WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEgDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1989, PAGE 3 Approval expected for Henry-Burns four-way ,stop . Durham Region council 18 expected ta give approval to a four-way stop sign at Henry and Burns St. today (Wedriesday, Feb. 8). The stop signs were recoin- mended by works committee after a report indicated there were il acciîdents at the intersec- tion duriniz 1988. "'It is affticipated that with the opening of the GO train station, traffic volumes at this intersec- tion will increase ta the point where signais will be warranted. A further signai warrant study is scheduled for the spring of 1989,» stated a works department report. Works committee bas recoin- mended that Durham Region should spend $13.7 million -on roads and trafflic signIais in 1989. But works commissioner Bill Twelvetrees feels the arnount is not enough. On Wednesday last week, com- mittee gaye approval ta, the budget which shows a 1&3-per cent increase over last year's budget of $11.8 million. «We are not spending enough Muicipal control of security opposed Ube Durham Region Police Commission is fighting against proposed provincial legi a ion shifting responsibility fori court- bouse security ta municipal police forces fr oi the Province. The move would cost Durham Re.gion $2 million a year, accord- ingý ta figures provided by the* 0Oni Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP> "We are definitely opposed ta that," said police commission chairman and Whitby mayor Bob Attersley. He said $2 million bas not been included in the force's $38.2 million budget for 19)89. «Anid that will affect the tax- payers directly,» said teilyo the addtionalcost. Atrlyo He could not. give an estimate as ta, how manly officers wouid ho reqied for »security but he noted that they would have ta be first class constables. Attersiey said Durham would be fighting the legislation in association with the OACP. .The legislation is expected ta, have approval in prînciple before the legisiature ajouns. A com- mîttee of the legisiature is thon scheduied ta study the ramifica- tions of the bill. STEPHIANIE BAIL, of the local- chapter of the Hleart and Stroke Foundation, is hel-ped during flag-raising for February, Heart and Stroke Month, by Mayor Bob Attersley at the municipal building. Free Pross photo ZSecurity. is now performed by either police offlIcers from local forces or. sherifl's officers and paid for by the Province. The costs ta, other municipali- ties, according ta, the chief's asso- ciation, would be $1.1 million for York Region, $570,000 for Peel Mein 36,000 for Barrie and $250,000 for Cobourg. on roacis. xou (council) are pre- sidinq over a road system that is deteriorating," said Twelvetrees as he presented the budget ta works committee. He noted that the budget con- tains $1 million for resurfacing roads while $8 million is needed. Also included in the budget is $35 million ta connect Taunton Rd. and Steeles Ave. Durham bas set aside the money over the next three years ta complete the project. But councillors were warned that if the Province does not cantribute ta Taunton-Steeles praject, the Region will not be able ta afford it. "If we dont'tget provincial funding then this project is dead in the water,» said regional chairman Gary Herrema. Plans for road construction in Whitby include: * $3.1i million for widening Thickson Rd. ta five lanes from Crawforth St. ta Rossiand Rd. The work is scheduled over a two-year period: * $2.8-inillion ta widen Ross- land Rd., to, five lanes, from Hwy 12 (Brock St. N. ) to Cochrane. The work is scheduled ovýer a three-year period; * -A left turn lane at the intersection of Taunton and Thickson for eastiwest traffic and a northbound rigbt turn lane at the intersection of Hopkins and Burns. (No costs availà ble). The works committee has also recommended traffic lights for the -intersection at Victoria St. and LakeridgeRd. (Durham Rd. 23). The committee will be reviewing the warrants for iights at,Rossiand and Garden Sts. and Hopkins and Burns. GRAND OPENING Ea a Aà auzml * (HUosE FROI e0 MER 8 %1IILII0NGIASMES 1EU 3.000 HAKIM F.ýSHIO.N FItM1liS 0e WCIDENTL Gi ARVTEIi *ENIERGENCI SERI ICE <:ERTIFI(: TE %G.ilNST *EIE EV-IINITIONS H AI BRE WkGE GBNDOPENINGWHITBY 114 DUNDAS ST. E. <P-ér, s.) 430-0349 ""'->FR1)u. f 9 'il f r (ce 1-em -on C. j