WHITBY FREE PRESS, Durham Moyeu, NOVMMER 9, 1988, PAGE A6 Nissan 240SX offers By Alex Law These days the new car busi- ness is a brutal gaine. Unless you turn over your entire line of cars every five years, it's almost im- possible te k eep up with the coin- petition. There are, of course, those exceptional cars which will stay popular with a large group of people no matter how antiquated their design and technology. Mus- tang is such a car. Nissan's 200SX was not such a car. It was a fine car, and StUR is if you're looking for a sporty car bargain at your neighborhood' Nissan cleaier. Bt u against its competition it plainly paled. So the people who think of Nissan warmly as a sporty car manufacturer (thanks te t~he Datsun 240ZX and its suc- cessors) were waiting for sorne- thin better. metor- eh, sporty fans, me oe thing better - the Nissan 240SX First off, it should be noted that this is not a makeover but make it up. As in from scratch, which in this case probably cornes from the physical act of scratch- ing ones head in puzzlement, but Performance at medi umprice i couici be wrong neutral handling' format because it oflers an .icteai Somewhere ne ar the front of Nissan, clearfy mes some ad- combination of sporting power, the creative procsss it was decid- vantage in this driveline layout, responsveness and efficiency. " ed that the 240SX had to have since it points out that the 240SK Nissan further dlaims that the rear-wheel-drive. This was an in- is "the only Japanese-built rear- engins is li hter but just as teresting decision, inasmuch as it wheel drive sportscar in the nud- powerful as 'more sophisticated shows that Nissan is dead serious range price category. If that or larger alternative, engines." about having this car taken very seriouély. The theory is that rear- wheel-drive cars handie better under duress, which is another ~~<# Car Guy's way of saying "while speeding." Nissan says rear-drive....~ was chosen because it "allowed well-balanced front to rear weîght distribution, and comfortably OPENING Sumoco's first "unstop» for "one-stop shopping," offer al in Canada, at Thickson Rd. S. in fuel types (both funi and self-serve), Whitby on Saturday, were (from left) a convemience store and car wash. Sunoco real estate manager Bob The Whitby station is expected to Doran; vice president of retail mar.- rovide six million litres of fuel a keting for Sunoco in Canada, John ~Daigacodt h pn Manion; Whitby site manager Dave ig ear rmones cwasanasoteoeno Fitzp atrick; territory manager icarctes blw).a asrmto George Jacobs; and district manager hrces(lo) John M1inardi. Sunstops, designed Free Prou. photo sesins like an incredibly narrow ledge upon which to rest a cars lins, you are net aware of the realities of niche marketing. If it was good enough, you could do well selling a mid-priced Japan- ese sportscar that had the gear- shift lever on the floor by the dri- ver's left hand. The 240SX'Cs rear wheels are turned by power supplied by a 2.4-litre, SOHC, 12-valve, EFI four that produces 140 hp at 5600 rprn. Nissan says it went with this'"relatively simple powerplant Nissan speaks the truth. I had a fastback 240SK for a while recently (there's also a coupe), and I arn here te tell you that it loves te run. It loves to run in the city and it loves to run on the highway. I even had a chance to do a few laps in oe on a racetrack near Belleville, and I can tell you it really loves to mun there. Along with the fact that it's fast, the 240SX handies extreme- ;SEE PAGE A6 r'THIS YEAR LET T.HE MASTERS WINTER PROOF YOUR CAR RUST PROTECTION * 100% coverage means peace STARTS AT of mind * Our evclusive, clear formula stays O f PABIfon car, won't drip off, wont wash.$8 SPLASi, * Full repair warranty on most usedGU R GUARD cars, lifetime warranty on new UR Protects carpet and cars HOOtheties. Protec upholstery from DECK thIie. rtc slush and damaging LIDS£ HEA DL IGHTff lower portions ol sait deposits DO ASSENMLY your car from sa 0 TAILLIGHT 2PANELS BUMPER and sait abrasior ASSEKMLY ~r/-TO BODY 7 decorator coloi $6500 I4D R ROCKER WHEEL 40u RIOR PANELS DOG POSTS PANELS FENDER WELLS$40 INTERIOR LEGS SUPPORT CLEANING UNDERSIDE AREAS SOUND Carpet and DEADENEI shampooReduces roî * etaiingi Power applied acrylic glaze STARIS AT nieut THE - o a wax, wWl not fade ad SHINE 5 year guarantee ~3 and n1. Drs. 365 BLOOR'ST aWB qOSHAWA 436m718-'M-