yarns to create a strong textured look. Bathrugs are aise used to alter the appearance of the size of the roem. if you have a small powder room of bath- room where to many colors would look busv or very bright colors would be ov er powering, try the tcxtured-loek rugi te give the room a more airy feel- ing. Because moisture is ever-present in the bathroom, be sure you check the fibre content carefully when shopping for bathrugs. The right bathrug wili go a long way toward making your bath- room the beautilul and comiortable oasis you want. Don't be le ft out i.n the cold without running water There are several steps you can take to prevent winter freeze.-ups of your home plumbing system. These are nci- ther complicated nor expensive, but can save you considerable money in pre- venting broken pipes and water dam- THEWAL P il:.gATI .eI EEM r age. There are three kinds of plumbing freezc.-ups: i. Suddcn brief and extreme cold snaps that affect one localized area in the house. 2. Full-seasonied exposure of a few pipes te sub-frcezing conditions. 3. Total bouse freeze.-up while unoccupied. Basic protective materials te help guard against freeze-ups include: caulking for small air leaks, insulation Solutiom., One of Uic most common preblems around the home is the leaicing or "mun- ning" toilet. Here are some of thec cer- mon probiems found in modem toiles and their easy solutions. Basic parts of a toillet * Fig. 1 shows the basic working parts of a toiiet tank. 1. Preventlng tank from over- fillng *If tank is higher than normal fi11 level, Uhc probiemr is usually in Uhc ballcock. *Shut off water supply. *Remove thumb screws A and B, thus making is pessible te ilift eut tbc float ai and valve plunger C. * Check washer, D, on end of valve piunger. Replace if worn. This usually wiil correct the overfiii probiem. * If thc tank continues te overfill after replacing the washer, check te make sure the operating lever at the end of thc float arm is functioning properiy. 2.1If tank fails te shut off *Continuous running aftcr flushing is oftcn caused by improper fitting ef Uic stopper bail, A, (Fig. 1), inte Uic valve seat. * To correct, check te sec if Uic stopper guide, C, <Fig. 1), is propcriy aligned with the valve seat. * If cerrecting the alignment does flot stop Uic water from running, cut off the water suppiy, remove Uic stopper bail, dlean with extra fine emery cioth and replace. * If clcaning Uic stopper bail stili dees net correct the prebiem, replace Uic stopper bail or Uic valve seat, or pcrhaps both. for pipes and exposed water tanks, heat cables or tape and antifree (for toilets and traps when bouse is unoccupied for long periods of time). Feel with your bands for cold air entering anywhere a pipe comes near an outside wall. Wberever you féec cold air you wiil need te plug with caulicing. If you intend to leave your home unoccupied for long periods of time, you may want te consider compliely draining yourpiurnbing system. Be sure to get proper infoirmation on how to do this correctiy. for a leaky -toillet 3. Iflwater continues to run through overflow tube *Lift the float arm, D, (Fig. 1), If this stops thc water flow, tbc trouble is probabiy in tbc float, E. * Remove the float. If thé float bal contains water, replace it. * If the float bail dees flot contain watcr, bend the float armisiightly downward. This wiIl lower the float bail and may stop tbc water from running. * If bcnding the float are downward docs net stop the water flow, tum off the water supply, remove the valve plunger, F, and replace the washer as previously described. *If replacing the washer dees net cor- rect the problem, it may be necessary to replace thc entire ballcock. Before you embark on any major repairs be sure te, check inside the toilet- water tank and sec if any of the parts are corroded and need repiacing. Hardware dealers carry a compiete line of replace- ment parts for ail modem plumbing iixtures. How iD orgaIMize a happy marnage. How to or0 ie2 summer dresses, 12 suits. 3 Sport jackets, 8 pis0 en's shoes and a large amount of underclothing, slacks, socks, sneakers. scarves, and shorts. Plus 2 tennis racquets and a 5 string banjo with 2 stings missing. TM C~LOSET FMR ADMITS WE MAKE HOUSE CALL. CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 80 THUCKSON ROAD S. THICKSON PLACE PLAZA WHITBY 430-1636 St»o Homkm-et Ma day fblY10 am taS6 Pmn TuMlaY & R"da9 m ta 9 Pmn- S3hwdaY 9 amt6 rn S XROLL.OUTS FOR DEEP PANTRY OR BASE CABNETS VERSATILE SrORAGE CUST@M VANITIES 7PENG TRASH PAILS DEP 18CUT SLJDING TOWEL BARS DE-P.ROLL-OLSoli LJrILrY ROIL-OUTS FOR POTS & PAN STORAGE 1 o Watch for the Grand Opening of our E m Coming Soon - Featu ring: * Extra Deep Upper Cabinets * Dowel Construction * Metal 1250 Hinges * 85 lb. Drawer lides ,@ Lfetime Warranty on ail Hardware WE MANUFACTURE A FULL LINE 0F QUALITY FINISHES e Melamine e High Pressure Laminates Do Wrap Doors e Lacquer Finish lid Oak Expanded Showroomi VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 686m2211 4-955 BROCK RD. S, PICKERING --m i 1 ýq

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