PAGE 30, WIMBtY 1Mk; ~PitLbb, WhI£wt,-ïmAy, Ai'i<UL 5, 1989 OKAHN COUNTRY UTOS --every Wednesday at 620 p.m. located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of l-wy. #401 (exit: #"99. Featuring ever Wed. an excellent selection 0f nt us fine -furniture, c ne, collectabtes, glastivs, and the unusuats. So join us every Wed. and participate ln one of Ontario's- "Truen Auctions with. no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment' & estate seiling ou r specialty. Cai us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)683-0041 Large Restaurant Equlpment & Supplies Auction WED., APRIL 12 - 10:30 A.M.« Orval MoLoan Auction Conter LINDSAY Property of BAYSHORE RES- TAURANT, Port Perry and others. Broaster pressure f ryer, Hottymatic 200 mneat pattie machine & dies; Taylor mitk shako & soft ice creamn machine; Garland fryer (2 tubs); Taylor food warmer, fat tender filter machine; Bun-0-Matic coffee maker; tart & Pie dough press; upright cooting display unit; Twin Jetspray 2-compatment breader & broaster; bar stoots & restaurant chairs; miik dispenser; Schaefer upight freezer (57" wide); eiectric bambeque; Btodgett convection aven; gas steamn table; eiectric doughnut machine; Canada scates; pizza oven; soup warmer; two-post mix heads; Corneius pop cooter; soda pop maker; Moffatt auto lift plate & pan machine; cooler disptay unit; Hlobart slicer; Garland convection oven; proofer; gas food warmer; 30 qt. mixer; chop suey range; 4' and 6' disptay cases; staintess steel shetves; 3 Moffatt commercial ovens; Btakeslee com- mercial dishwasher; 2 Hussman 8' cooters; freezer meat disptay cases; meat hooks & saw; f rozen yogourt mixer, carmel corn dis- penser; Savory auto rotary toaster; Garland propane deep fryer; stain- tess steel steam table top. Large quantity of equipment plus targe quantity inctuding case lots of new gliasses & smaltwames. Some equipment only 3 months old. No RESERVE. BUSINESS CLOSED - OPEN AT 9:00 A.M. - SALE 10:30 SHARP. Phono for fiyer or Information 705-324-2783. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTtONS Barry McLean Auctloneer GOtNG OUT-OF-BUSINESS AUCTION THURS., APRIL 20 - 10:00 A.M. at Ward Machine & Weîdlng CLAREMONT Complete shop equipment, toots, inctuding wetders, lathes, mitling machine, 75-ton hydraulic press, dritl press, metal-roller, brake, etc. Int. 275 diesel tractor with hy- drautic loader & rear fork lift, 784 Chev. 4 x 4 with plow. Phone for flyer or see list April lth. ORVAL MCLEAN ACIN Barry McLean Auctionoer ý324-278S CAT needs ioving'- home with backyard. Prefer no children. Cai 666-3104. AUCTION SALE Orval McLean Auction Conter 1 Lindsay Thursday, Aprit 6 - 6-30 p.m. Property of MRS. M. SARGEANT, Bond St., Lindsay (giving up housekeeping) & others. Furniture, appliances, some antiques, Kirby vacuum (ike new>, colonial & modern chesterfietds, pressback chair, single & doubte cont. bed (like new), parlour table, dressers, chests, recliner, modemn buffet hutch' wainut phone stand, coffee & - end tabtes, rugs, wall unit, Ketvinator side-by-side refriger- ator-freezer, f rost-free G.E. refrig., green setf-ctean etectric stove, good auto washer & dryer, consote TV, treadte sewing -machine, wardrobe,. lamps, chrome set, fireplace, stereo, large quantity of glass, china,etc. 6:30 p.m. sharp. No reserve. To tist your sale, catI: ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTtONS 324-2783 ORVAL OR BARRY MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS Household & Antique, Tool & Handyman Auction Sale SAT., APRIL 8 - 5:-00 P.M. Pethicks Auctlon Barn Haydon 10 mtles northoast of Oshawa Port Perry household, Whitby estate, Courtice estate & others, hightighted by 'walnut dining-room suite, wicker settee set, pine pos- ter bed, dresser, chests, vanities, washer, dryem, freezer, refrigerator, lots of antiques & cottectabtes& much more. Large assort ment of new & used tools, drill press, power hacksaw, tool box, air toots, impact tools, lawn mower, chainsaws, rota-tiller, estate vehicte - 1979 Plymouth Horizon, 1982 Ford window van, 1983 GMC S10 pickup, 1976 GMC 1-ton dump truck. Lots of other tools. A UC TION STA RTS 5:00 P.M. Regular Saturday Evonîng Auctton - 6:30 p.m. 'THE1 FRIENDLY AUCTION'I STEVE LIPTAY GARRY POWELL 263-8710 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., APRIL 7 - 6:00 P.M. The estate of the tate MRS. JESSIE HALL of Lornevitte. Antique dresser and matching washstands, pine chests-of- draw- ers, Weber upright piano and stoot, wicker settee, watnut hall table, oak buffet, 6 oak dining- roomn chairs, antique dressers, fIat- to-watt cupboard, partial toitet sets, ca-oit tamps, quantity of linens, doilies, cracks, picture trames, china & glass, primitive & cottectable items. DON,'CORNEIL ACINE RA L#13 lletIe (705)786-2183 NICE* -LOT -Approximatety one-t hird acre adjacent ta wooded area, cks9' ta park and shopping, towâ walter,- permits avaitabe.tin Colbori*ý about 45 minutes from Oshawa. -Private. $18,900. '-286- 2477..,4 WHITBY - 4-bedroom executive home, 2,634 square feet, 2-V2 baths, ceramics, skyiight, plus many more upgraded features. OPEN HOUSE: Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. $284,900. 