'89 agenda for CARA includes land use, Lasco b3erm By Debbie Luchuk On the agenda for the Corridor Area Ratepayors Association for 1989 are improved communica- tion, working for btter land use standards for the town, and work and research te, ensure that the Lasco Steel horm doos not pose a throat te the environmont. The association met Iast Wed- nosday night for the annual elec- tion of officers and to discuss current and future issues. Pat JJooley was returned as the president; Ralph* Blank returnied as vice president and director of environmental issues; Joan Pilnick as second vice pre- sident; Marg Frguson elected as secretary; and Mary McEachern elected to the position of trea- surer. 10 TANNUNG SESSIONS - $45. Facial & Manicure only $37,00 Fiberglass Nails - 10% Off Pedicures - Waxîng Eyelash and Eyebro w Tînt Gift Certificates Avaflable Cai For An Appoîntment Today Whitby Mal e Thickson Rd. & Hwy. 2 j Dooley saié' the problem of communicating with corridor area residents should ho allovia- ted by a grant of $3,500, if the provincial govermient approves cho application for funding. «Two big problemns are coming up: one should be the-eradication of building standards in the town. This removes any protec- tion for anyone in the town,» Dooley said. .The group is concerned about condominium development on residential lands inadequate for such development. «I am annoyed that the com- mittee of adjustment, has no standard te work by in the bylaw. This is exactlywhat hap- pened in Oshawa and Nax and t's loin to happen here. Blank idantified the other «problein,» the Lasco berm. 'TMe herm continues to grow, and we'vo been called to have a xnember on the public liaison committee at Lasco. There is a representative froin the Region of Durhamn, froin the Townof Whitby, from the Ministry of the Environment, the Thickson's Point ratepayers as well." Blank said that he will repre- sent the group provided that his involvement with the committee does not interfero with "inter- venor" funding. ýIntervenor fund- ing is given by the provincial government to assiet citizens' OsAWA EU! MARKET THE PLACE TO SHOP FOR BARGAINS Established since 1981, The Oshawa Flea Market is still going strong. Open each Sunday, The Oshawa Flea Market is the place to find bargains! From deli meat to hardware, we've got it ail. Bring the family because with more than 100 booths, we've got something for everyone! DROP IN AND VISIT ANY SUNDAY 9:00 8,M, to 4:30 Puma 727 Wilson Road South <Two Blocks South of Bloor) FREE PARKING 436-1330 FREE ADMISSION groups to present their case or argur.icint fh environme2ltal issues.) Blank indicated that citizens should ho concerned about the pollution of drinking water by leachate fromn the borin in *the future. Ire alleged that there would not ho any insurance to force Lasco to clean up any such environinental catastrophe, only a bond., The next meeting of the Cor- ridor Area Ratepayers group will be held Wednesday, May 3,, 7:3( mJ. at the WVhitby municipal. Bike ride for Cancer, on May6C The annual 'Bike Ride for Can- cer' will be held by Whitby' Kiwanis at CentennialPak Saturday, May 6, starting at 10 a.m. Many prizes are available,' while Miracle Food Mart (ToWn Plaza) is providing free hot dogs and pop. Kiwanis, St. John Ambulance and Durham Regional Police will patrol the route of the ride. Sponsor sheets are available at local stores, schools and banks. For more information caîl 427- 5655 or 434-6899.