35 Enniscare Place, off of Fallingbrook. 430-2286. WHITBY - roommate wanted. 2-bedroom apartment to share. $495.00 per month. Non-smoker. Avaitable April lst. Cati 683-2180 before 9:00 p.m. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RIENT . Close ta downtown Whitby, $85.00 a week. First and last required. Female preferred. CatI 430-3280. WHITBY - Furnished room in new home, own bathroom and parking. Mature woman preferred. Non- smoker. $100.00 weekly. Phone 430-6332. FARMERS WANTED - who are paying too much tax or who are not using alitthe tax breaks avaitable. When we prepare your tax return, you'lteceive every break coming to you. You'tt pay the teast tax possible. Home appointments available nowt Caît toll-fmee: 1-800-265-1002. F.B.C. - your farm tax experts for 36 yearst WHtTBY - 4-bodmoom doutile garage, 2-V2 bath, upgrades. neutrat decor. Open house Sundays t:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - 53 Bentonwood Crescent off* Fallingbrook. Owner 668-2243. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT - east of Orono, 4th or 5th con- cession line, 7 km. east Hwy. 35/115. Seasonat campgraund, beautif ut. $732.00. 1-786-2562. CANAL CRUISES on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway & Rideau Canai aboard Kawartha Voyageur; private staterooms; ail meals; free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. B ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CRUIS- ING. Join us this year for a wonderul 3- or 5- night cruise ,board Canada's ologant Canadian Empross. Visit romantic citios, the world-farnous 10O0Islands. the remarkabl. International Seaway and locks, UpprCanada Village and more. ma-A-Brochure ttil- fres 1-800-267-7868, B SHAKE, THE WINTER BLUES and ent our 22-foot motor home. Not _only off-wason' rates but cash-back bonus as weIl. Phone 666-3776. BIRTH CONTROL and, famlly planning counselting.* Free and confidentiai, avaltable Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clnlc every Thursday 3:00 pan. ta 6:00 p.m. For further Information, cait '420-8781 or 433-8901. WOMEN in abusive retationships. For help cati the DENISE HOUSE for women and chitdren. Toit free 1-800-263-3725 or* 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerty Auberge). LADIES FASTBALL. Pitcher and ptayers, 21 years and otder, needed for local team. Two nights per week. Cati Caroty'n, 668-1405. SHAPE Up for sumnmer with Herbai Nutitionat Weight Loss Program for 30 days from as tittte as $89.00. Resufts guaranteed. Cait Fay, 430-8096. The one you love wants you toi BAHA'l FAITH. Love is heaven's kindty tight, the Hoty Spirit's eternat breath that vivifieth the human soul. Cati 668-8665. RIDE NEEDED for otder* gentle- man from Michael Boulevard (Whitby) to G.M. Gate #2, tA" Body - #1 nightshift. Will pay reasonabte rate. Please cati 668- 9226. REUABLE CANADIAN *and Oriental ladies (ail ages) seek housekeeping opportunity,' ex- change for shared accommoda- tion, new locations, compan- ionship, etc. Request further information (604)547-2020 any- time (7 days). B LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHT. ARTHUR, MURRAY DANCE STUDIO (singles and couples welcome). Phone 430-0014. PLAYER PIANOS AND PI- ANOS, pump organs, recon- ditioning specialists, tuning, re- finishing, keys recovered, pianos for sale. PIANO & KEYBOARD SERVICES, 885-6440, PORT HO0P E. Se e th e Yeio w Pagqes. LADIES FASTBALL C.LUB, lking for a ctcher and othèr e ayrs for competitive fastball us. If interosted, ploaseai are at 728-2973 after 9:00 p. orKim et 430-2830 altor 6OO0pmi. WANTED - Small camper/trai!pr and aluminum boat and motor or a small summer cottage for reliiele ' pensioner. Phone 723-9269.1 FRESH ON THE MAIIKT Look no further - we've just listed an exceptional 4 bedroom, ail clay brick Tormina home in one of Witby's nost prestiglous locations. The home features full ceraniic in the foyer, vestibule, laundry & 2 pc., a huge 20'10" x 12' kitchen plus separate dining and an 18' family room with brick fireplace (heailator & fans). Other quality appointrnents include 2-5 pc. baths (ensuite has step -up roman tub & separate ceraniic shower), skylight, 2 x 6 conistruction (R20) & casernent windows throughout. The lot- is pie-shaped offering and excellent oversized rear yard. -Priced at $299,900O. Jack Grant, Broker, 668-4000. 9: mal ;tl Ë